Rendezvous on the roof

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Obi prospective your saying good by? To prince raj for the night

"Thank you for showing me the green house today" the miss thanks "your welcome and pleas feel free to go back as much as you want when you have the time" raj say's before walking away "oh prince raj?" The miss asks and he turns around "I'll um I'll see you tomorrow" miss smiles "indeed" the prince says walking off "you two ready to go back you must be pretty exhausted after today's little adventure" I say and they both nod walking to the room's

Mean while in the castle zen's prospective-ish

"Zen" kiki says walking into my office "we received a report that the boy kazuki has been sighted" she says "he has?" I question "yes but unfortunately... mihaya has disappeared for the grounds of the castle"
I kick the door open "your earlier than I expected nice to see you" Mihaya say's "spare me there's nothing 'nice' about the wild goose chase you took us on although your audacity is impressive did you actually believe we wouldn't be able to track you down agin? Perhaps we should have kept you on a leash" I say "now that you mention it I could have used a leash last night if I'd had one I might have been able to bring that little brat back here and save you some work" he says as I sit down "another disappointment how did he escape your clutches?" I ask "I uh... I almost had him but then one of his friends showed up with some new information he know's were they are he said shiriuki and (u) we're in tandarun so they left to go fine them" he says and I jump out of my chair "DID THE INFORMATION INCLUD THAT THEY WERE STAYING IN THE CASTLE!?!" I ask "I... yes" he says and my eye's widen 'this can't be good'

Mean while Obi prospective you guy's are back at your room's it's almost midnight

I sit up groaning 'ugh! I can't sleep!' I think looking around the room for something to do when I see someone standing on the balcony I pick up my knife and walk towards the figure but when I get close enough to see I relize it's just (u) "oh it's just you what are you doing out here? It's pretty late don't you think?" I ask walking next to her "the stars are pretty huh?" I ask "Yeah....... they are" she says looking up at the sky "hay (u)?" I call "yes?" She questions "can I see your hand?" I ask "wh-wha! Why would you want that!?" She asks blushing hiding her hands behind her back "just show me your hand" I sigh but she just pout's glaring at me shaking her head no "*sigh* princess pleas?" I ask and her eye's soften "fine" she sigh's opening her hands showing me the cut's her nail's have dug into her palms "you know you really half to stop doing this" I say digging threw my pocket "what do you mean?" She pout's "you know what I mean don't act like this doesn't happen often I can see the scars on your hand and iv seen you clench your fists so hard your hands bleed" I say taking some bandages out of my pocket "you need to quit it your gonna scar your self" I say wrapping her hand "it doesn't mater I really don't care about it it's-" "but I do!.... I care about it" I say and her eye's widen turning a soft yellow "hmph!....... thanks Obi" she smiles "any way really why are you out here? It's not safe you know there are people after you" I say "I don't think you get it Obi there are always people after me always have been always will be" she says stairing at her hand "what do you-" "never mind it doesn't matter your right it's pretty late I should go to bed" she smiles walking to the door to her and the misses room "night Obi" she says before going inside '*sigh* she has so many secrets' I think walking back into my room holding my hand up in the air above my face 'I'll protect her no matter what'
(I actually do the same thing I have a tendency to scar my self it's not really on purpose I just do)

(U) prospective the next morning some gaurds are escorting you red and a not so pleased Obi to the prince who's apparently in the library

"There's a buzz in the air" red says looking at some solider's gossiping "that so?" Obi yawns not very interested  "pleas go in the prince  awaits you" the gaurd says opening the door's to the library "thank you for showing us the way" red says walking in and the door's close behind us "look at the size of this place" Obi says looking around the HUGE library the size of at least four big houses "wow it's ginormous!" I say spinning around looking at all the book's honesty I could care less about the book's I just really wanna climb the shelves but unfortunately that would be 'improper' "incredible" red comments "I admit I'm impressed but why have us meet here?" Obi asks "prince raj are you hiding somewhere in here?" Red asks looking around for the prince "look up hello shiriuki" we hear his voice says and we look up to see him on the second story holding a book 'heh! I bet that's the first time he's ever red one of those paper squares' I think trying not to laugh we walk up to the second story going up some stairs and walking over to the prince

Obi x reader 'my princess'Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon