Night mere

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Obi prospective

"Hey!" I yell up to the guy ahead of me impatiently "we're almost there" he says and then some guy's on horse back arive on the cliff above And I glare as we make our way over to the group and the guy who kidnapped (u) and the miss explains the situation to a guy who apears to be there leader "according to itoya's account of the ordeal the claw left there mark at the scene of the disappearance they most likely tracked down kazuki and took him back to the ship along with the red head" he says "it's not just the red head! my partner was also taken" I glare "apologizes the girls CONTACT OUR MEN IN THE VILLAGE AND PREPARE THE SHIP! WERE GOING AFTER THE CLAW!" He yells to some of his guy's and they all head out "what about you?" The gut. Itoya asks the leader "there's somthing that I want to look into I'll need your help" he says as I watch the sky "you over there! Itoya informed me who you'v been working for do you intend to tell the prince about our operations?" He asks me "that isn't important all you need to know is I'm not gonna let you out of my sight until I get the girls back" I hiss

(U) prospective you guy's were tied up and your on the deck of the boat

Umihebi continually whips the two guy's I knocked out earlier until there black and blue blood dripping down there faces kazuki glares at umihebi while red looks away as she finishes beating them "you never change" i scoff "hmm! You still remember how that feels don't you? The whip cracking at contact with your skin? Don't you (u)?...... if not I could always remind you" she says "they both have internal bleeding the one farthest from us is hyperventilating witch is a bad-" "red shut the hell up your gonna get your self killed just sit there and stay quiet!" I glare "oh?~ so you know a thing or to about Medicine my pet?" Umihebi ask's lifting red's chin up with the whip "umihebi if you even think about hurting her I'll rip that smirk of your face and kill you were you stand" I glare sending shivers down most the guy's spines "hmm? Arnt you a tryin to be a hero? Don't you remember? Villains can never bring anything good remember what happened last time you tried to save your friends?" She ask's I stay silent and she whips my face "ANSWER ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU GIRL!" She yells "....." "tch! put her and the boy underwater on ropes!" She yells

Mean while Obi prospective

I continue to follow the two guy's ahead of me on horse back 'where is she?.... will she be ok?... what if she does something stupid?... what if-' suddenly I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the call of a frimilyar bird I look up and see popo I Immediately stop my horse and the guys ahead of me stop asking "why'd you stop?" But just then the master appears on a horse "who is that?!" (u)'s kidnapper asks "there you are.... Obi" zen says as I get of my horse kneeling "I failed to protect them I'm sorry" I say and zen hits me on the head "ha ha! I'm sorry too! That hit was from Kiki and mittsuheday! and what's with that weird voice your uesing anyway? You'll scare people if you don't knock that off" he says "you mean (u)?" I ask still bowing "no you idiot I mean Ryu" he says "hm! I guess your right" I say "'I'm leaving and taking the package for shiriuki from prince zen' you could've given more details but it was helpful and it worked" zen says as i stand up "good" I say holding up the whistle that popo used to find me and zen approaches the two lions of the mountain guy's and asks them as to why they took red and (u) "we were a bit to ruff with them I'm sorry for that I can tell you and your companion are close to the girls that you care" the chief says "yes I care very much about the red head I will save her and my companion is very close to the (hair color) girl we will get them back safely" zen says
Time skip Obi and the others just arived at the town the boat your on is at

"Prince zen I have a proposal that I think could work" kiki says

(U) prospective

"27 28 29 30 3-" "YOUR GOING TO KILL HIM PLEASE STOP YOU DONT HALF TO-" before red finishes her sentence I cover her mouth "Would you shut up! This isn't like back at the caste! it's the real world out here so it's your life or his don't be stupid and get your self killed just to make them stop drowning him! You keep your mouth shut unless I say otherwise unless you have a death wish!" I say as they hoist kazuki up back onto the ship and red stay's silent 'I wish I didn't half to yell at her but she doesn't get it one wrong move out here and your dead' I think as kazuki hits the floor of the ship spitting up water and coughing "so are you just dying to talk now? Come on why do those silly lions want that precious red head so badly?" Umihebi ask's standing over kazuki "I.... told you I don't know anything they never let me in on it all I over heard is that it was some kind of job they were doing" he say still out of breath "then we still haven't convinced you to stop playing dumb? I suppose I doesn't matter" she says walking away from kazuki and over to me and red "of girl-E why don't we figure out witch master I get to sell you off to you stand out so much I think I should send you so far away from your home land that no one will ever recognize you" she says looking at red as I glare making her smile "BUT before we do that I think we should reunite (u) with her master" she says "no! You can't do th-" "red! What did I tell you I said shut up! I don't give a dame if you live or die! I was sent to the castle to kill you why do you think iv been trying to keep you alive?! Because I like you?!? I hate all you people at the castle! AND MAKE SURE TO TELL OBI I HATE HIM!!" I lie 'if she thinks I hate her then she won't try to defend me and get hurt' I think "hmm~ you see villains are always villains you'll never change your ways (u)~ now! Let's go pay your master a visit Shal we?" Umihebi says tugging me of the ground and un doing the ropes around me

Mean while Obi prospective

"Zen I think if you sold me to the claw the rescue for shiriuki would have a much more lickly success rate" kiki says "you want to pretend to be a criminal and get sold to the claw!?!" Mitsuheday yells "there less likely to be suspicious of a woman at the very least if shiriuki and (u) are on the ship like we think then she'll have another friend to protect her" kiki says "bad idea don't let her! That'd be way to dangerous!" Mitsuheday says "we half to save her somehow I'm willing to take this risk if it gets us any closer" kiki says "master I'd like to go too I can keep them safe" I say "I'm sorry Obi I know you care about (u) but I can't let you do that kiki will go alone" he says

Kiki prospective on the boat

The pirates thow me into a room and I look up to see shiriuki kazuki and-.... 'where's (u)?' "Kiki! It's you!" Shiriuki says in disbelief "yes it's me we're is (u)?" I ask and shiriuki starts to cry 'no they didn't kill her did they?' I think "shiriuki what happened?" I ask "they took the (hair color) girl away they said they were giving her back to her old master..." the blond boy named kazuki says 'Obi's not gonna take this well....'

Mean while (u) prospective

"So girl-E how'd you end up in a castle?" Umihebi ask's as we walk down the street "......" I say silent "I asked you a question girl what have I told you ANSWER ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!" She hisses slapping my face "I'm not telling you shit" I glare "tch! I hope he beats you Half to death!" She shouts as we walk towards the all to frimilyar building 'why? Why here? This can't be happening it's got to be some kinda night mere yeah I nightmare is all it is and when I wake up..... Obi will be with me' I think as we walk into the pale haunted house "why hello (u)~ I'm gald you made your way back to me my dear iv missed you~" "oh? Well i haven't missed you in the lest you bastard I hope you rot in hell!" I bark

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