You too?

615 14 2

(U) prospective

'it's been two weeks now since iv come to the castle and iv grown more comfortable around my "friends" I'm still not completely open to zen but it seems I realy get along with red and Obi I suppose that's a good thing senc me and Obi are partners but it's less like a job more like fun being here in all honesty I thought that this hole being at the palace thing would be extremely boring but it's surprisingly....... fun' I think "wow I cant remember the last time I used that word" I say out loud "what word?" Obi asks me jumping down from the tree he was perched on above me "oh.... fun" I say "fun huh?..... what about it?" He asks "I don't remember the last time I had fun like this" I say "what do you mean" he asks confused as he sits down next to me "it's been nice having........ friends to be around...... it makes me?....." I trail off trying to find the word "Happy?" Obi suggests "Yes! Happy" I smile "so now that we don't have anything to do for the master today do you want to go cheek up on the miss?" Obi asks "Yeah that sounds good" I nod and we both get up of the ground and walk towards the herbalist's building we walk inside and I look around but don't see any one so I walk deeper into the building and then see an open door 'huh? maby someone's in thair' I think and walk in looking around I don't see any one and walk towards the exit but then I hear a loud bang then an owww 'owww?' I question "Is some one thair?" I ask turning back around and I wach as a small brown haired kid comes out from underneath a table 'why was he under neath thair?' I think "Hay we were wondering if you know we're a red haired girl Is I'm pretty sure she's taking some test to become an apprentice court herbalist" Obi Say and the small kid just stares blankly at us 'does he even speak English he's looking at us like we're aliens' I think "she's in one of the testing gardens........ I'm pretty sure she's in the 4th one" he finally says "thanks Kidd hope I'll see you around" I smile as I leave with Obi and we walk out of the building towards the testing gardens the kid said red would be at 'Kiki showed me around the place so I know we're most things are but it's so big I'm sure thair are still places I don't know about' I think  as me and Obi make our way to the gaurdens "I think that's her" Obi says pointing to a bright red dot moving around in one of the green houses "yeah I think so are you going to come say hi too?" I ask walking in that direction "no I'm not really sopost to go near her unless I have permission from the master but you can go ahead I'll be out side" Obi says leaning aginst a tree "k I won't be to long" I wave to him as I walk into the garden red's in "hay red what's up?" I ask walking up to her making her jump "EEK" she yelp's in surprise "sorry did I scare you?" I question scratching the back of my neck "y-yes I was just really concentrated I guess I didn't know' tis that you came in.... do you need something?" She asks "No but don't let your gaurds down like that any way I just wanted to stop by and say hi and see how you were doing" I say "well I'm taking a test to become a court herbalist you?" She questions "Oh me? I'm on a brake the prince said I was free for the day so I came to see you but I think I'll leave you too it you seem busy but I'll see you later k?" I say "K!" She smiles as I leave the garden and walk into the woods "Obi?" I call "Rhite behind you" he says as he lands on the ground behind me "so what now?" I ask quickly becoming bored "Well it's getting dark want me to show you to your room?" He asks "nah" I shrug "no? What do you mean no?" He questions "No I won't be needing a room I'll just sleep out side in a tree" I say "then I will too" he says "w-what! Why?" I ask "Well I can't just very well let a girl sleep out side all by her lonesome now can I" he smirks "ugh fine I'll sleep inside happy?" I question "I guess" he says and we both walk back to the castle and down the corridor 'everyone is staring at me Is it that obvious that I don't belong here?' I think and look down at the floor not wanting to see everyone starring at me

Obi prospective

Me and (u) walk down the hall way and to our rooms when her eye's Chang from a grayish yellow too pink befor she looks down at the floor 'hmm?' I look around and every one around us quickly looks away from (u) Realizing thay had been caught starring at her 'so that's what's wrong' I think "(u)" I call "huh?" She questions "Look up" I say "b-but..." she trails off "just look up and thair not starring at you thair starring at me" I say and hear I cheerful giggle from her and she looks up then at me and smiles "thanks Obi" she says smiling brightly but not like before not a face smile..... a real happy smile I feel my face heat up and her eye's change yellow as we approach her room her eye's Turn back to gray agin as we reach the door 'it seems like when she's in a calm her eye's turn gray' I think "hay (u)?" I call "Yes Obi?" She questions looking up "when your eye's are gray does that mean your calm?" I ask "u-uh!..... actually yes it does....... you know what I'll make it into a game!" She smiles "A game?" I question "yes every time you think you've figured out what color means what ask me and I'll tell you yes or no" she exclaims "so what's the actual game part though?" I ask "We'll make it a bet hmm?........" she hums putting her index finger to her lips "I bet you can't accurately guess more than 6" she says "deal any time limit?" I ask "you have 3 days......." she grins tauntingly "th-three no way!" I say "just kidding thair's no time limit I just wanted to see your reaction who ever wins gets what ever they want from the other person" she says "hmm! well then I'll see you tomorrow I'll come get you when it's time to go see zen" I say "ok see ya obi" she smiles "one more thing" I say before she goes Into her room "I won't lose" I smirk "the bet I mean"

(U) prospective

I walk into my room blushing like crazy and Lay down on the bed looking around my room 'why's it so big it's the size of a house I don't want to sleep rhite now I'm too restless' I think and sit up and take risu of my shoulder and place her on my pillow as she sleeps happily making small little noises ever time she takes a breath in and I walk onto the balcony and look down to the ground 'a stroll doesn't sound so bad' I think and climb on the the seal of the balcony jumping down 'perfect landing' I think and look into the distance and see a small patch of forest 'that looks pretty' I think and walk over to the cute little wooded area and lie down under neath a tree looking up "you too huh?" Obi asks me coming into view "yeah could'nt sleep in that room i mean it's the size of a house for crying out loud and who needs 20 throw pillows" I complain "hahaha it's funny iv never met a pretty girl who doesn't like expensive things" he says "pretty? I wouldn't go that far shiriuki's far more beautiful" I say "there's different types of beauty you know" Obi says "huh? What do you mean?" I ask sitting up now intrested in what he has to say and he sits down next to me "the miss may be pretty but..... some people just have a certain..... charisma I guess that draws others to them I guess that's what I mean by different types of beauty but don't doubt your self or compare your self to others your pretty too maybe even more so than most" he says looking at the stars

'pretty' I think smiling lightly a small faltered blush forming on my cheeks "so how do you like it here so far.... i know it must be different for you" Obi says interrupting the silence "heh yeah if you told me a year ago that I would be living in a castle I would have thought you were insane" I laugh "(u)?" he asks seriously "y-yeah Obi" I question "we're we're you a year ago?"

Flash back one year

I lie on the floor as cold blood drips down my body my back burning like fire the sun set red blood slowly covering the floor in a large puddle all I can hear are the hart reaching screams of my make shift family

End of flash back

"(U) are you ok pleas don't cry I didn't mean to make you sad please don't" Obi panics waving his arms in the air 'crying?' I question I put my hand on my cheek and feel a hot wet liquid 'I'm.... crying?' I think and wipe away my tears and shake my head "I'm fine" I say snapping out of it and Obi looks at me concerned then an awkward silence settles Amongst us after a while Obi speeds up "a bad memory?" Obi questions "yeah I guess so" I nod

Obi prospective

"(U) are ok pleas don't cry I didn't mean to make you sad please don't" I panic 'crap I didn't want to make her cry what should I do!?' I think and she wipes away her tears "I'm fine" 'is she just going to blow it of like nothing happened?' I think "a bad memory?" I ask after a few minutes of nether of us saying anything "yeah I guess" she nods "I have them too....... we all do" I say then silence fills the air agin "(u) do you-" Before I can say anything els I look down feeling a wait aginst my shoulder to see (u) feel alseep asleep while leaning on my shoulder 'you idiot' I smile picking her up and carry her to her room placing her on her bed 'she look so peaceful' I think move a strand of hair from her face 'no Obi...' I tell my self and cover her with a blanket "night (u)" I whisper then leave and walk back to my room packing for the next trip with (u) and then gang

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