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(U) prospective

'It's been a few week's senc we got back from tanbarun and everything at the castle's been pretty normal red's been working hard as usual the prince is busy as always and me and Obi are stuck being bored' "(u)? What do you wanna do today?" Obi ask's jumping into my room threw my window "well before we make plans I think we should see if the prince had anything for us to do" I say walking with Obi to zen's office when we run into kiki "hello kiki" I smile walking up to her "oh (u) Obi what are you two doing out here?" Kiki ask's "heh! truth be told a terrifying man came to visit the master so I decided to run away and find (u)" Obi says "oh! So that's why" I mumble "lord haruka is talking to zen right now?" Kiki ask's "you figured that out fast" Obi says "hay lets go spy on them to see what there talking about!" I say walking the rest of the way to zen's office with Obi and Kiki "prince izana has also looked this over he said we could invite them to the castle and take care of this all at once are you listening your highness?" I hear lord haruka say as the three of us lean aginst the door trying to hear what there talking about "of cores I am I just won't do it" zen says stubbornly "highness please!" "They want to have a ball to find a wife for the master?" Obi ask's whispering "zen's gone to one before ment for prince izana to meet potential brides but he's never had one for him self" Kiki says as mitsuheday walks up to us "well this is unexpected just what are you three doing?" He asks "working" Kiki says "not us we're eavesdropping" Obi says and I nod continuing to listen in on the conversation "please think about this carefully highness this country need's your soport as does your brother our next king" haruka says "I understand my responsibility's and I will do what is truly necessary that being said... I have no intention of finding a wife" zen says "prince zen!-" "excuse me your highness" mitsuheday says walking into the room "oh good day lord haruka" he says and I hear his foot steps walking over to zen's desk "*sigh* in any case doing nothing is not presently an option for you" haruka tells the prince "I will not have a ball regardless why would I if I'm not looking for a wife?" Zen asks "no ones going to force you to hold a ball however you must at least meet with one of these candidates you need to demonstrate that you have not completely abandoned the idea of marriage you understand don't you?" Haruka ask's "one on one marriage interview is even wores" zen says and I hear him opening a book of sorts "uh?! Now every girl whose name is on this list is a candidate is that correct?" Zen asks "of cores I wouldn't necessarily consider them equal thow" haruka says "you said I just half to meet with one of them right?" Zen asks "yes highness" haruka says "then iv decided I'm going to have a marriage interview with kiki Seiran" zen says 'K-k-kiki?!?' I think wide eye'd looking at her while she glares intensely at the wall 'I'm not letting this happen'

Time skip haruka is gone and you Kiki Obi zen and mitsueday are in zen's office

Obi prospective

"I'm sorry kiki! But it's my only choice!!" Zen pleads "I said I'm.not.doing.it." Kiki glares "well if you'd rather I could always hold a big ball that you'd half to attend" zen says while I try to contain my laughter "zen" (u) says gaining his and everyone else's attention 'she actually called him by his name' I think stairing at her "I'm going to go do something extremely stupid no you can't stop me but I'd like to ask you a question before I do" she says and zen becomes serous "what's your question?" He asks facing (u) looking her strait in the eye "do you truly love red? Not just for her hair or for her look's but for who she is? Will you fight for her? I want to know if you truly love that girl your answer will determine my next move" she says 'huh? Next move?' I think watching "yes I really do love shiriuki" he says and (u) nods "I understand Zen...... iv heard all I need to hear I'm going to do everything I can to keep you and red together" she says letting her self fall backwards off the balcony and I run over "wait! (u)! Where are you going!?!" I shout "don't worry about me Obi! Just make sure everything goes smoothly for me! I'm trusting you and everyone els! Don't let me down!" she says running and I sigh looking back to the master "Obi what's she doing?" Master asks "something idiot for sure" I say

Izana prospective

The door's of my balcony burst open and (u) walks in "what are you doing her? I didn't call apon you did you come on your own?" "First of all no you didn't call apon me but I need to speek to you" she says 'hmm?... she's not showing any sigh on fear' I think walking up to her "why are you hear?" I ask "when I first met your brother I hated him truth be told I thought he was an arrogant spoiled snobby brat.... but once I actually got to know him I discovered something I should have known from the start not all royals are like Ben you don't give your brother enough credit your highness he works just as hard as any one in the castle maybe even harder and the same goes for little red he's created the ideal team of people iv come to call my friends and you shouldn't mess with that I know this could get me killed but...... if anything happens to them because of some scheme you come up with I WILL NOT forgive you izana" she says standing tall with a strong look in her eye's 'ah I understand now' I think staring into her eye's an I laugh amused "EH!?!" "you know I thought I had you all figured out until now but you never stop surprising me (assassin name)" I say "it's (u) and thanks I guess and just so you know I saw you looking threw the marriage papers for zen you knew that kiki's name was on there didn't you?" She says walking to the balcony "hmm.... yes I did know and (u).... thank you for helping my brother" I say as she climbs up onto the rail of the balcony "....... no problem izana" she says jumping down 'how interesting'

Zen prospective later that night

"I'm coming in" izana says entering my room "lord brother" I greet "I thought you'd come to ask me for help but you managed that marriage interview yourself tell me are you going to have one with mitsuheday next time? Or maybe that (hair color) she's quite amusing" izana says and my eye's widen 'SHE DIDNT!?!?' "L-lord brother please tell me (u) didn't-" "yes zen she did she came to talk to me she threatened me in fact" he says "IZANA! Please you half to understand she didn't mean any harm she just!!!-" "it's fine zen you wanna know something?" He questions "hmm?" "Zen that girl isn't like any normal girl you'll find these days she's very very different" izana says "so you know about her eye's too?" I ask "yes but that's not it what I'm saying has nothing to do with her eye's or past occupation" he says "hmm? It doesn't?" I question "no it doesn't zen she's 1 in a million you'll only meet a person like her once in a life time she can conquer any fear she may have as long as she feels like she need's to" izana says "huh? What do you mean?" I ask "if she feel's like she needs to protect something she'll give her life in order to protect that something she's a valuable ally I suggest you keep her by your side at all costs have you thought about marrying her by any chance?" He asks "no she already's with someone who loves her very much and like iv said I plan on marrying shiriuki not anyone els" I say "hmm?..... well then keep that girl as your ally if you want your future to be with that red head your going to need (u) iv seen it with my own eye's...... she capable of any thing"

Obi prospective

The door's to (u)'s room open and I jump up looking at the door to see (u) walk in "(u)! Where were you!??" I ask as she walks in her room "uh?....... well I kinda may have possibly threatened the first prince..." she says "YOU WHA!?! YOU IDIOT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE!?!YOU COULD HAVE GOTEN YOUR SELF KILLED!!!" I shout shaking her "plz..... can't...... feel ..... arms!" She says and I stop shaking her "(u) you idiot why would you go and do that? and most importantly why?" I ask sitting down with her "I needed to warn him not to mess with red and the prince" she says "(u) I don't Think you get it one false move in this castle and your dead you cant go threatening everybody I don't want to lose you (u) you mean too much to me" I say and she smiles "don't worry Obi I always have a back up plan if things went south I would have made a brake for it found you then ran far far away from this place trust me I'v pissed of several nobles before I know how to make a get away" she smirks "*sigh* you know you scare my sometimes it's like your not afraid of anything when you fell of the balcony back in tanbarun I almost had a heart attack you'v got to learn to be more careful" I say and she nods "I will Obi it's just hard adjusting to this life iv never liked nobles so it's very different being in a castle sorounded by them but..... it means a lot to know you care about me" she smiles "I'll always have your back princess just call me name and I'll be there"

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