Ill protect her

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(U) prospective

It's been two days sence me and red were ordered to go to tanbarun and found out someone's after us Obi's been staying with me and checking up on me every once in a while when he gets back from going around town with mihaya he'll tell me all he found out it makes me feel a lot better about this hole ordeal but it's still way out of my comfort zone me and red have been taking dance classes together she keeps stepping on the instructor's feet and so am I I can't seem to manage to get the dance down no matter how hard I try "red do you think you could show me how to spin it look's like you'v got that part of the dance figured out" I say walking up to her as she practices "oh sure I can hel-" the door open's and my head darts in the direction to see Obi walk in "Obi! Your here!" I smile "heh yes I'm here I'm surprised to see you in a dress thow looks nice" he says and I blush "any way I'm going to gaurd mihaya but I came by to see you and give this to the miss" he says gaining red's attention "here miss the chief herbalist asked me to give this to you and ryu wanted you to have the herbs that will help with sore feet" Obi says handing red a book and some herbs wrapped in paper "thanks" red says looking threw the book "well I'll be of then" Obi says turning around "wait! Do you half to go? Couldn't you stay a little longer?" I ask "I wish I'm sorry princess but we gotta find out who this kazuki kid is but I'll see you later ok?" Obi ask's "ok then" I sigh "by miss by (u)" he says walking out the door 'I wish I could go with him' I think going back to practicing

time skip obi prospective

I walk down the crowded coastal side streets with mihaya looking around for 'pretty boy' I see some gaurds and decide to go talk to em and I tell him about the kid's appearance "a pretty boy with his hair tied up?" One of the gaurds asks "his name is kazuki and we had high hopes for him in out troupe but he claimed all he'd ever wanted to be was a night then one day he up and ran away with all the troupes money" I explain "brat sounds like quite a hand ful" the gaurd says "if a kid like that show's up y'know sayin he wants to join the knights or work at the castle do you guy's think you could hang onto him for me?" I ask "sure we can keep an eye out" he says and I walk away with mihaya following behind me "alright might as well go threw all the boats" I say walking in the direction of the port "when your talking to soldiers wouldn't it be easier just to tell them you work for the prince?" Mihaya ask's "maybe but I'm not used to working like that" I say "hm? What do you mean your not used to it? That's your job right? Aren't you prince zen's attendant?" He says "who knows" "who knows?!" He shouts 'this punk's getting on my nerves' "why don't you focus on keeping an eye out yeah? your the only one who know's what this kazuki boy look's like" I say "it's becas no one believes you work at the castle right? The way you speek and dress isn't exactly court appropriate" he says 'iv had enough of this kid' "not to mention im with a mountain monkey who wears a lady's scarf" I smirk "a lady's scarf!? Hey shut up you'v got one too! And a street cat face! Just to be clear you and I are not equal's got it!? I have noble blood in my veins your a peasant and can't accomplish any thing but I on the other hand-" "it doesn't matter what my position is or what you can or can't accomplish if you even try to touch (u) or the miss I'll tie you up with that neck scarf and send you back to the mountain's so move it!" I say and he continues to follow me down the street 'I'll protect her no matter what'

Time skip it's night time Obi just go back from patrol and you'v just finished your classes with red

(U) prospective

I walk into my room and plop down onto the bed 'I feel bad for red she's not used to this kinda all day practice her feet must hurt like hell' I think lying down "*sigh* when will Obi get back?" I ask my self closing my eye's 'just........ a short...... nap' I smile slowly falling asleep

Obi prospective

'Finally I can see (u)!' I smile and walk into her room "hay (u) I'm ba-.......... oh?...... she's asleep" I smile looking at her passed out almost falling of the bed "your adorable princess" I say and walk out onto her balcony getting some fresh air when something catches my attention in the corner of the balcony is a few foot shaped marks on the ground carved from a knife 'huh? What's this?' I ask my self examining it 'I'll ask her when she wakes up she must be exhausted' I think sitting down on the raining of the balcony "what els can I do?" I ask but then her foot steps and look to see kiki and mitsuheday "miss kiki! Mitsuheday!" I say jumping down of the balcony "we're are you two headed?" I ask "we're going to get zen he hasent come back yet" Kiki says 'come back?' "Back from we're?" I ask "follow us" kiki say's and I follow the two to the training area to see zen practicing "zen it's time to come back now!" Mitsuheday yells to him "alright" zen says continuing to practice "training alone? Is that normal for him?" I ask "only sence he found out about those guy's looking for shiriuki and (u) after they were ordered to go to tanbarun he started training at night" kiki says "you'd think he doesn't actually wanna let her leave wouldn't you?" I ask watching him "possibly but it's more likely he just wants to protect her" mitsuheday says 'then iv made up my mind' I think grabing a Woden training sword 'I'm going to go with her' I think walking up to the master "obi I didn't see you thair" he says wiping the sweat from his face "i think the two of us should have a match" I say "huh?" "Master if I win let me go with (u) and the miss I will protect them" I say and zen takes a moment before Titaning his grip on his sword and I spread my feet zen run's towards me and try's to hit me twice but I block both swings he try's agin I block then summer salt back wards "wow your pretty light on your feet Obi" zen says and charges agin he swings the sword twice agin and I block he swings agin with more Strangth I block but with the power of the blow brakes the Woden sword he goes to hit me agin but I do a hand stand swinging my feet knocking the sword out of his hands "consider this match over congrats you won fair and square" zen says "fighting with sword's is one thing but in fairly certain I couldn't beat you unarmed" he says "I won't let you down master" "good"

Obi prospective he's back at your room

I open the door to (u)'s room to find her sitting up in the edge of the bed swinging her feet back and forth like a little kid smiling "Obi! Your back!" She smiles "yeah princess I'm back guess what?" I ask sitting next to her "what?" "I fought the prince and now I'm going to tanbarun with you and the miss" I say and her eye's turn the brightes yellow and her smiles widens "REALLY!?" She asks jumping up "heh! Yes I'll be coming with you and the miss I couldn't just let you go by your self now could I?" I ask with a smile "no I guess not" she say's "oh hey (u) I was wondering what are the marks out on the balcony for?" I ask "oh iv been trying to learn how to dance but.......... it's not going very well" she sigh's "I could help" I say "huh? You know how to dance!?" She asks giving me a skeptical look "yeah but only a little" I say "well?........ fine" she says walking out onto the balcony I follow her and she look's down at the ground placing her feet on two of the dip's in the ground I put a hand on her waist and she puts a hand on my shoulder "ONE two three ONE two three ONE two three" she repeats looking at the floor shuffling her feet from one spot to the next "ONE two three ONE two the ONE two-" "(u)?" i call "umm? Y-Yeah?" She questions looking at the floor trying to concentrate one the rhythm "(u) don't look at the floor look at me" I say but she keep's her gaze on the ground "umm? But-" "just don't it it'll help" I say and she hesitantly does and her feet stay in sync with mine "see? You'v got the rhythm down you were just to concentrated on the floor to keep the step's in your head" I say and she smiles "I guess so thanks Obi who knew you were a good dance teacher" she smiles "hehe yeah I guess who knew right?...... We're leaving tomorrow you think your ready?" I ask "as ready as I'll ever be" she sigh's "hmph well then I think you should go to bed princess it'll be a long day tomorrow so you should get some sleep I'll see you in the morning" I smile letting her go "Obi?" She asks "yes?" "Do you think they'll find the kazuki kid?" She asks "hm? I'm not sure but I'll make you a promise" I say "promise?"

(U) prospective

"Promise?" I ask "Yes I promise I'll keep you safe no matter what no one can hurt you" he says "hmph thanks Obi I'll see you tomorrow" I smile and he leaves "*sigh* tomorrow's gonna be a long day"

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