What are you hideing (u)

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Just so you know this is what you are wearing

Just so you know this is what you are wearing

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(u) prospective

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(u) prospective

"WHY DONT YOU REALIZE?" we both ask in unison 'why don't I realize what?... oh well now that iv answered his questions i can go I don't want to these people any more trouble' I think and frown remembering a point in my past I look down at my feet not wanting to look Obi in the eye 'come on (u) don't cry you idiot' I think and look up and put on a fake smile not wanting to rise any suspicion 'it's almost painful to smile....'

Obi prospective

'what don't I realize? I don't understand' I think but then (u)'s eyes change color agin 'blue?' I question and as I'm about to ask her what it means she looks down at her feet I bring up my hand to tap her shoulder to see if she's ok but befor I do she looks up at me and smile's brightly.... 'her eyes look so sad but.... her smile seems so real she must be uesed to faking a it' I think "so sence iv answered all your questions can I go?" she ask cheerily but I can hear the desperation in her voice "actually first I need to talk to the master" I say "oh... ok then" (u) nods "you'll have to come inside" I say "umm..... ok..." she says and  I walk inside the cabin and wave down the master "hay master I did what you asked" I say "thank you Obi and I apologize if I gave you a scare earlier (u) I didn't think you would react how you did" the master apologizes "oh n-no it's not y-your fault p-prince" 'she's shuddering still? why is she so frightened of the master?...... I probably should intervene now' I think "hay (u)" I call then she looks at me and mouth's "dont-tell-prince-eye's" 'Huh what's that supposed to-....... oh....  I half to tell em' I think and look back over at the corner of the room and point to the two girls "this is Shirayuki and Kiki" I say and the two girls both look up at us and Shirayuki smiles at (u) sweetly as she gets up out of her chair

(U) prospective

"oh n-no it's not y-your fault p-prince" I say 'dame it stop shuddering (u)! Your a god dame assassin for crying out loud!! Top raked! So suck it up and clam down!!' I scold my self "hay (u)" Obi calls and I look over at him 'this is my chance I half to get threw to him' I think and mouth "don't-tell-price-eye's" I mouth 'hope he understands' I think then he looks back to we're he was looking earlier and points to two girls sitting in the corner who I recognize "this is shiriuki and Kiki" he says pointing to the blond and red haired girl I smile at the two girls not wanting to gain much attention but then the red head gets up and I take a small step back she then smiles at me "hi I'm Shirayuki it's nice to meet you" she says 'i don't want to be rude she seems nice' I think "my name is (u) It's nice to meet you too miss shiriuki" I greet "oh no need for formalities zen and Kiki are the only one's here with any social status and thay prefer people not to ues any formality's around them if unnecessary" red says "oh... is that so? well shiriuki it's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for treating my wounds" I thank her "hay (u)?" Obi question's and I turn back and look at Him "yes" I question 'if I cooperate I may get out of this mess faster' I think "how did you know that she treated your wounds?" Obi ask tilting his head and everyone els looks at me 'you stupid idiot (u)!!!' I mentally scold myself for being ignorant 'it's too late to lie now' I think "her bag" I say "her bag?" Obi questions looking at me confused" 'maby I was being a little to Observational for this situation I guess I'm not uesed to letting anything go unnoticed but it's pretty obvious if you think about it'

Obi prospective

"her bag???" I question "I assumed that she treated my wounds based of her bag the under side of it is warn because an herbalist constantly has to take it of and on and move it around so eventually it gets warn down and she also isn't carrying a sword like the rest of you are so I just assumed that she treated my injury it was all an assumption tho so i could be wrong" (u) says laughing nervously 'wow pretty observant I mean im an assassin and I probably wouldn't have guessed that even if I saw some herbs sticking out of shiriuki's bag... who is she I wonder?' I think looking at (u) "OH WOW (u)!! that's so cool that you knew that just by seeing my bag" shiriuki cheer's "oh I don't think it's realy that interesting it's just part of my j-....... part of my experiences being on the road for so long" (u) says waving her hands infront of her face 'what are you hiding?'

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