Let me take you some place safe

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(U) prospective

I walk half way to Obi seeing the prince and Obi looks at me confused for a second but then steps forward realizing why I stoped "hay (u) we need talk out side" he says calmly but obviously a little displeased 'what's wrong did thay find out about me?' I think trying not to panic "ummm yeah sure... but what's that look on your face for" I ask concerned "I just need you to come with me" he says walking to the door "no first I want to know why" I say taking a step backwards and a place a hand on my knife just to be safe "I just need to ask you a question.... you don't need to be so up tight you can take your hand of the knife I'm not gonna hurt you" he says walking towards the door with his back facing me and his hand's casually behind his head 'how did he know that was it that obvious and why's he acting so casual when I could kill him!?' I think following Obi out side and I close the door "so what's this all about" i ask seriously

Obi prospective

"So what is this all about?" (u) asks glaring 'well that changed quickly smile to glare but I guess I would be too in her situation' I think "have a question" I say "and what is it" she questions "do you have a job or any were to stay?" I ask "yes and no" she says quickly "well I have a proposition" I say "a proposition? what is it" she Questions skeptically 'I can't just come rhite out and tell her I'm taking her to the castle she'll Freak out and make a run for it' I think "master has made an offer to take you some place safe you can get a job you'll have a place to stay and you'll have protection from any one trying to hunt you down you'd be much better of-" "you mean the castle?" she asks looking at me with a "do you think I'm stupid?" look 'well that didn't go as planed' I think sweat dropping "yes yes I am but..... if you come with us you'll be safe" I say trying to convince her "safe?! safe from who? you don't even know who's after me! if I go with you I'll be in even more danger and so will you and your friends!" She says "but we have people at the palace who can keep you safe........ we can help you just like shiriuki" I explain her head shoot's up "RED?" She asks concerned wide eye'd

(U) prospective

"we can help you just like shiriuki" Obi says and my eye's widen "RED?" I question 'wait....... red? what happened to red!?' I think and then I figure it out and frown looking down and my eye's change to blue "it was her hair wasn't it?" I ask sadly "yeah and we can help you just like her" Obi says 'why would that idiot be here if she already had something happen is she stupid or just idiotic!?' I think and turn around and march back into the cabin towards red while Obi try's to stop me but I walk up to her and stand just in front of her "(u) what's wro-" "what happened?" I ask interrupting her "what do you mean?" She questions "WHAT HAPPENED??!" I ask agin look her in the eye almost beginning her for an answer and her eye's widen but she quickly blinks and smiles at me "I was ordered to be a concubine......" she says softly "THEN WHY WOULD YOU BE HERE!?!" I ask raising my voice angered that she wound be stupid enough to go to the very place that she was running from "because....... zen saved me" she smiles "Wh-what?" I question confused "I used to live in tanbarun and the prince ordered me to become his concubine but I refused cut my hair ran away and met zen pretty soon after the prince I was trying to get away from sent some poison apples and zen ate one and got sick...... so I went back to tanbarun to become his concubine so that zen would get the antidote he needed............ but zen saved me before that could happen and so I came to Clarines to become an herbalist" she explains calmly not a hint of anger or hatred in her voice "s-so he....... helped you?" I question not believing what I'm hearing "Yes he did" Red nods and I look behind me and see zen smiling and Obi also smiling at me with a sweet but I told you so look and with out me knowing my eye's change from blue to yellow "I'll............ I'll go" I say "huh?" Obi questions "I'll go to the palace with you all" I say "grate!! then (u) you will be Obi's partner" zen says and kiki and the blue haired male both nod in agreement with smiles on thair faces 'this might not be so bad after all....' I think

Time skip it's time to leave to your new home!

"I'm sorry (u) but we didn't bring enough horses for you to ride we didn't expect to take some one back with us if you want you can ride with me?" Kiki suggests "no I'll be fine I'll just walk behind you guys" I say "oh?.... so you'll be with Obi?" Mitsuheday asks "huh?" I question "I normally walk too I don't ride with the group either at least not ,ost the time" Obi says as he walks up behind me "oh... well I guess so then" I grin and Obi looks away 'what was that all about?' I think "well is every one ready" zen asks as he gets up onto his horse "YES" we all sing in unison and with that the night mere ended........ and the fairy tail began

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