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The picture above is of my cat but she's missing so please if any one see's her can you tell me thanks a lot!!!

(U) prospective

I wake up in my bed and look around confused 'wait what happened?' I think trying to remember how I wound up here but Then it all comes back to me and a blush spreads across my cheeks 'd-did he carry me all the way back!?!...............thanks I guess' I think and smile then get up get changed and brush my hair when I hear I knock on the door 'oh that must be obi' I think "come in!" I say Then doors open and I turn around "hi Ob-.........." 'oops wrong person' i think "I was told to diliver this to you ma'am it's your new uniform" the brown haired maid says with a smile 'she has the most Beautiful chocolate brown hair and clear blue eye's like zen's she's realy pretty' I think then remember the thing Obi told me last night how beauty can be different and smile "we're would you like me to put it?" she asks snaping me out of my day dream "u-uh just on the bed I guess" I say "of course" she nods placing the neatly folded out fit on my bed and then stands thair looking at me "I-is thair something you need?" I question "w-well your sopost to excuse me from the room miss" she says awkwardly "oh um...." 'what should I do I don't realy like formalities and if she's always going to come to my room then- nope! I'm fixing this' I think "ok sit down" I say patting my hand on the chair next to me "b-but miss-" "nope sit" I insist and she comply's sitting down next to me "so I'm (u) and you are?" I ask "I'm Charlotte" she says quietly "so senc we'll know each other for a while first off you don't need to be 'excused' to leave you may leave when ever you like and-" "b-but miss I'm....." she trails off after relizeing she iturupted me "you can inturupt me when ever you like but no I'm not royalty or any thing of the sort so drop the miss and call me (u) it's nice to meet you Charlotte" I say extending my rhite hand and she hesitantly shakes it "i-it's nice to meet you to" she says shyly 'well this is awkward' I think pulling my hand back "so um... how long have you worked here" I ask "oh yes iv worked her with my little brother for quite a while now" she says a little bit of pep in her words ;she seems to like the topic I'll take note' I think "so who's your brother is he.... a maid too?" I ask dumbly "oh no hehe..... he's actually a Court herbalist" she giggles "oh really what's his name?" I ask "His names ryu! He's my younger brother he can be a little Weird some times thow he's also quite shy but he's the cutest thing" she smiles 'she seems to like her brother a lot' I think ?well I hope to meet him soon and-" *knock*knock* "come in" I say hearing the knock at my door "good morning (u)" Obi says walking in with a smile "is it time?" I ask "Yes" Obi nods "I'll be rhite out give me a minute" I say "please tell me that one minute won't turn into an hour we realy half to-" "yeah yeah I know now get out" I say showing him out of the room "it's been nice meeting you Charlotte" I smile "you to mi- I mean (u)" she corrects her self "better!" I grin as she exits the room 'well I think I can work with her and her over obedience' I think and grad my bag and the uniform unfolding it and admireing it's....... hideousness 'I'm not wearing this crap! it doesn't even have a single spot of black OR red and it's so...... so..... UGH!' I think throw the ruffly dress back on the bed and walk towards the door "(u) hurry up we're going to be late" Obi wines and I open the door "you were saying" I smirk and he rolls his eye's playfully and we walk into zens office but when we get thair no one is inside "we're is every one" I ask looking around "thair's a note from zen" Obi says waving a small peace of paper in the air "read it" I say "dear (u) and Obi I have requested that you both be-" "just skip to the important part" I complain "haha ok ok" Obi laugh's "he wants us to meet him at the horse stables" Obi says "you could have said that in the first place" I say rolling my eye's "i know" Obi teases with a smirk "very funny now let's go" I say exiting the office and we both walk down to the stables "we're are thay?" I ask looking around "I think thair over thair" Obi says pointing to a small white head bearly poking up over a tall while mare(it's a fancy horse) "hehe I guess so" I giggle and we both walk over to the group comprised of Kiki mitsuheday and zen "so what'd we come down here for" I ask kiki while Obi walk's up to zen "we're going to fort laxdo to do a Routine cheek up but...." kiki trails off "but what?" I question "we haven't been getting any reports from the fort" mitsuheday interrupts "HAY (U)!!" I hear some one shout and I turn around to see red "hay what's up red are you coming to?" I ask "yeah I'm going to pick up some medicine in the town rhite next to the fort so zen offered take me thair with you guy's" she smiles "well I won't be riding the horses so we probably won't see each other very much" I say "awww that's to bad I was looking for ward to talking with you oh well" she says "come on every one let's go" zen says and every one mounts thair horse while me and Obi wach thair departure "so are you ready" he asks "always" I smile and both of us start on our trip to laxdo

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