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(U) prospective

It's been a cuple day's now seance we'v come back from the lockstow fort and I think iv grown more comfortable in the castle and around the people here and I'm ok with the price now although some of the fancy people at the castle still scare me a little iv learned how to avoid them by memorizing all the gaurd station's carriage arrivals shipments and prince Zen's schedule although a lot of his 'schedule' is visiting red and 'escaping the castle wall's'

Zen prospective 

"Kiki?" I call to my blond haired aid "yes zen?" She reports "Your closer to (u) then me and mitsuheday?" I question "I believe so" she nods "what do you think about her being in the castle how will it play out what will she do does she like it here or is she being trapped I'm not sure what the answer is these questions they keep going threw my head" I explain "do you have any idea what she's thinking?" I ask "no one but obi can read her I know that but I believe at some point she will enjoy being apart of our group at the castle but for now she's just trying to figure thing's out and how this place works how to gain favor but I think it would be best if you keep Obi and her partners for the long term thay both get along and are both grate at fighting and (u) seems much more comfortable and open around him" kiki says looking out the window at the two in the court yard playing around "my only concern is what's going to happen when she runs into some one and gets spooked she could get her self killed and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it" I sigh rubbing my temple trying to find a solution "that's why I think her and obi should stay partners" kiki says "what do you mean?" I ask looking up at her "if she's does happen to run into some one and worse comes to worse Obi's going to be the only on able to stop her in the moment no one can reach her like he can thair similar and can connect with each other on a different level unlike we can thair minds don't work the same as our's thair so I think if either one didn't want to be here.... thay would have left by now the both of them" kiki says "and thay haven't" I say "exactly" Kiki nods "thanks kiki I needed that it's taken a lot of my mind" I smile time

skip 5 minutes still zen prospective

me kiki and mitsuheday walk to the archives when kiki stops "what's the matter?" Mitsuheday ask's her as she looks down at the gaurds below us "the gaurds stations have changed" she says and I look 'she's right that could a lot mean-' I quickly become serious and start to speed walk to "his" office 'he's probably gonna pull some stunt agin!!!' I think marching down the halls

(U) prospective

Obi yawns and I look up at him preached in the tree above me "what's on your mind you look bored?" I ask and he nods "everyone els is busy which means all I get to be is bored" he sigh's "I think your forgetting about someone I glare but he just ignores me playfully rolling his eye's and continues talking "we're restricted to such a small area I don't even have any weapons to clean or repair" he says but then a seance something flying towards me my head whips in that direction but then obi jumps down of the tree infront of me "what was that?" I ask getting up to see a small cut across obi's cheek "a rock?" He says holding up a small sharpened pebble and continues to stand infront of me "should we find out who-" before I can say anything els zen walks out onto his balcony and calls for us "HAY OBI (U) COME HERE YOU HAVE 10 SECOND'S" he yells so me and obi climb up onto the balcony "wow why give us so much time?" Obi asks sarcastically "listen I need you to-...... that scratch?" Zen questions looking at the cut on Obi's cheek "oh you mean this little thing funny story actually-" but Obi's cut of when a butler enter's zen's office "pleas pardon me your highness" he interrupts "what do you want?" Zen asks turning to face the guy "I was told to deliver this to you in haste" he says holding up a letter with a dark blue seal zen aproches him and picks up the small envelope and opens it as the butler walks away zen reads it his face soon turning to a scowl and he crumples up the paper "sorry obi I'll half to hear your story later" zen apologizes and walks up to him and takes the bandana of obi's head "at the moment keep your faces uncovered" zen says "sure" we both nod "grate and wait for me in this room got it?" zen says walking away "ok?" Obi question's clearly confused "(u)?" Zen asks "uh? yeah Sure?" I say as he closes the door "umm what just happened?" I ask obi "no clue"

Zen prospective

I and my two aids walk into my brothers office "well hello little brother" he greets "it's been a long time"

time skip cuss me lazy and don't wanna do long script

"next on the bucket" izana says walking towards the dark blue curtains in his office and opens them to reveal shiriuki my eye's widen "iv kept you waiting" he tells her "shiriuki?!" I question "zen you and your two toadings are dismissed now don't you have work to do?" Izana asks "what are you up to?" I ask glaring at him but he doesn't respond "fine we're leaving later shiriuki" I say turning around to the exit but and speed walk back towards shiriuki grab the curtain and throw it into the air blocking izanas view "don't worry I'll come find you" I wisper into her ear before stepping back and facing my brother "I'll be going see you late-" "wait a minute" my brother interrupts "yes?" I question "I'd like for you to send that (hair color) haired girl to my office" he says and my eye's widen "but brother!?" "zen" he says sternly "Yes lord brother" I comply and walk back To my office 'this cant be good...'

(U) prospective

Zen walks back into his office with a scowl on his face "he looks pissed wonder what happened" Obi says and I nod "(U)!" He yells and I flinch hiding behind obi 'did I do something wrong?' I worry "zen" Obi says and zen caches his mistake "I'm sorry (u) i did mean to yell.... but... I need you to follow kiki" he says his expression lightening a little trying not to spook me "why?" I ask relaxing a bit not hiding behind Obi any more "mmmm........ Kiki?" he asks the blond and she shanks her head no "what's going on?" I ask taking a step back feeling tension rise "we need you to meet someone very important it's critical that you don't present your self as a threat so you'll half to leave the knives" zen says "who is this person?" I ask "......... someone I know all to well" he says not convincing me 'I don't know what to do should I trust the prince or trust my instinct' I think and look to obi for an answer but only to see he's thinking him self "I want one dagger" I glare "you are not to place a finger on it unless a knife is to your throat do you understand?" Zen asks in all seriousness "I understand" I nod "kiki will take you" he says I nod and follow kiki out the door and we walk threw the long castle corridors in a scary quiet silence "kiki?" I call "I can't tell you (u) I'm sorry" she says looking away "oh...." 'I'm all alone agin....... arnt I?' I think while mindlessly following behind kiki "were here" she says as we stop out side of two huge door's "I'll leave you to it just knock and don't go in until you get the ok" kiki explains "I got it thanks" I say and she look's at me before she walks away *sigh* 'here goes' I think knocking *knock*knock* I wait a few seconds then get a response "come in" I hear a clear voice say and I open the door's and walk into a big room and see a tall regal powerful looking male with blond hair standing in the middle of the room facing the window's on the wall opposite of the door's "my name is (first name) and you are?" I ask still looking at the back of the males head "I'm izana" he says turning around to face me "the first prince of Clarence izana wisteria" he introduces "its a pleasure to meet you (u).............. (last name)" he greets

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