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Your gonna wanna know who those people are or this won't make a lot of sense if you don't know—because you didn't read my warning—there characters from the manga

(u) prospective

"Red! There you are and- oh! There's little Ryu! You guy's ready? It's gonna be a long carriage ride you got all your stuff?" I ask and Ryu nods "I'm all ready! You?" Red asks "I had to force her to pack warm clothes" Obi says walking up to us "oh! Hi Obi are you coming with us?" Red ask's and he shakes his head "no... I came to see (u) off is all" he says "yeah he won't be coming" I say "come on..... we should get going" Ryu says and him and red walk very to the carriage I go to follow but Obi pulls me back hugging me "it's only gonna be a cuple weeks I'll be back soon Obi I'll see you later" I say pulling away "(u)" he calls seriously and I turn to face him "hmm?" I hum "keep your promise you hear me?" He asks and I smile "I will Obi now I half to get going I'll see you soon" I say walking to the carriage and wave to Obi as we start down the path after the castle disappears I poke my head back into the carriage and stop waving to Obi who disappeared into the horizon with the castle "so did zen not come to say good by?" I ask red "no he didn't we already said our good by's" red says and I nod "Well the now...... let our adventure begin!!!" I grin

Time skip
"This is as far as we can take you good luck you three!" The carriage driver says and we exit the carriage "grate thank you so much" red says and we look around the busy city full of people "this is where we'll be working!" Red grins as her eye's dart every where bouncing from person to person plant to plant and place to place "it's sopost to be a huge..... royal facility people would set up tents and rest here after passing through the checkpoint that's how the city got it's start now scholars and academics from all over the kingdom come here to share their findings with one another because there's so much knowledge about every field gathered here they call it the northern archives of clearness" Ryu says as we walk into a big building and a pretty blond smiling girl waves walking up to us "hay there I'm yuzuri! A professional plant collector I take it from the crest on your clothes that you're the herbalists from the royal palace! First time in lilias?" She asks "yes" red nods "I could show you around if you want? this is the library" she says leading us into a room full top to bottom with books "Since scholars have been coming here for so long there's a ton of literature even some really old stuff you wouldn't believe how many people come here just to read plenty of researchers come here thow all that networking adds to the wealth knowledge here!" Yuzuri says as red and Ryu look around with stars in there eye's 'the must be having a good time.....' I think "so yuzuri do you know a lot of the scholars?" Red asks her "nope not a one! But I won't give up until i befriend these old balls!" She says "balls?.... a hole group as weird as the chief?" Ryu questions "sounds exhausting" red sighs and every one's eye's turn to us

"pleased to meet all of you my names shiriuki" red bows "the names (u)" I smile "I'm Ryu" Ryu says "wait to be enthusiastic kid" I say sarcastically "AWW MAN GARAK GAZELD(that's the chief herbalist's name) DIDNT COME HER SELF?!?" One of the people say weeping dramatically "HOW RUDE!!!" Yuzuri shouts "for a second I thought that they'd sent us a cuple unless nobody's but... that little one is the kingdoms youngest herbalist ever he's kind of famous" a blond shaggy haired guy chimes in 'my he sure acts all hight and mighty' I think glaring "ITS HIM!" "Good to meetcha guy" "chief garaks apprentice!" "Once I got a letter from him with some research advice" "wait! Is he 12? 13!?" "There's a ton of essays by him in the library!" People keep fawning over poor little Ryu and he darts out the door sitting on the floor in the hall I go after him and so does red "ah! sorry" a kid says running past me and running up to Ryu "hay you! what's wrong? You cold?" The kid asks putting his hand to Ryu's forehead checking his temperature and I pick the kid up by the back of his jacket picking him up of the floor and he thrashes his feet wildly and kicks my stomach "gah! Kid that hurt" I snap dropping him on the floor "hay (u)! Are you ok?" Red ask's running up to me and I nod still glaring at the kid

"I said" a gurd says picking the kid back up dragging him away "the little brat" I glare watching them walk down the hall of shame-_- "you ok kid-o?" I ask Ryu and he nods "then let's get some lunch" I say and yuzuri takes us the the cafeteria "so yuzuri I haven't seen many plants where are they?" I ask "oh! We have some green houses and stuff like that" she says "plants that bloom in cold places usually arnt that pretty so it's not just about making medicine you can fetch a fair penny rising colorful flowers to dress up the drab Snowscape I don't think our distinguished herbalist guest new that" the Jack ass from earlier says walking up to us and I glare "in I didn't know that no. you wanna know why? It's because I'm not an herbalist I'm (u) a former assassin and aid to the second prince of Clarencess so I'd watch what you say if I were you I can still kick your ass" I glare "my scary lady" he says sitting next to yuzuri "don't mind him that's Suzu despite all his money talk he's an herbalist just like the two of you" yuzuri says "I'm single by the way and yes I come here often" suzu says "did any one ask?" I hiss "scary lady" he whimpers dramatically scooting closer to yuzuri and farther away from me

"oh! There's another herbalist I know!" Yuzuri says waving to a tall man with a scruffy face and wavy blond hair he waves back to her and another woman beside him waves to us "his names Shidan he provides medical treatment for the people of lilias a permanent fixture around here" Yuzuri explains "who's the lady with him?" I ask 'she's beautiful' I think "huh? Oh! That's miss haki!!! She comes up here to observe now and then Any way shidan's been doing been doing research here since his younger days so if you'v got any questions about the facility's he's your man" Yuzuri say's "I see" red nods "so? Why'r you guy's here? It's a pretty big trip just to come see the place you here for reasherch or somethin?" Yuzuri asks "well we're actually here to check up on the medicine being worked on in this region since there haven't been any reports in a while" red says " A lot of these researchers here see there findings as exclusive property of the north there not the types to go around publishing and spreading the word but brandishing the name garak gazeld will open plenty of doors for you" Suzu tells us "I guess we'll try to meet with as many people as we can and report the research" red says looking to Ryu to see if she gave the right answer "yep" Ryu nods

"well we had a long day of traveling so we should get to bed and little Ryu here's probably missed his nap time~" I tease and he huffs standing up and I start to walk away while red and him follow behind me "oh! Wait you three! You know where the guest room's are?" Yuzuri asks standing up out of her seat before we can leave the cafeteria "yeah I saw it on our little tour we're good thanks" I say walking out of the cafeteria and to the room's with red and Ryu as soon as we enter I smile seeing a small window nook and sit on the ledge looking out the window and at the stars 'i wonder what Obi's day was like'

Obi prospective

"YOUR TELLING ME YOUR BROTHER IS AT THE SAME CASTLE (U) IS!?!?!" I shout after zen explains that his brother left out a few important details last time they talked "yes Obi he did dame him! He couldn't have just told me!!! Oh yeah sorry zen I just forgot to mention the fact that I'm going to LILIAS!!!!" Zen mimics his brother in a dumb silly voice


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