A job

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There WILL be manga spoilers from now on
Two days later

(U) prospective

The door's to the room iv been placed in open and red walks in "well! I have good news you no longer half to stay in the medical wing (u) your free to go but I'll still come by later to check on you around noon before you do leave thow is there anything bothering you? Your stomach hurting? Or having trouble breathing at all?" Red ask's and I shake my head "nope! I'm feeling all better thanks to you! Your a miracle worker thanks little red!" I smile jumping up out of bed almost giving Obi a heart attack "geez! (u)! Don't do that!! You could open your wound idiot!!!" He scolds "ha ha I'm fine Obi see?" I smile twirling around in circles I quickly get dizzy and trip falling into Obi "oops..." "yeah very cute but really don't hurt your self" he says and red nods "listen to him (u) you could still open the wound it may not be bad now but still you shouldn't push your self just make sure to keep in mind that your still not 100% healed" she says and I nod "ok I get it I'll try not to be stupid" I say and both Obi and red glare at me "ok ok ok fine! I won't I won't!" I say putting my hands in the air surrendering "well by for now red! I'll come by later!" I grin waving to her while walking out of the medical wing with Obi "thank god fresh air! Iv been stuck in that stupid facility for like a month now!" Obi says happily taking in the fresh air and sun "I told you you didn't half to stay" I argue "I was the one who wasn't aloud to leave not you so you don't have anything to say on the matter" I say "well I would you rather I left you there with no one to talk to?" He smirks and I look away "I guess not...." I murmur and he chuckles resting his hands behind his head looking up as the sky as we walk towards the castle "man I never thought I'd miss seeing this place so much" I say and walk inside and some maids eye's widen and they smile widely before running of "uh?...... please don't tell me there going to tell anyone" I sweat drop "come on what did you think was gonna happen princess? People wouldn't be happy to see that your back?" Obi asks "I guess this is what I get for being a decent human" I sigh walking towards the prince's office and walk inside

Obi prospective

Me and (u) walk inside the masters office and he look's up from his work "oh! (u)! They let you out of the medical wing already!?" Master ask's and she nods "yep! Here reporting for duty your highness!" She says saluting "seriously? you don't wanna have like a week to just have off or something?" He asks "nope! I'm tired of doing nothing" she says grinning "i tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen I'm against it but the princess get's what the princess want's" I say making (u)'s smile widen "yep!" "I spoil you too much huh?" I laugh "maybeeeeeee!" She grins spinning in circles and her eye's turn a bright yellow 'she's adorable when she's happy' I think watching her skip around "so zen what you want us to do?" I ask and (u) stops to listen "well?..... I guess I really don't have much for the two of you to do so if you could go watch shiriuki but before that (u)" the master says standing up walking over to her "this is for you and Obi I didn't forget about you" he says handing each of us a really REALLY nice knife and (u) grins taking the knife spinning it in her hand throwing it up and down in the air like she normally does "the titles also come with the knife I guess you could call it your proof your names and title are engraved into the blade it's hand crafted and carys the clariness crest I thought it may be a little special for the two of you so both of your names are on both of the knives (u) and Obi the warrior and savior" zen says as I look over the knife then the door's to the masters office open and Kiki and mtisuheday walk in "zen Izana's summoned you" Kiki says "*sigh* well I half to go" zen says exiting his office

(u) prospective

Me and Obi walk into the medical wing and I spot red "hay red! What you up to?" I ask walking up to her with Obi "oh! Hay (u)! Your back sooner than I thought red says and one of the other new court herbalists walk up to us mixing up some sort of concoction "hello shiriuki! Have you heard about your upcoming trip?" They asks "trip?" Shiriuki questions as the chief herbalist walks up to us "nice to see your doing well (u) any way shiriuki here's your uniform go try it on" the chief says handing red a folded white lab coat looking out fit and she walks away getting changed before walking back over to us in a long white Flowey lab coat "wow look's nice on you red" I say "thanks (u) but it makes me wonder why don't you have a uniform?" Red ask's and I laugh nervously scratching the back of my neck "yeah about that....." "she refuses to wear It" Obi says "it's to constricting and I can't move in it and it's ugly as hell" I say making the chief herbalist laugh "well shiriuki I hope you'll wear it unlike some one oh! And there are other color's you can choose from now then shiriuki" she says "yes?" Red question's "get your pint sized boss in here fro me I'v Got a job up north for the two of you" the chief says

Obi prospective

Ryu walks out of his "office" and sits next to the miss across from the chief court herbalist "so what's this all about?" The miss ask's "well there are some regions we don't hear back from much even thow we're sopost to get monthly reports and that gets my attention to put it simply I don't like it that's why I'm sending our resident plant expert and his assistant to do some investigating" the Chief says pointing to a map "I..... hardly ever take long trips any more sense coming to the palace I'm..... unfamiliar with that area" the little Ryu says looking at the map "your destination is lilias I'm counting on you two" the chief says

Time skip work days over
(U) prospective

Me and Obi walk into zen's office "oh you guy's are here" he says hearing us walk in "yes we thought we should tell you red's leaving tomorrow to lilias the chief herbalists sent her to get some information" I say "huh? She's going to lilias? That's pretty far.......hmm?..... (u)" he says "yes prince?" I question "I want you To accompany her there" the prince says "sure thing master!" Obi says "I never said you were going I'm only sending (u) with her I need your help with some stuff at the castle my brother has left me some things to do while he's away" zen says "you can't be serious!? She's still recovering! You can't send her to lilias with the miss!" Obi says 'I'm pretty sure I'd be fine' I think to my self while Obi and the prince argue "Obi! There is no reason for her not to go! She has a clean bill of health!! She says she's fine! Shiriuki says she's fine even the chief court herbalist and Ryu say she's healthy! There no reson for her not to go!" Zen shouts "and what if something happens agin!? If I'm not there no ones gonna be able to help her!" Obi argues "What's happened to her it's normal it's not like someone's gonna be kidnapped ever month!!" Zen yells "but she's not normal!!! Just like the miss! Why are you sending (u) with her!? So the miss doesn't get into trouble!!" Obi shouts "it's just a trip Obi! Not like I'm sending her across the sea!!!" Zen argues "and what if she run's into a noble!? What then?!" Obi asks "Obi she-" "THATS ENOUGH STOP FIGHTING!!!" I scream and the hole room goes silent "thank you..... now...... I will go with red to lilias" I say "b-but (u)!?!" Obi questions "I'll be fine Obi the prince is right I'm perfectly fine and I'll only be gone for a few weeks at most and you can stay here" I say "it's settled then no more arguing about it (u) will leave tomorrow and accompany shiriuki to lilias" Zen says

Obi prospective

I walk into (u)'s room following behind her "why do you always get your self in situations like this?" I ask as she brushes her (long/short) (hair color) hair "it's not a situation Obi I'm just doing my job and keeping red safe" she says and I sigh hugging her from behind "you always put others before your self you should think about how it may affect you" I say "I know Obi but think of it from my prospective if I had decided I wouldn't go with red and something happened while she was away I wouldn't be able to live with my self knowing that I could have prevented everything so if I can I'll do what ever I can to keep who I love safe..... that includes you Obi" she smiles turning her head a little putting her hair brush down "I'll only be gone for a little while I'll be back before you realize I'm gone" she says "heh! I doubt that"

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