Your wet!

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Hay I wanted do give two shout out's to iiTokyoWeeb thank you so much for all the support with all my book's you'v been my number 1 so porter for pretty much as long as I've been active on WATTPAD so thank you SO much I also wanted to thank @74zix74 you'v helped so much with my story and you wrote one of THE BEST Obi x reader's called 'THE CAT'S UNCONDITIONAL CHOICE' pleas if you like Obi you'll LOVE! This story

And also sorry I haven't updated in a while iv been busy catching up on some of my hunterxhunter story's!

(U) prospective the next morning

I wake up opening my eye's and quickly grown closing them agin but then jump realizing someone's lying next to me I jolt up wide eye'd to see that I fell asleep with Obi on the roof "oh.... yeah...." I say to my self remembering what happened last night and smile "morning" Obi says opening one eye smiling at me "what time is it?" He ask's sitting up and I look at the sun "oh shit it's almost time to go to the bird test!!!" I shout scrambling to me feet but I start to slip after tripping on one of the roof's shingles "crap" I close my eye's expecting to hit the ground but the impact never comes "huh?" I question opening my eye's to see Obi caught my arm "did you forget your like 3 stories in the air or what princess?" Obi ask's "uh? Th-thanks Obi" I thank him as he pulls me back up "it's fine we gotta get going zen's gonna kill us"

(U) prospective your'v all gathered for the Bird test

"The test will prossed as follows the bird will be sent bearing a document to a point 10 miles west of the castle at a lake side watch tower that would normally take 40 minutes if by horse the assistant at the watch tower will receive the document sign it attache the bell and send the bell back to the watch tower this must all occur with in no more then 20 minutes If all conditions are met then we'v succeeded if not this test will be considered a failure" zen announces to the whispering crowd as I slowly shuffle my way behind Obi hiding behind him "something wrong?" He asks still facing the crowd not moving "people... so many..." I say "you can relax we'll get to leave soon" Obi says and I nod "the bird handler will be kihal toghrul shiriuki will assists her there will only be 3 soldiers and two messengers accompanying her to the watch tower that is all" zen says as kiahal and shiriuki walk onto the make shift stage and the lord that's made this big mess bursts out laughing 'what in the hell's so funny?' I think glaring "That's adorable! I was wondering why something so ridiculous was brought up out of the clear blue sky you got the prince's friend on your team huh? Clever girl you are toghrul" the lord says spit lacing his voice 'this is why I hated Nobels because of snobs like him' I think the scowl not leaving my face "the princes friend?!" Kiahal shouts "what are you implying?" Red ask's him 'red's gotta be careful in her situation being friends with the price is all fun in games until you pick the wrong fight' I think watching how things play out "lord brecker right now we have only one goal to see if these birds can benefit clarines I would like for you to judge this objectively as a lord of this kingdom" Zen says "hm? Very well your highness but I think it's only fair that I aompany them to the lake side watch tower as well for I myself am not suspicious but if those girls behave dishonestly in any way then it would affect poorly on you" the lord says 'twist words just the right way and one simple sentence can turn into a death sentence talk about words that can kill' I think to my self then zen and red both make eye contact and nod to each other 'heh! They have a plan' "so be it lord breacker shiriuki and the others will head to the lake side watch tower the bird will be sent at 4 o'clock and the test will begin" zen says and we start to walk back to the horse stables "(u) I don't think there will be enough horses and it's to long of a walk would you like to ride with me?" Obi asks me "heh! your just saying that and no I'll ride by myself iv been meaning to for a while" I say teasingly "I didn't know you knew how to ride" Obi says "oh yes I do in my line of work it's kinda vital" I explain "oh yeah that reminds me I was wondering what did you do before you came to the castle?" Obi ask's as we enter the stables 'well I can't just tell him I was an assassin....' I think "I? Ummmm? Was ummm? A?........." "a what?" Obi ask's leaning into my face "a? a? a? a! Gaurd!" I say "a gaurd huh? To who?" Obi ask's "to umm?...... (random name)!" I lie "oh! You mean the lord of (random place)?" Obi asks "u-uh? Y-yeah that's the one" I nod "(u)?" Obi calls "Yeah?" I question "(Random place) isn't a real place so why may I ask are you lying?" Obi questions "I-I can't tell you" i say "yes you can you just won't" Obi says "so what-" "COME ON YOU TWO HURRY UP WE NEED TO GET GOING!" One of the gaurds yell "right sorry we're coming"

time skip 20 minutes your at the watch tower
Obi prospective you guy's are all looking up at the sky waiting for the bird

I look up at the blue sky but then hear yelling from the roof and (u) approach's me "should we go see what the commotion's all about?" She asks me "Yeah we should go cheack it out" I nod and we walk into the tower going up the stairs but then threw the window of the multi story watch tower I see the miss jump and a loud splash sound's in the water below the tower "(u) stay here I'll go-" befor I get the chance to finish my sentence (u)'s already jumped out the window 'WHY ARE THESE TWO ALWAYS GETTING INTO TRUBLE!?' I think jumping out the window following (u) "YOU LUNATIC'S! What are you trying to do!?" I shout "the bell got thrown into the lake if we don't find it and ring it popo won't land here" the miss explains "the viscount did this didn't he?" I ask but then we all look up into the sky after hearing a bird chirp "it's popo!" The miss says "wait it's flying away!" One of the gaurds yell from the shore "hay the bell! We're do you think it landed?" I ask "not to far away from we're I jumped in" the miss tells me "I'll help look!" (u) says diving underwater After a few minutes we all come up for air empty handed "any luck?" The Miss ask's "no I can't find it" I say "me ether" (u) says "shiriuki look!" One of the gaurds yell pointing to popo as he circles around us "there he is! He came back around" I say as the bird dip's across the water "what is he trying to do?" (u) ask's and the miss gasps before submerging under water and coming back up a cuple feet away with the bell "you found it!" (u) smiles and the miss nods blowing the whistle

Time skip (u) prospective your waiting for the prince to arive

"Obi I see them" I say as I see the prince and the other's in the distance riding to us on horse back and zen comes to the door way where me and Obi are standing "master shiriuki is upstairs......." Obi says to zen but he ignores him walking past us with out a second glance and heading up stairs to red "uh? You think he's mad?" I ask "no well yeah but I think he's more mad at him self than anything" Obi says "oh ok I get it" I nod and we wait out side of the watch tower as zen and red are inside "Obi (u) were talking the lord into custody we don't have enough horses for everyone to ride back by them selves so you'll half to ride together" kiki says "unless you wanna ride with me (u)" mitsuheday offers "she's fine we can ride together" Obi says a bit harshly making me giggle "uh? O-ok Sorry... I didn't mean anything by it...." mtisuheday apologies still very confused before we all walk over to the others and mount our horses starting down the path back to the castle after red and zen join us and I put my forehead aginst Obi's back and close my eye's content relaxing and taking In the Scenery "you good back thair?" Obi asks grinning "your wet" I smile "and so are you princess" he says

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