There gone

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The next day back at the castle
Zen prospective

"Mitsuheday? Where are (u) and Obi? They were sopost to report to me already there almost never late" I say "I'm not sure zen" mitsuheday says "would you like me to go see if there with shiriuki?" Kiki ask's and I nod "yes please do and mitsuheday can you see if there in there room's? I have something I really need to tell them!" I say smiling "sure zen I'll be back" mtisuheday says leaving my office with kiki

Mitsuhesay prospective

'There not here they must already be with shiriuki' I think knocking on (u) and Obi's door's not getting a response and I walk back to zen's office

Kiki prospective

"Hello shiriuki have you seen Obi and (u) today?" I ask aproching shiriuki and she look's up from her work shaking her head "no I haven't at least they haven't shown them selves yet! Hehe they always like to jump scare me" shiriuki smiles and I nod walking out of the medical wing back to zen office

Zen prospective

I continue to wait for my aids to come back and the door's open to see mitsuheday and Kiki walk in together "I didn't find them zen" the both say at the exact same time and all of our eye's widen "you mean you both couldn't fine them??" I ask "um no sir they didn't answer when I came to there rooms" mitsuheday says "and Shiriuki hasn't seen them sence yesterday" kiki pipes in "you think?..... they left?" I ask and both my aids she there heads no "I'm positive (u) wouldn't leave with out saying by to shiriuki and Obi would have gone with her so if she hasn't seen them then......" Kiki trails off "then what? You think they were-...... do you think......" "I think it's possible (u) was taken and Obi went after her" mitsuheday nods "*sigh* how could we lose her in our own castle?!" I say to my self "what would you like to zen?" Mitsuheday asks "how should we proceed?....... I want this investigated but no one finds out what's going on this is to stay secret until further notice and I want shiriuki protected more gaurds around the castle and notify izana what's going on but tell him it's being taken care of" I say and my aids nod walking off

Mitsuheday prospective

"Kiki I'll check Obi's room you check (u)'s?" I ask and she nods as we walk to the two's room's and I open Obi's door walking inside looking around but don't see anything "mitsuheday come here! I found something!" Kiki shouts and I walk into (u)'s room up to kiki to see her reading a letter "what is it?" I ask "from what I can tell it sounds like (u)'s taken on a death mission to keep us safe I'm guessing Obi found this note and ran off seeing that this was crumbled up when I found it" kiki says and I read the letter "you think we should give it to zen?" I ask "of cores" kiki nods and after checking the room's one more time not coming up with anything we go back to zen's office finding him waiting impatiently "your back! Did you find anything?!" He asks and Kiki nods handing him the letter as he reads it his face goes ghost pale(as if it wasn't already) "where'd you find it?" Zen asks "in (u)'s room" I say "kiki go get shiriuki tell her what's going on and get her to the main castle as quickly as possible I'll go talk to my brother mitsuheday think you can take charge of a search party? I want them found and brought back safely if at all possible" zen says "of cores your highness"

Mean while
(U) prospective

"TIME TO MOVE OUT LOVE BIRDS GET DOWN HERE!!!" Phantom yells up to me and Obi "WHAT? I CANT HEAR YOU! THINK YOU COULD CLIMB UP HERE AND TELL ME? OH WAIT I FROGOT YOUR SCARED OF HIGHTS!" I shout back down to her "SHE MAY BE BUT IM NOT SO COME ON WE NEED TO GET AS FAR AS WE CAN TODAY!" Phoenix yells "come on Obi" I sigh and start climbing down the tree back down to the ground and stick my tongue out at phantom seeing her glare at me "ok that's enough time to go" Phoenix says turning phantom around guiding her down the path so we don't fight agin 'last time I fought her I almost killed her I would have unless Phoenix had stoped me' I think and suddenly I see a dagger flying towards Obi and grab it mid air with my hand stoping it from hitting him Phoenix and phantom immediately jump into the bushes where the dagger came from soon dragging out a guy in dark clothing and A terrified expression "p-please don't k-kill me!" He says and Phoenix grins "aww~ come on (u) won't you get some information for us? You'v always had a back for it" Phoenix says looking towards me for an answer and I sigh about to nod my head walking towards him but Obi stops me putting a hand on my shoulder "what?" I ask "the dagger didn't hit you did it?" I question "hand" he says and I shake my head no yanking my shoulder away making him let go of me "gimme a knife" I tell Phoenix and he nods taking a special knife from his pocket handing it to me and I flinch catching it 'shit that was my dominant hand....' I think looking down at the blood droping down my arm "you ok?" Phoenix asks and I shoot him a glare "ok ok! Geez just asked" he says

Back at the castle izana prospective

Suddenly the door's to my office burst open and zen marches in 'my he seems more determined than usually' I think putting my book down "why are you here ze-" "she's gone" he interprets "hmm? You mean red head?" I ask "no (u) she left leaving this note Obi's gone too I'm sure he went after her" he says handing me a letter and I read over it
Dear friends
    I'm so sorry I half to do this your all in danger I
bumped into someone I know all to well they want
me to help them I don't want too but if I refuse.....
they'll kill you ALL there's no getting around that please
don't come after me you'll just be putting your self
in needless danger I can do this by my self I'll come
back in 3 days if I'm not back by then don't come looking
for me and please tell Obi I love him very very much
"Lord brother I ask that you let me creat and go with a team to search for (u) and Obi" zen says as I finish reading "zen (u)'s stated in this letter her wishes are for you not to go after her" I say "and it also said she may not come back!" Zen argues "even so zen she's an assassin she should be able to take care of her self if she was taken or kidnapped then the people who took her must be more powerful So do you think you can take on (u) in a fight? Or Obi for that meter zen?" "I-" "no you can't zen if you do go after them you'll get in the way I understand you need her and Obi in your court but I can't let you go after them your self you may send who you want thow" I say picking my book back up but he look's down at the floor clenching his fists "izana! You said I should keep (u) by my side correct?" Zen Asks "I did yes" I nod "then izana would you the next king just let your trusted ally die with out lifting a finger? Would you be sitting in the castle doing noting while others are risking there lives to see that your friends come back safely?! Would you-" "ok zen that's enough..... you'v made your point you may do as you please but know that this battle that your walking into is going to come at a cost do you understand that?" I ask "yes lord brother!" Zen smiles 'he's grown so much..... and it's because of you thank you (u)..... please come back and continue to teach him I don't know if he'll be able to recover if you don't..... (u).... Obi'

Back at camp
Obi prospective

"I'm done he's dead he didn't know anything" (u) says throwing the bloody knife at Phoenix's feet walking over to me not making eye contact trying to hide her blue eye's 'blue?' I think "well then we should get moving I want to make it to the border before sun down" Phoenix says walking with phantom following closely behind him smiling and I grab the back of (u)'s shirt pulling her into me and she look's up at me "hmm?" she hums "when we get to camp your giving me your hand" I say and she laughs confusing everyone "what's so funny?" I ask confused as hell "haha it sounds like your asking me to marry you or something!" She giggles covering her mouth trying not to laugh anymore and I smile down at her but then catch Phoenix glaring at me 'I see...' I think making eye contact with him for a second before he look's away continuing to walk "come on (u)" I smile

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