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So I'm going to start of we're the last chapter ended If you don't remember just go cheek it out :)

(U) prospective

"Oh wow (u) that's so cool that you knew that just by looking at my bag" red smiles "oh I don't think it's realy that interesting it's just part of my j-... part of my experiences being on the road for so long" I say '(u)! Would you just shut up you don't want any of them finding out that your an assassin rhite now you can't mess up especially around that Obi guy he catches every mistake I make it's getting a little annoying!' I think "hay (u) would you like to sit down with me and Kiki" red asks smiling "oh ummm" I turn around and see the price on the other side of the room and Obi looking at me "yes please that sounds grate" I sing 'if I keep up the act thay may leave me alone thinking I'm just some girl who got lost in the wrong part of the woods' I think and walk up to the table the two girls are sitting at and pull out a chair sitting down next to the two beautiful girls but as soon as I do miss red gets up "we're are you going?" I ask "oh I was just going to go get some tea from the kitchen" she says "I can help if you want" I offer 'it could get me away from the prince' I think "oh you don't need to" she says "it's fine I'd love to help!" I smile and get out of the chair I just sat in and stand up as soon as my feet touch the floor I flinch 'damn guess not all the affect's of the poison have worn of yet but I can manage' I think and follow the red head threw a door way and into the room witch I assume is the kitchen but it only has a counter one cabinet and a door witch I think leads to a pantry "so what should I do" I ask happily offering my assistants 'ha first time in a while I haven't demanded for some one to pay me for my work' I think amused "oh if you don't mind do you see that box on the counter?" she say pointing to a small wooden box on top of the counter in the corner of the room as she gets some cups from a cabinet "yes" i nod "inside should be some sugar can you bring me a spoon full of it please" she asks 'wow she asks in such a polite manner I'm not uesed to it' I think "(u) you in thair" I snap out of my thoughts as red waves her hand in my face "oh yes sorry I space out sometimes" I say giving her a quick smile "do you feel ok? the pain killers I gave you have some nasty side affect's but you seem just fine" she says "oh really?" I question even thow I know the answer 'Iv built an a high tolerance aginst a lot of herds actually most and some don't even work on me especially the pain killers so it was basically useless giving me any rhite now I'm just feeling the pain from the poison not any side affect's' I think "normally when I give someone pain killers thay stay down for like... at least a day but you woke up in a mere hour" she says 'wow a hole hour? Normally I'm up with in a few minutes what in the world type of drug did that guy use?!?' I think "I guess I just was really high on Adrenalin" I say "yeah it could be that I mean you were about to be killed if Obi haven't saved you" red says 'uh?....... Saves me? Pffff! I didn't need his help' I think and walk over to the corner of the room and get some sugar and walk back over to red who is now preparing some hot water "so red how long have you been an herbalist?" I ask "oh I'm an appreciate cort herbalist for Clarines and did you call me red?" She asks looking at me confused "oh I guess the name just popped into my head sorry I didn't realize I called you that it just slipped" I apologize "no no it's fine I like the nick name actually....... my grand parents uesed to call me that" she says smiling sadly but yet at the same time with a hint of happiness 'oh no I think I brought up some hurtful memories' I think and place my hand on her shoulder and her head shoot's up and looks at me "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "you didn't do any thing wrong I'm actually realy glad you called me red... you know I had kinda forgotten the Nick name over the years when I think about it you remind me of my grand parents a lot... it'd make me happy if you want to you can call me red" she says "oh... how do I remind you of your grand parents?" I ask curious now "I don't mean your old or anything!!! it's just your personality you seem to smile so easily but... I don't think you'v had the easiest past have you? I was wondering... (u)?" She calls "hmm?" I hum "the scar running down your back.... how did you get it?" She asks 'dame it she must have seen it when she was dressing my wound but why did she half to bring it up crap if she told Obi or the prince I'm screwed' I think "that oh it was from when I ummm..." but befor I can finish my sentence and come up with an excuse I hear Obi yell my name 'talk about saved by the bell' I think "umm I'll be rhite back red see ya" I smile and wave to her while walking out of the make shift kitchen to see Obi and the prince staring at me 'shit what's wrong thay couldn't have found out about me'

Obi prospective 5 minutes prior

Shiriuki asks (u) to sit whith her and Kiki at the table in the corner of the room and she look's back at me and the prince before she walks over to the two girls and sits down I walk to the master "so Obi what did you learn" he asks me "um well she didn't like to go into detail and I couldn't get a lot out of her... pretty much all I learned was that her eye's-" 'I'm sorry (u)' i think "I learned that her eye's Chang color based on her emotion" I inform the prince "that's interesting any thing els" he asks "well she didn't tell me who sent the assassin after her and when I asked her how she got all the scars the miss had told me about she was hesitant but she said 'from a bad memory'" I tell the prince "from what I can tell she's like shiriuki in some ways in the aspect that thay both have something rare about there appearance and most likely (u) just like shiriuki has Encountered some... not so Pleasant people that's probably why the assassin was after her does that sound accurate from what you have have gathered Obi" master questions and I nod "yes but... I feel like she is hiding something... she stayed calm even thow she knew she was in danger it seems she has encountered a lot of that but even so she is very good at covering up her mistakes" I say "so what do you think she is hiding" master asks "I'm not completely sure" I report "well I think we should take her back to the Castle with us" master says "what! why would you want to do that she hasn't done any thing threatening" I say "because I believe we can help her and I was thinking that she and you could be partners" the master says "WHAT!" I shout 'why the hell does he think this will ever work thair's no way she's going to just go along with this has he lost it!? he saw how she reacted when she learned he was a prince she'll get killed in the castle if that happens agin' I think "don't be so loud Obi I think it would be good for you to have a partner and if she is at the palace then we can help her so it's a win win" mitsuheday says butting In on the conversation "yes but I don't think she'll just go to the castle seeing as she's refused to cooperate with you master" I say trying to swayd his decision "and that's why I think if you talk to her she mite come" master says "what's the difference if I talk to her it's not gonna change her mind" I say "she seems more open to talking to you and shiriuki she ran from me mitsuheday will probably scare her Kiki doesn't do small talk very well and your the only one she has willingly talked to so I think I'd be best for you to" master says "*sigh* it's not gonna work but I'll give it a whirl but what should I do if she refuses?" I ask "that's your job" zen says smiling cheekily 'serouslly zen? Wow what a plan she's definitely going to come to the castle now' I think sarcastically "(U)" I shout

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