The Cat

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That night back at the castle
Obi prospective

"Hay Obi your leaving tomorrow right?" Mitsuhdeay ask's me "yup! I'm Leavin' early in the morning" I nod grinning "well then care to drink with me and kiki?" Mitsuhdeay offers "you bet!" I nod and mitsuhdeay leads me outside on one of the balcony's outside of the castle's food court where there are multiple bottles of really nice licorice waiting and kiki is also waiting "a parting gift it's from zen too" kiki explains "oh!" I nod taking a seat at the table while mitsuhdeay pours everyone a glass "say hello to (u) and Shiriuki for me" kiki says "oh yeah please do the same for me" mitsuhdeay says handing me a glass and I grin "sure I bet she'd love to hear that!"

The next morning
Zen prospective

"Ah zen good morning" mitsuhdeay greets as I walk into my office "oh did Obi cook breakfast?" I ask smelling spicy sausage and seeing a nice spread on the tea table "yeah as a thanks" mitsuhdeay nods "it's looks pretty tasty not that I'm suprised tho that man's a grate cook" I say serving myself some food and then kiki walks in "oh hay kiki wait weres Obi?" I ask seeing that he's not here "Obi already left" kiki informs me and my eye's widen "HE LEFT!?!" Me and mitsuhdeay snap "yes he just popped by to give me that message to relay to you zen" kiki nods "*sigh* well at least he's evolved from leaving notes I guess" I sigh while mitsuhdeay sweat drops "he had a message for you zen he said 'thanks for letting me go master' that's all" kiki tells me "geez that guy..."

mean while in lilias
(U) prospective

"I'v come to fetch you" suzu says entering my room "and fetch me you have now get out" I shoo closing the door in suzu's face and then the door opens back up "I said get ou- oh little red sorry I thought you were suzu" I apologize as I'm drabbing my daggers "you know (u).... that was kinda mean... I-I not trying to be rude or stick my nose we're it doesn't belong but I just-" "sorry I understand what your saying red I was being kinda disrespectful I'm just on high alert now that Obi isn't here I don't have someone who'll have my back it's making me kinda on eadge my prior habits before coming to the castle are trying to take affect I'll apologize to suzu" I say "....if you ever need to talk about anything I'd love to talk (u) this is pretty new to me too so maybe we could learn to cope together" little red offers with a smile and my expression softens "I may take you up on that offer but first i should probably apologize" I sigh walking to the door and I exit the room alone with Shiriuki to find suzu and Ryu waiting on us "good morning" Ryu says looking up at me with tired eye's and small bags under his eye's and I smile "good morning to you too did you not sleep very good kiddo?" I ask crouching down infront of Ryu and he nods rubbing his eye's "I couldn't sleep" he says "we could bye some tea if you'd like" i offer "....thanks but I think I'm ok I'll probably get some sleep tonight" Ryu yawns as I stand up strait and face suzu who gives me a questioning look "sorry for snapping at you it was rude I'm just not used to being away from someone" I admit "ah yea that black haired guy right? He your boyfriend?" Suzu asks "yes so refrain your self from flirting with me from now on that goes for little red too"

Time skip
Ryu prospective

"There court heblists? The ones from the castle? Who's the woman in the hood" "where's the gaurds from last time? And that assistant? Louen was it?" "The group shrunk a bit" "master Ryu is actually here!?" "Oh that's lady Shiriuki" "I hurd there long term now" "really?! First the castle now lilias!?" "So lucky!!!" I hear as the crowd around me (u) Shiriuki and suzu chatters talking about us and I notice (u) pull her hood up a bit more to hide her eye's but because of my size I can clearly see her eye's are pink 'she's nervous' I think

Flash back
Ryu prospective

"Hay Ryu" Obi calls and I walk over "yes?" I question tilting my head to the side "you'v noticed how (u)'s eye's chance color right?" Obi ask's "oh yeah I did I didint want to bring it up tho I assumed if she wanted to talk about it she would" I say "well I need tell you about what those colors mean before you both go to lilias do you have a minute to talk?" Obi questions and I nod "grate c'mon" Obi says dragging me outside and away from the medical wing "s-so what do you need to tell me?" I ask sitting down under a tree next to Obi "look" Obi says and points over to one of the herb gardens and inside is (u) and Shiriuki "have you learned what any of the colors signify Ryu?" Obi questions "well I'v assumed that yellow means happy" I say "that's right but there are a few other colors that you should know thay'll probably be useful to know" Obi says and I nod in understanding "if (u)'s eye's are blue she's sad most the times when she's upset she'll try and hide it but it's pretty easy to cheer her up" Obi tells me "I don't know.... I'm not very good at making people happy..." I say "c'mon you doubt your self too much kid you make (u) happy all the time" Obi grins "I do?" I question with a confused expression "of corse you do why do you think (u) wants to have you over for a sleep over all the time?" Obi ask's with a questioning smile and I can't help but feel a bit proud "so there are 6 colors you should know" Obi says holding up 6 fingers "number one is blue second is purple if (u)'s eye's are purple that means she's scared most likely that'll only happen if your in the presence of a noble or higher ranking person with some kinda fancy title third is green if (u)'s eye's Chang to a greenish color then she's sick I thought that may be helpful to know sence your gonna be up north in a laboratory all day most times (u) won't let on that she's sick or admit to it but if her eye's turn green do what ever you can to make her get a check up and get some rest just like the Miss (u) has a tendency to over work herself oh and number 6 is pink it means she's nervous" Obi explains and I continually nod while listening "I'd suggest not making (u) mad but if you do her eye's'll turn red that just means she's angry but if her eye's turn dark red.... then close your eye's and cover your ears" Obi tells me sternly "what does dark red mean?" I ask curiously "it's better if you don't know besides it's unlikely that it'll ever happen especially around you also Iv learned that the more vivid the color (u)'s eye's are the more intense the emotion she's feeling is you remember when you and kirito made (u) that flower crown? Her eye's were the brightest yellow she was extremely happy" Obi says and I remember how bright her eye's were they would've put the sun to shame "Do you need me to write this down?" Obi ask's "No I can remember it"

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