Chapter 31

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(Nattlies pov)

I did it! I actually did it. At first I was nervous then I got scared half way though but now... I finally put Leon in his place.

"What did you say?" he asked, eyes closed not believing what just happened. "Did you just check mate me?"

"I sure did." I said feeling quite proud of myself.

"Well I must say I did not see that coming"

I smiled and started resetting the chess board. I'm not planning to play against him again but I do feel I need to pack up all that he has lost. I need to rub it in a bit and let Antonio know before we go there for lunch today.

"So tell me now... I said something before the game but meant it more as a question. I said check mate, you finally mine... so can I check mate you and have you as my girlfriend?"

Is Leon asking me out? Wow he really is!

"Yes! But only if you treat me like a queen." I said teasing him a little with the queen part.

"Always" said Leon taking my hand and pulling me close to hug me.

"So what's your next move Mr Bash?"

"Anything to stop you from working chess terms into convocation" he said laughing. I looked up at him with a smile. He lifted my chin and kissed me softly. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"So tell me now... over the phone you said you had something to ask me"

I hit a blank. "Oh yeah. There's this ball my dad is having tomorrow night and I was wondering if you would accompany me? I'm sorry I only found out like a night or two ago and I've been really busy. Dad has your suit sorted out, we taking the family plane there and you will be back the next morning 8am sharp."

"Wait wait wait. Hold on. Your dad has my suit sorted? How does he know my size. Two... family plane? Where exactly is the ball going to be held and why will I only be back the next morning?" he asked freaking a little out.

"Oh sorry," I said covering my face before looking at him again. "My dad? Well I'm not sure he has his ways of finding out things. I gave him your name the morning after he told me about the ball and said that's all he needs. The ball is in Paris and due to it ending late and the flight back, we will only land the next morning... My dad could talk to your parents if need be and explain to them the situation."

He sat there for a while saying nothing. "Sure why not. Its not as if I have anything better to do I guess" he said with a little laugh.

"Fantastic! Meet at my house straight after school so we can fly through. We will be getting ready there."

(Leons pov)

We made our way over to 'Familia and Amore'. There's still three things that I can't believe. She beat me! How did I not see that coming? I didn't even go easy on her! Next thing... I'm going to Paris. I've never been there and its always been on my to tour list. Lastly and most importantly. I can finally call Nattlie my girlfriend. We have decided to keep it on the hush hush for now as there will be a lot of drama at school.

She told me about the bet people have to see who can sleep with her first. If the jocks found out they might wanna take my head or something as they would think the only reason she would date me is to get something out of it. I don't need those type of rumors starting and Nattlies doesn't have to deal with this too.

"Leonie! I'm so glad to see you. I hear the king has been degraded to a knight and the queen took over the chess board?" said Antonio as I opened the door for Nattlie to go in.

"You told him already?" I whisper to her. "Yes Antonio only because she told me you taught her so I thought I would take it easy on her. Next game I'm not gonna make that mistake. Isabella... may I have one Orecchiette with those mini chicken meatballs you usually make me and I think Nattlie, you said you wanted to try the Shrimp Scampi with Linguini so one of those as well please."

Isabella gave a nod and walked into the kitchen. Nattlie ran after her wanting to help her in the kitchen. I know her moms hardly around so I don't mind her spending time in the kitchen cooking with Isabella like most girls got to do as a child.

I took a seat at one of the tables and Antonio joined me. Here it comes...

"Took it easy on her you say?" asked Antonio with a grin on his face.

I picked up the menu from the table and pretended to read it. He started laughing as if Nattlies victory was his own. I have to change the subject some how.

"I asked her... to be my girlfriend" I started. I slowly looked up from behind the menu. He looked impressed.

"Yip I asked her this morning and she said yes"

"Well now you just need sort out your look. Nattlie is a pretty, classy and expensive young lady." he said taking the menu from me.

"Expensive?" I asked.

"I've seen her around... she dresses to kill and wears clothes that cost more than what the restaurant has been making for the past two years. You on the other hand dress like a little school boy. Now I know what you use to dress like... not that either. Try to find a middle. Make her want to tell people she's dating you. So in other words lose the glasses, suspenders and all the check shirts. I've seen her change for you so I think its just fair if you do the same. You can at least try to look..." he said before I cut him off.

"Yes yes alright I'll change my look. I'm just scared someone from the gang will come here and recognize me. Then its all over. Simon... I mean Luke is being stupid and sticking to it." I said getting irritated with Luke.

"He made his choice and you made your. One day if he gets caught then he will be sorry." said Antonio seriously.

"When last have you seen him?"

Antonio looked hurt, "I saw him ones just before we left but he walked away when I greeted him. Otherwise The last time I spoke to him properly was when you both worked for us. At the time to him, he lost his job... and I lost a son."

I stood up and walk to the other side of the table to hug him. I never thought he was hurting this much and I never bothered to ask, he always seemed happy. I suddenly felt guilty. I've been too worried about my own safety that I haven't thought of how its effecting the people who know Sebastian and Simon. That will have to change.

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