Chapter 8

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(Nattlie's pov)

The sun started to rise and the light started creeping over my face.

I opened my eyes, not sure of where I was. I was wrapped up in a blanket in the arms of some guy. That's when I remember it was Leon.

We had a good time last night through to the early morning.

I laid there snuggled up to him. I loved this feeling. Not that I've ever felt it before but I could get use to it.

I closed my eyes again and took a deep breath in taking in his sweet smell. I haven't noticed it before but he smells really nice.

It didn't last long and he woke up unwrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry" he said blushing with embarrassmen rubbing the back of his neck.

I couldn't help but giggle.

We both streched and took in our surroundings.

The air was cold and fresh, and clouds excaped our mouths when we spoke. The city lights were off and there was dew on the grass and roof of the car. The water of the lake was still and calm and you can hear a few birds singing in the woods behind us.

It was dark last night and I didn't notice the forest behind us. But now with the sun creeping up behind them  gave them a magical look.

Leon got off the hood of the car to fetch something from the car and I laid back again closing my eyes, just enjoying the peace.

When he returned he got back on the car and I could hear him zipping open a bag.

I opened one eye and looked at him. He then passed a energy bar to me and I opened both eyes, sitting up.

"Did you plan for this to happen or something?" I asked looking in the bag and seeing food, water and what looks like a fresh pair clothes.

"Haha no sorry. I come here often and have stayed over night a few times before. So I keep a bag packed in the trunk of the car for times like this... usually I change then go back home because my mom doesn't like us staying out the whole night. At least now I can change and say I was up and out early" he said looking down at his hands.

I was impressed. I never thought of that. So I nodded at him and laid back down finishing the last bit of the energy bar. He did the same, took the wrappings, put them in the bag and dropped the bag on the floor next to the car.

He kept sitting with his legs crossed. I wanted him to lay next to me and hold me again but that would be weird. That's when I realised I might have a crush on him.

This couldn't be. There was no way in hell I could like a nerd. That will be my reputation down the drain. Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe I just wanted to be held a bit.

"Ummm ok I know this may be weird...ah" I just started talking and before I knew it, stupid me asked, "I don't usually do this but could we please just lay her a little longer...but could you... hold... me? If it's weird I would understand. I mean no just ignore what I just said. Haha. " Well that was embarrassing. I put my hands over my face trying to hide my red cheeks.

He looked at me with his beautiful bright blue eyes which could be seen clearly as he wasn't wearing his glasses. He must have taken them off before he went to sleep.

"Ummm sure I guess" he replied rubbing the back of his neck again. I've noticed he does that when he's embarrassed or in a situation and isn't sure of how to answer.

As he did this his sleeves lifted and I took note of his muscular arms. They were well formed and the rest of his body must also be but he wears baggy clothes so it wasn't clear before.

He took his place next to me, took me in his arms and held me close. He then put the blanket over us both using his free arm.

I felt...home.

There was nowhere else in the world I would rather be. Our arms were skin to skin. I was getting cold and he was warm which was perfect. I gave a little sigh of satisfaction and we didn't move for a while.

My heart was beating like crazy and the areas where our skin touched felt different. I've never felt this with someone before. Ever. I had a butterfly farm in my stomach and the thought of maybe being with him flashed before me.

It wouldn't work though. We came from two different world's. Two different life styles and two different types of people.

He was calm, down to earth and the perfect guy only seen in movies. I was all drama, drama and popularity. My life was like a reality show.

That's when it ended. I could hear my phone's ringtone coming from the inside of the car. I opened my eyes and sat up looking down at Leon.

I then got out from under the blanket and I already started missing his touch. Not being in his arms felt wrong, unhuman and I couldn't think of how my life was before, without having him close to me.

I answered my phone not even checking who it is. I assumed it was my parents being worried, but it wasn't.

"Natts where are you? It's already 10! I thought we were gonna go grab a coffee at Starbucks and hit the malls. You disappeared last night and no one saw you after" said Beth.

"Crap! It's 10 already? So sorry I lost track of time give me a few hours. I just wanna go home quick and get ready I'll see you there" I said in a panic helping Leon to get everything back in the car after hearing the time.

"Hold up. What you mean home? Are you with a guy?! Who is..." was her last words before I cut the call.

We got in the car and Leon put his glasses back on before we made our way back into town so he could drop me off.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was already that late" he said with a panic.

"Nether did I " I replied laughing.

He then looked at me a gave a little laugh back.

The rest of the ride back was quiet and when we reached my house I got out quickly and started running to the door and screamed back at him "Thank you! Last night and this morning was fun! Will give you a call later maybe?!"

"Pleasure and sure!" he screamed back. I closed the door after that and ran upstairs to get ready.

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