Chapter 3

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(Nattlie's pov)

The bell rang and everyone packed up.

Anna and I both made our way to the bathroom before going to the cafeteria as usual.

When we walked into the bathroom there were already three girls infront of the mirror (Becca, Lucy and Sindy) fixing their make-up.

When they saw Anna and myself they moved up so that we could have the whole mirror.

The three girls sit with us at lunch, go shopping with us and all but they not close friends with Anna and I. They more like the back up girls in a movie.

You see them, you know who they are but they not the ones who rule the school.

" Hi Nattlie, Anna-beth" said the girls in sync.

It freaked me out when they did that. How did they know what the other was going to say?

"So I'm having a party this Friday and was wondering if you two would like to come. A few of my older brothers friends will be there!" said Lusy.

I didnt really want to go because I have a test on Tuesday and wanted to study but before I couldn't say no, Anna said yes.

Of course Anna said yes if there are older guys there and Lusy knew that.

"Ummm Anna can we talk...alone" said Becca.

Anna-beth nodded.

"Alone," said Becca looking at me "please."

I gave a little fake smile, turned and walked towards the bathroom door.

I knew Beth would tell me what Becca said so I wasn't too worried.

I was just nosey to know what it was about.

Becca knows what ever she says to the one of us the other is always open to hear. Becca knew this so well she doesn't even ask but this was different.

I opened the door turned left and walked right into someone. The person was so firm that I dropped my books and lose my balance.

One minute I was on my feet the next laying on the floor.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't see you. Can I help you up. Here take my hand. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I..."said the guy babbling.

Before he could finish his last sentence I said "Its fine!"

I will admit I did say it a bit harsh but this idiot wasn't shutting up plus I was in pain.

I looked up wanting to see who this guy was.

It was one of the twins...not the one who was hitting on me but the other one.

I saw he hardly had a dent in him which was funny as all nerdy people are a push over.

He put his hand out to help me up. I put my hand in his hand and he pulled me right up against him.

It wasn't my first time being helped up by a nerd but it was my first time being helped up by a talkative nerd.

All the nerds who try and help, pull with both hands and have me pushing myself off the ground anyway.

You could say it was like I helped myself up with one hand in the air.

But he was strong... It amazed me that he got me up so quick without hurting me at all, he was so gentle.

I looked up into his blue eyes and smiled my fake smile still embarrassed about what happened.

I took a step back saying thank you.

He smiled and looked down to the ground.

He bent down and started to pick up my books.I bent down and started to help.

I only had a few books and in no time we were both back up. I took my books from him said thank you again and turned to walk.

As I took my first step my foot felt funny.

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