Chapter 46

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(Nattlies pov)

Dark shadows got closer and closer, and soon after I felt strong hands grabbing my arms tightly.

"It took a while to find him but we did. He is first on our list then his pathetic brother." he says letting his greedy hand slide under my shirt. I gave him a knee to the crotch and tried to make a run for it but failed.

The figure grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled me back. I fell once again to the ground with my knees and hands bleeding. He walked closer and kicked me hard in the stomach. I started coughing and a tear fell down my cheek. He took me by the sleeve and pulled me up to look into my face.

"Tell Sebastian he better watch his back. Simone will be next then your friend... what's her name? Anna-beth? And then you Miss Nattlie Miller... best for last" he says letting his hand fall to my butt, pulling me closer. Memories of my father started flooding in as he grinds against me.

He gave me a strong and sudden back hand to my right cheek, making me lose my balance. I fell to the ground now cutting open my elbows. I just laid there crying... the taste of metal taking over my mouth. I spat out blood and rolled onto my back. He looked down at me with an evil smile.

"That's what I like to see, Little Nattlie Miller down on her knees. Now beg!" he screams at me.

The guy standing just behind him starts to laugh.

The dark figure came closer, picked me up by my neck and just before he could say another word we both hear his laughing monkey behind him fall to the ground after a loud blow. He turned to see Leon standing furiously.

He started laughing and threw me to the floor making my head hit the wall.

"Finally he arrives to the party!" says the guy with his arms out to Leon.

"Ladies and gentle men! Sebastian finally comes out of hiding and why is that? To save your damsel in distress? Oh please Sebastian who are you trying to fool? You are bad news kid and always have been... A tiger can't change his stripes and either can you. Come back and we leave her alone... fail to return... well I've never raped a billionaires daughter before. Have you?" I hear him speak behind me. Fear running through my body.

Leon ran to him and gave him a fist. The guy fell to the ground and wiped his mouth. "Not too bad, I thought you would have lost your touch by now. I wonder if I treat her with the same love and care you treating me... maybe she will leave you for me?" He says looking at me hungrily.

"Leave her alone Jason. Lay a hand on her one more time and your dead" says a fuming Leon.

The guy behind Leon grabs him from behind. Jason gets up and grabs an iron rod laying abandoned on the ground beside me. He looks Leon in the eyes and hits him across the chest, taring his shirt and drawing blood with a single blow.

Seeing this happen I finally find the strength to get up. "Let him go!" I say with venom in my words. He turned to me and slowly started to walk towards me. As I bend down to grab another of the iron rods, he slashes me across my back with the rod in is hand.

"NOOOO!" screams Leon struggling. I fell to the ground, shirt torn. I could feel a warm liquid tickling down my back.

Leon screamed in rage and broke loose, turned around and hit the guy who was holding him... lights out. Leon ran over to Jason and they started throwing out swings. Each missing some and each failing to miss some. I started to feel dizzy when strong arms scooped me up and started running towards the vans direction.

I couldn't make out exactly who was carrying me but I couldn't do anything about it anyway.

"Get her out of here Simone!" I hear Leon scream.

"Nattlie you going to be okay just hold on" I hear Luke's voice worried. Luke was carrying me out. Thank goodness was my last thought before everything went black and mute.

(Leon's pov)

I ran to Anna-beth's place after Jason made a run for it. Luke unlocked the door after I gave a hard knock.

"Where is she?!" I asked worried mixed with anger.

"Up stairs" Luke answers making way for me to get past. I run past him and up the stairs, missing every second step to get there quicker.

Nattlie was laying on a bed unconscious. Anna-beth sitting beside her and cleaning the blood from her wounds.

"Leon" says Anna-beth with tears in her eyes. She picks up the bowl with red stained water, on her bed that she used and made room for me to sit next to her. I grabbed Nattlie's hand between mine and started kissing her hand gently.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner. Anna called me right after she called you and I came as quick as I could." said a guilty feeling Luke. I turned to look at him, got up and hugged him tight.

"Thank you" is all that can come out of my mouth now. I started crying unable to control my emotions any longer.

"Its okay Leon she's safe" says Luke hugging me tight, trying to calm me down.

I pulled away and went back to her side. I don't wanna take my eyes off her. I cant!

Anna-beth handed me a bowl with warm water and a hand towel in it. I places it on the side table and cleaned the last bit of blood on her cheek. How could I have been this stupid! Getting into a relationship, making that show at school with my makeover crap. No wonder they found me... this is all my fault. I'm the reason she's hurt.

I sat here beside her and cleaned myself with the cloth. Anna-beth and Luke checked up on Nattlie and I here and there to see if there is a change.

Two hours later and finally Nattlie's fingers which are intertwined with mine started to move.

"Anna-beth! Luke!" I yell. They soon joined me.

Nattlie opened her eyes and started crying when she saw me. "Bash!" she says sitting up quickly to hug me. I held her gently not wanting to hurt her.

"Aaah" moans Nattlie, finally having the pain set in. I laid her back down slowly. "Rest" I say with a tear falling down my cheek. She lifts her hand and wipes it away.

Luke must have realized that he should give us some time alone so he took Anna-beth around the hip and started walking her out. Down the hall way I heard Anna-beth ask Luke who is Bash. At this point of time I don't care I just need to be with Nattlie.

"I'm so sorry my love" I say weakly.

"Shhh," starts Nattlie, "None of this is your fault. If anything you saved the day" she ends with a smile.

"It doesn't feel or look like it" I say feeling too guilty to make eye contact.

It was quiet for a few seconds before she spoke. "I love you, Bash."

I bent down and placed my head on her check hugging her as tight as I can without hurting her. She held my head close to her chest and started playing with my hair. It is actually calming me down. The sound of her heart beating peaceful brought a peace over me. I can't lose her.

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