Chapter 29

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(Nattlies pov)

Tornado started walking with Leon still on him. I'm starting to get nervous as Leon hasn't gone riding before and Tornado doesn't like people on him. Suddenly Tornado started to gallop and I couldn't keep up. I quickly saddled my horse Moonchild and went after Leon. 

Moonchild was well known for her speed and I have won world champions with her yet she could just just catch up with Tornado. Even though it was amazing seeing him in action he finally came to a stop at our lake a few kilometers from the stables. 

When I reached Leon he got off Tornado and I half tackled him with a hug. Our horse trainer is currently in hospital thanks to Tornado throwing him off... and its been two months since the accident. 

"I'm so happy you alright! I would have died if something happened to you. It was a bad idea putting you on him. You are better alive than dead. I don't..." I blabbed on before he cut me off.

"Natts! I'm fine. I'm not hurt and I feel amazing. I've never felt so free." 

I looked at him worried but when I realized he was serious I couldn't help but smile. We soon after made our way back to the house and he started tutoring me with physics which was the real reason for our meet up.

That night after Leon left my parents came home unexpectedly. I haven't seen them since they said bye to me before I went to the school dance. I've tried to call a few times but only got through to my mom ones. 

"Nattlie my girl can we have a little talk quick. Nothing serious just a little heads up for a ball." said my dad as he left the dinner table. 

I looked over to my mom who had a smile on her face. My parents have balls all the time so what makes this one different. I excused myself from the table and followed him into his study. I took a seat on one of the chairs, took the remote on the side table and turned on the fireplace. He looked at me seriously. 

"There's going to be a ball. Not here as many of the people coming wouldn't be seen dead here. We will be having it in Paris. Now I know you tend to get bored at these balls and I'm going to need you to feel ravishing with the new dress I designed, I have decided that it will be best if you bring someone along. Beth is most probably your first choice but just let her know that the whole idea is not to try out shine you. We need all the eyes in the room to be on you as you enter fashionably late including Mr Chevaliers eyes. He is our targeted guest. I've been meaning to do business with him for a while now and this is my chance." said my dad not wasting any time waffling. 

"If it is alright with you... would it be possible if I invited a guy." I said nervously.

He pondered for a while.

"I could design a suit to compliment your dress... hmmm. Yes! That could just work. I'll set it up with Danny Schwarz..." he said excitedly. 

"No dad not a Calvin Klein model. It will look too forced. If I may... I say get a guy as it will make me look desired but not someone who loves the attention." I said acting as if the idea just popped into mind.

"My girl that is brilliant! Only problem is how will we get someone who is good looking, well built, not looked forced or paid to be there and has some sort of a humble nature?" 

I gave my dad a naughty smile. "Leave that to me dad." I went back to the dinning room table. My mom was still eating so I took my place and carried on with dinner. 

"When is the ball?" I asked my mom curiously.

"Your father told me it is three nights from now. Why is there a problem?" asked my mother.

"Well dad said he would have a suit for my date and I just wanted to know if he will be done in time."

"You know your father... he has never missed a deadline... So tell me all the dirty little details. Who is this boy? Do we know his family? Is he like every other guy you thought liked you but turned out they only after the money?" 

"Not exactly. Hes a new guy in our school and we have become really good friends and no mom he isn't after the money." I said, sounding a little too defensive with my last few words.

"But you like him" said my mother.

"Ummm are you asking or saying?"

"No no I'm telling you. I might not be here often but I still know my daughter." said my mother with a grin.

"He's not a boy though." 

"Oh my sweetheart he's a boy till he's proved to me he can take care of my princess. Then after we can call him a man."

I laughed a little at her speech then flicked my hair over my shoulder playfully and left the table. 

I'm laying on my bed in PJ's thinking everything over. I'm actually quite excited. Me, Leon and the stars in Paris. Sounds like a more romantic option compared to Lukes offer. That's also if Leon is able to make it.

The night went by faster than usual and I was up, ready and out the house in just over 3 hours which isn't too bad of a time if you ask me. Yes I was late for school but they will have to understand. I'm a perfectionist.

The rest of the day dragged and it felt like a hundred years. Leon wasn't at school for some reason and the whole of today I've had Beth complaining that Luke isn't at school and didn't even bother to sent her a text. At least I can say I know what shes going through.

"I'm so totally happy that we going to the spa. I've been pretty busy with Luke lately... if you know what I mean." said Beth, as I parked the car in Driftwood spas parking lot, with a seductive wink.

We both laughed and made our way to the front office.  As we didn't book in advance we had to pay a few hundreds to buy someone else's place. Sorry for them but I need a much deserved rest. 

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