Chapter 37

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Two nights back I got an anonymous tip from Miss A stating that she heard Nattlie Miller now has a boyfriend and will be introducing him at school the next day. As Miss A is a close friend of Nattlie the statement could be trusted. But who was this Mr. Darcy everyone was speaking of?

In the beginning of this school year two new students started at our school by the names of: Luke Collins and Leon Collins. Many did not know the name of Leon Collins and many more didn't even know our most wanted bachelor, Luke Collins, even had a brother never mind a twin brother but now you do.

Many of you are asking the question... Why is it only now that we take note of this dashing Mr. Darcy? Is it because he is dating one of the most popular girls in school or is it his new look that has all the guys wanting to be him and all the ladies wanting to date him? One thing is for sure it was not done as a social experiment and they are not in any way related.

Stay tuned as we reveal more of their beautiful love life in next weeks paper.

(Nattlies pov)

"Then they just have about five pages with pictures of us, your before and after and then one page of pictures of you and Luke." I said to Leon and Beth at lunch the next day sitting at our table in the cafeteria.

Leon didn't seem to be too interested. He's still not one for the spotlight but me on the other hand, I'm not complaining.

Luke came with his food tray and sat next to Beth, across Leon.

Leon greeted his brother as if nothing has happened in the past two days.

Beth threw her arms over him and tries to kiss him but he didn't return the affection. Beth just brushed it off but I could see she was a little hurt.

"Hey Beth who did you say is having a party this Friday?" I asked trying to kill the tension.

"James O' Conner... it's his 18th so his parents are going out for the night so he can have a few friends over. If you ask me, our whole year isn't a few people." said Beth turning her attention towards me.

"Do you wanna go?" asked Leon putting his hand lightly on my lower back.

"Well if you gonna go I will" I say with a smile.

Leon nodded and finished up his food. I did the same and when I was finished Leon stood up and took our trays to the lunch lady.

Luke glared at me and I started feeling uncomfortable. Leon needs to hurry up as the longer I sit here the more I want to tell Beth his little game he's playing.

I stood up and started walking to my next class, Leon was talking to a member of the chess club and I couldn't wait any longer.

Not too long after I could hear Luke calling my name. I just kept walking, not wanting to see him for another second longer. Unfortunately he caught up and grabbed my arm gently.

"Nattlie look whatever he told you is a lie" he said slowly.

"Really? So you saying your own brother is lying about you have the audacity to start a bet to see who can sleep with me first?"

"Okay no that part is true," he said, I turned to walk off but I stopped when he blurted out, "I love you Nattlie"

I stood dead still looking down at the ground.

"Did you hear what I said, I said I lo-"

"Yeah yeah I heard you." I said cutting him off. I stood still for a while before I turned around and looked him in the eyes. "I love your brother, so learn to live with it or stay out of our lives. You know... I started to like you at that part but after the way you treated me I realized I deserve someone who treats me right... and your brother does."

I turned around and walked about five steps before I turned back to him. "You know your brother is amazing and you should be more like him. I don't know what is happening with you and Beth but she deserves someone who will be honest with her and treat her the way Leon treats me. She is an amazing friend and the only sister I have. So don't hurt her " I turned and walked off. Luke didn't try to stop me.

The rest of the day flew by and soon after I was home making popcorn for Leon and I. Leon asked me who Mr. Darcy was exactly and when he said he had never seen the movie I knew he needed a moviecation.

"Moviecation?" asked Leon as I sat down with the popcorn.

"Duh... a movie education... moviecation." I said laughing.

"I sort of know who he is though so we don't have to watch it."

I looked at him with disbelief. "Most people have heard of Mr. Darcy and that he is the hot mysterious guy women love... but not many know what movie he's from or even the story line. So like it or not we are going to watch Pride and Prejudice. Besides it will be our first romance movie together" I say looking a little sad. Hoping he falls for it.

He places a soft kiss on my forehead and said "Alright but... only because I love you"

I looked into his eyes and smiled before replying "I love you too"

I will admit after that we did make out for about thirty minutes. The way those three little words rolled off his lips... it gives me goose bumps. Luke could never make me feel the way Leon does.

Before the movie started I wanted to tell Leon what Luke said to me at school. I don't like keeping things from him.

"Bash... there's something I wanna tell you about your broth-" I started before he cut me off with a peck.

"I don't wanna talk about him now. I'm so happy now, here with you. He just upsets me."

I gave a nod. Its true I tired to tell him in the car, on our way home, but I could feel him tensing a little so I left it. I guess I can tell him later.

Leon and I watched the whole movie and he actually got quite into it. We spoke about it for about an hour after the movie finished. It was cute seeing him get upset a few times throughout the movie and it felt amazing having him hold me tight during the parts I started cried in. I genuinely do feel like Lizzy having my Mr. Darcy finally beside me.

Leon had to leave after as he promised to have dinner at home with his family. I'm not sure if Luke is going to be there but if he is it should be an interesting meal.

(Leons pov)

"Leon I see you have changed your look lately. It looks good... suits you you know... not keeping such a low profile as usual.." said mom at the dinner table. I just gave a nod as my mouth was full of food.

"I'm guessing it's because of that girl you like?" she asked curiously. I gave another nod.

"I'm not complaining though, you seem happier and your marks are going up which is odd as most guys marks go down when they start dating a girl" my mom said glancing over at Luke.

Luke stood up and went to his room. My mom watched as Luke left and my father just gave a sigh. "Subtle" my dad said finally looking at my mom.

"What I know Luke is more the running after girls type and his marks are dropping recently... I got a call this morning so my first guess was it has to do with a little lady" my mom said looking at me.

"Do you maybe know who she is?"

I looked at my mom and shook my head. I never lie to my mom but knowing my mom she will wanna get involved and that never ends well.

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