Chapter 51

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(Nattlies pov)

Its been exactly a month since Leon left.


Thirty days ago today Leon left me without a word.


I'm not really in the mood for today. I just wanna lay here in bed all day and not feel... but how could I? I see him everywhere.

I see him laying on my couch on the other side of the room calling me over to cuddle, I see him going through my cupboard to find me something warm to wear, I see him standing by my window looking out at the acres of land and I can even feel him holding me now... His soft breath... His sweet fingers tickling my skin as he touches me... His loving eyes and the way he looks at me, enough to make the world jealous... His stead heartbeat, in sync with mine...

"Lets stay here Bash?" I whisper to Leon.

"Okay" he says back sweetly in my ear. I feel him placing sweet kisses on my neck. His soft lips giving me goosebumps.

My phone rings and I open my eyes suddenly. It was just a dream.

I answer to a crying Beth. Luke is gone missing. Beth called him and even went over to his house but there's no sign of him. She is currently driving around asking people if they have seen Luke or Leon. But she informs me there's no news. I drag my body out of bed and take a shower. I joined the search after a hour but I wasn't in the mood for it. He's gone... Luke is gone... my Bash is gone and there's nothing we can do.

Beth and I pulled up once again in front of their house. Mrs. Collins invited us in for some tea but all I wanted was answers. "Girls I've told you before they gone. They didnt leave a note or anything."

I looked at her and could see she was trying to hide something. "Mrs. Collins I know you know something and I ask from the bottom of my heart for you to trust us and tell us the truth. I love Leon with all my heart and I cant take this anymore."

She looked into my eyes and could see the hurt. She gave a sigh. "Girls I want to but I cant okay"

"Please Mrs. Hunter" I say placing my hand on hers with is resting on her lap.

"What did you call me?" she said frozen.

"Leon trusted me to tell me the truth. Luke trusted Beth enough to tell her the truth. Please tell us."

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. Her hand moved from under mine and moved hair out of my face. She looked at the bruising under my right eye. I looked away. "Its nothing. Just a little accident" I lied.

"Sebastian left to protect you Nattlie" she says softly.

I turned to face her. "What?"

"Leon left to protect you... and Luke left to protect you Anna-beth"

"From what?" I ask curiously.

"From that" she says looking at the bruise under my eye.

I suddenly felt self conscious. I moved the hair from behind my ear to cover my blue, purple and yellow stain on my face. We sat in silence for a while.

"So you know about Sebastian?" asks Mrs. Collins. I nod. "And you know about Simone?" asks Mrs. Collins. Beth gives a nod. "And you two still love them after finding out the truth?" she says jokingly trying to break the ice.

"With all my heart" I say seriously, not making eye contact and unable to look away from the décor on the coffee table.

With all my heart...

(Leons pov)

"I miss her" says Luke, laying on his bed and looking up at the ceiling.

I didn't say a word. No words can describe the way I feel. Having your other half so far away, unable to even say a simple 'hi' really starts to kill you from the inside out.

The phone vibrates and I lift my head to see Luke taking a look.

"Mom says they were both there a few minutes ago... and that they know" says Luke unsure of the last part.

I suddenly sit up. "What?"

"Yes. Mom says Roxy went to the hospital wanting to know how the baby is and wanting answers. The doctor wasn't ready to tell but did as he could see how Roxy and her friend is hurting. The doctor says they deserve to know the truth."

A smile appeared on my face. Mom told Nattlie and Anna-beth the truth. So they know. I feel a warmth taking over as if I can feel Nattlie not worrying and trusting me and what I had to do. Lets just hope Jason finds us so this can all be over soon.

Two months past and today was the day. Jason was spotted by a friend of ours who belonged to a gang and fortunately got out. Jason has been on our tracks for the past month and a half. He has been plotting and planning but with the help of a few friends he was arrested today. He came into our room with an revolver and pointed it straight at me. We knew his plan as he always had the same way of killing people. When Luke got here we informed the police of what will take place so they had people undercover watching us 24/7.

He was arrested for not having a license for the gun and was taken to the police station. They did some fingerprint scans and that was that. Jason is a well known gangster and he is now being sent to a maximum security facility. The cops says they have been looking for him since the age sixteen. That was when he killed his first victim. His own mother.

Since then he has killed over a hundred people, raped a few girls and is huge into drug dealing. The officer informed us that we can go back home as they have enough to send him away for a hundred and twenty years, Eighty for good behavior. Unfortunately Jason being in his thirties means he will die before he comes out. So in other words good behavior doesn't exist.

Luke and I can finally go home.

Early the next morning Luke and I packed our stuff and made our way back home. The excitement was too much for the both of us as the whole car ride back Luke would not stop talking. I tried to tell him I want to sleep and if he could please keep it down but his answer was "How could you sleep knowing you gonna see Nattlie soon?" and then carry on with his conversation.

I left him after the first hour. I can't blame him for being excited. I am pretty excited as well. Just to think I'll have Nattlie in my arms again. The thought put a permanent smile on my face.

My heart started racing as we pulled up in front of the house. We greeted our parents and got smothered in hugs. "Why didn't you tell me you two are coming back?" says mom whipping away tears.

"We wanted to surprise you" replies Luke embracing mom.

"I have to call the girls now! They will be so thrilled when they get here and see you two" said my mom excitedly making her way to the house phone. Its eleven in the evening. I know Nattlie is sleeping but I hope she hears the call.

"Hi Nattlie its Mrs. Collins... something has happened... please come to my house as soon as you can... bring Anna-beth with... and Nattlie please hurry!"

I looked at my mom wide eyed. "You gonna freak her out" I say a little mad at the fact that Nattlie is going to be worried and thinking over what is wrong.

My mom giggled and waked back into the kitchen to place the phone back in it's place. Now it's just a matter of minutes.

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