Chapter 60

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(Anna-beth's pov)

Nattlie and Leon got married exactly a year later... 2nd August.

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. I have never seen a couple more in love than them. Luke and I are still together and happier than ever but we not quite... there yet. After the wedding they flew to Hawaii, then Japan, if I remember correctly they also went to Cape Town in South Africa. There are a few other places they went to I just can't remember them all... they were away for six months as a gift from Mrs. Miller.

Just between you and me. Mr. Miller paid for Nattlies ring. Leon insisted on paying for it on his own but Mr. Miller said if he wanted his blessing Leon should take the money and use it for the proposal. Its a good thing he did. Having her nails done before was all my idea. Leon hired a photographer to take pictures and I wasn't going to have my best friend have a week old set of nails.

You know they could have been really happy.

You heard me right... could have. They came back late January the next year and all was well. In fact they went on the honeymoon as two and came back as three. Yes Nattlie found out she fell pregnant the last month that they were away. Which was January. They both agreed to not knowing what the gender is until he or she is born. Zaleen if it was a girl and Cody if it was a boy. They were really excited about the baby and so was everyone who knew them.

They spent their 1 year anniversary full of smiles. The baby was due at the end of the next month... September.

On the 5th of September Nattlie rushed to the hospital but not for the reason you are thinking. Leon was on his way to the shop that morning to buy groceries for dinner as Nattlie was to tired to go with. There was a car accident and Leon was rushed to the nearest hospital. Nattlie got a call soon after and then imminently called Luke to come pick her up and take her. When they arrived at the hospital they would only let Nattlie see him and during that time Luke called me.

He was stable for the time being. But nothing good lasts forever. The doctors must have missed something as late that night Leon passed away. Nattlie was left husbandless and their child was left fatherless. It didn't end with that though. Nattlie was due late that month but the baby was late.

On the 2nd of October the doctors started getting worried and did a C-section. That marvelous day Nattlie gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The doctors did a full check ups to see why he was late but till this day they still don't know. When the doctors gave Nattlie her baby they asked her what she would like to call him. Tears of joy rolling down her face and that was the first time she smiled since the day Leon died.

"Sabastian... Sabastian Collins is his name" said Nattlie with her remaining strength.

Since then Nattlie has been raising her son to be a down to earth, loving little boy. That's how we are where we are today. It would have been Nattlie and Leons 2 year today. Next month it will be one year of Leons death. This is why Luke and I are here at her place as support as she goes through these months. She has been so strong but I know her she's taking it one day at a time.


Nattlie is seventy five now. Sabastian is fifty six with two kids who are both in their twenties. Nattlie is grateful to see her grandchildren grow but she has never been the same Nattlie. Till this day she still wonders what life would have been like if Leon didn't get in that car or if she got in the car with him. The Nattlie who married Leon, the Nattlie everyone misses. We all thought she would be able to move on but in when the time came she couldn't.

Nattlie and Leon had a special kind of love. In fact Nattlie is still till this day a widow with no interest in finding love. When asked Nattlie will just say: "How can I love another when I'm still in love with my husband?" and after hearing that every time... you end up not asking anymore and just respect her wishes.

So that's the latest I guess. Nattlie has been healthy and Sabastian grew up to be a man Leon could be proud of. This story might not have a happy ending but if you ask Nattlie today she is just grateful that the time she did have with Leon was unforgettable. She is happy as she knows she will soon be with her love when she passes away from old age.

I guess I always knew their love was going to be... Forever and Always.


Please take a look at my latest book:

Queen of hearts


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