Chapter 38

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Last week we met Mr. Darcy but this week I reveal more juicy news. We all know Mr. Darcy, Leon Collins, and our Elizabeth Bennett, Nattlie Miller, are dating. But as you know Pride and Prejudice wont be the same without Mr. Wickham who confessed his love to Lizzy last week in these very hallways. Will Mr. Wickham win her heart after saying the three words all women want to hear or will she be happy with her choice and prove Jane Austin, the writer of Pride and Prejudice, to be right when it came to the strong love between Lizzy and Darcy.

You might be wondering who is this Mr. Wickham I speak of, but where is the fun in revealing all the secrets. Another question you all should be asking is, is Wickham also after Lizzy for her dowry in this case her virginity or is our Mr. Wickham really in love this time? I'm sure you all are also waiting for Lydia... well I have found her walking our hallways as well. Who is this Lydia who is head over heels in love with Wickham but can't see past the fact that he's after her own sister?

Stay tuned for next weeks addition of Mr. Darcy vs Mr. Wickham.

(Leon's pov)

"What the hell Nattlie?" I said after reading the school news paper. I'm angry because she didn't tell me but I'm furious at my brother. He knows I'm with Nattlie and he still tries to win this stupid bet of his. It needs to end! She is not some toy to be won or to be played around with.

"Leon I've been trying to tell you for a few days now but each time I get to the 'your brother said' you always cut me off and say you don't wanna talk about him. So I just left it I was genuinly going to tell you after the dust settles but now, by the looks of things, there's a sand storm... Leon I didn't mean to hurt you I promise." said Nattlie moving closer to me and putting her hand gently on my arm.

She is right. I know she has been trying to tell me something for a while now but my brother makes me so mad that I didn't even want to hear what she had to say. When he is around I try act as if everything doesn't bother me but it does.

I pulled her closer to hug her. "I know you have been trying, I'm sorry I have been shutting you down and I'm sorry for snapping at you without listening to your side as well." I say feeling guilty.

(Nattlie's pov)

At that moment Beth came and sat across me looking furious. She must be upset when she figured out that she is Lydia. I must say well done to Freddie Hunt for matching us up to the characters. He really got it spot on.

Now for those of you who don't know the story of Pride and Prejudice... here is a quick story plot:

The Bennett family contains five daughters who are all trying to be married off to wealth men. The eldest daughter falls in love with a wealth man who is good friends with Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy is the mysterious, quiet, very wealthy gentleman who falls in love with the second eldest daughter, Elisabeth also known as Lizzy. Both these characters have opposite characteristics and would never dream of one day being together but in the end find out they have a lot more in common than they thought. Now you may ask who is Mr. Wickham well he was like a stepbrother to Mr. Darcy who gambled all the money, Darcy's father gave him after he died, away and seeks for a rich bride. Unfortunately Lizzy found out the truth about Wickham and his gold digging history and wanted nothing to do with him. Wickham soon after married one of Lizzy's younger sister, Lydia, who fell for Wickham's lies as she was a little of a flirt herself. Lydia was much younger than the older Bennett sisters and wished to live a grown up life. She seeked attention from men but deep down just wanted to be loved and have someone to call her own. The Bennett family weren't wealthy and to protect their name Mr. Darcy pays Wickham to stay with Lydia after they ran away together. Now in those years if a woman ran off unmarried with a man she was seen as cheap and that ruined the family name. Luckily for them Mr. Darcy saves the day, again.

It genuinely is an amazing movie and my personal favourite. Leon ended up loving it as well and a guy liking a romance says something. So to all those what haven't seen the movie... get yourself a moviecation!

"How could you?!" asked Beth not sounding impressed.

"Beth I can explain I-" I started trying to apologize before she cut me off.

"How could you not tell me about this Mr. Wickham?! Everyone is talking about who Wickham is and who Lydia could be. Personally I always saw myself as Jane you know, kind soft spoken, shy and kind, but this Lydia chick well she's just plain stupid. Everyone is trying to put the puzzle together. Now everyone knows Lizzy and Lydia are sisters so I'm guessing its one of our friends. Is it Cindy? I always had a feeling her boyfriend had a thing for you. I have to tell everyone I figured out who Lydia and Wickham are!" said Beth getting excited.

"Wait no!" Leon and I say in unison.

Beth looked at us both confused.

"So it isn't Cindy? And Jason isn't Wickham?"

We both shook our heads.

She seemed bummed as if she was so sure she figured it out. But she hasn't yet. I think I should call her over and tell her the truth... she deserves to know.

"Beth you should come over tonight and I'll tell you everything, okay?" I say slowly.

She smile at me, gave a nod and said she was running off to find Luke.

Leon tells me he's been out a lot lately, most probably with Beth as every time I try make plans she says she already has plans, which just sounds to me as if the whole 'I love you' was a fake.

Leon turned towards me, "Its gonna be really hard but you are doing the right thing"

I smiled at Leon and hugged him. He's so supportive and I don't think I can do this without him.

"Bash would you please also come tonight, I need you there."

"Sure" he said sounding unsure but going with is anyway.

Its going to be a long night...

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