Chapter 12

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(Nattlie's pov)

I woke up the next morning with the warm sun covering my body. It was warm but in the inside I felt cold.

I knew something, or someone, who could fill this hole. That's when I remembered my date with Leon. I had to go back home.

Yes I did pack clothes but not something for a hike in the woods. Besides I haven't showered and I can't go on a date without a make up touch up.

I got in the car and started speeding home. Maybe I can make it in time.

That's when my phone rang and I answered it on Bluetooth.

"Hey its Leon"

"Oh hi what's up?"

"I just wanted to call and let you know that I'm on my way to church and I can only meet you at the spot at about 12. The walk to the place takes about a hour so can we maybe have a picnic at 1?"

This was perfect. The time was 7 now which gave me about three hours to get ready.

"Ye sure that's perfect. Well enjoy and see you then"

"Alright bye then" said Leon then ended the call.

I had to plan this nicely. I'll be home by 8 but I need to be back on the road by 11 to be at the spot at 12.

Three hours to shower, do hair, make up and pick out an outfit. It's short but I can do it.

When I got home I didn't see any of my parents keys, which means mom must still be in Paris or Greece and dad must be at work in New York, I think. This was the norm in my life I guess.

Two hours and a half later I was almost ready. The only thing I still had to do was pick out an outfit.

After a few minutes I had most my clothes laying on the floor, bed and even my table and chair.

I felt uncomfortable in everything. It was either not something for a hike or it was too showy, tight or short.

I didn't feel as if I had to dress in a way to get his attention. I wanted his attention but this time I knew it couldn't be anything to do with showing off my body.

I didn't have anything to wear! I decided to take a look in mom's cupboard. She has her personal trainer that comes to our house three times a week, if she's home. Dad made sure the trainer was female to ensure she gets something done.

I took out a black three quarter pants that wasn't too tight but sat just right. I already had a gym bra on and decided on a plain black T-shirt with the words 'JUST DO IT' written in glitter silver. My last finishing touch was my bright purple takkies.

I looked at the time on my clock against the wall and saw it was 11:15. I'm late!

I grabbed my keys and ran. I was on the road for about 10 minutes and thought I should call Leon and tell him I'm running a bit late. I looked at the passengers seat and I realised I forgot my phone in my handbag which I left on the kitchen counter.

Crap! Crap! Crap!

The robot lights were also not on my side today. Every light caught me.

I got at the spot at 12:30 just as Leon started to drive out the parking.

"I'm so so sorry, I was running late and I forgot my phone at home when I wanted to call and the robot all hate me and turned red. But I'm really sorry..." I blabbed on and on when we got out our cars before he cut me off.

"Its alright. I thought you weren't coming so I wanted to leave but you here now"

I felt sudden relief take over.

"You look beautiful though" he said pushing up his glasses then rubbing her back of his neck.

I liked it when he did that. So nerdy yet cute.

"Thanks" I replied tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I had my hair up in a ponytail but I did have a few strands hanging as it was cut in layers.

I could feel my cheeks heating up when he called me beautiful. I think he noticed this and gave a little smile and started to walk into the forest. It was funny, now I was the tag along.

We walked past the tree that we kissed under and I instantly felt guilt. I was so lost in thought that I slowed down and turned back to look at it.

Leon stopped and looked at me. I turned round and looked at him then at my feet and started walking again. By the time I reached him we carried on walking and I had a feeling he was thinking about the kiss and it being a mistake.

I felt upset but just walking next to him felt like home.

"I'm legs can't carry me any longer" I moaned.

He laughed and told me we were about 10 minutes away.

"TEN MINUTES! Haha you crazy right" I said laughing. He looked at me and laughed.

"Come on I'm carrying the lunch on my back. You can do it" he said walking towards me.

That's when he picked me up, over his shoulder then carried on walking.

I started laughing and couldn't stop.

"Put me down!" I struggled to say with me laughing in between.

After a while I gave up the fight and just laid there. Soon after that he put me down and smiled at me.

"Look" he said looking past me.

I turned round and saw a wooden path way.

"Where does it go?" I asked.

"Why don't we go take a look" he said.

I got all excited and started running.

"Come on Leon run run run!" I screamed at him.

"I carried you for like 30 min with the food, and you want me to run?"

I laughed and ran back to him.

"When you picked me up against my will you said 10 minutes. Now it's 30?" I said giving him a look.

"Ye ye big mouth. You think you smart hey? If it was against your will why didn't you tell me?" He asked teasing me.

I laughed and gave him a little push. From then we walked together.

I could see the end of the path coming up and my excitement levels rised again. He saw it as well.

"Let's take a break here. What you say?"

I gave him a death stare and started pulling him. He just laughed and didn't make it easy for me to pull him at first.

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