Chapter 34

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(Leons pov)

"Evening Mr. Chevaliers glad you could make it." said Mr. Miller shacking his hand. "This is Leon Collins, my daughters boyfriend. He will be joining us this evening."

Mr. Chevaliers looked at me, scanning my body from head to toe and up again.

"Very beau" said Mr. Chevaliers.

"Yes he is handsome. A real diamond in the rough." said Mr. Miller giving me a raised eyebrow.

"Oui! He should consider modeling. He's quite the looker." said the short French man. In the corner of my eye I catch Mr Miller putting a hand in his pocket. Any second now will he be drawing attention to Nattlie.

"Mr. Chevaliers I hear you are interested in investing a little... ah sorry" said Mr. Miller to Mr. Chevaliers, then turned to me.

"Looks to me my daughter has finally arrived" says Mr. Miller loud enough for Mr. Chevaliers to hear.

I turn to the doors and said, "Doesn't she look absolutely stunning gentlemen?" as Nattlie walks in. It was drilled into me but now that I see her its easier to say the line as its my honest opinion.

I started walking towards her as if it was only her and I in the room. She came to a halt at the bottom of the stair case, as out eyes locked. She is so beautiful and I don't have the right words to describe her.

"Doesn't she look absolutely stunning gentlemen?" I say as I reach her.

She laughs a little, covering her mouth. "You look handsome Mr. Bash."

I'm struck with awe. I am unable to take my eyes off her. She slowly hooks her arm into mine and starts walking.

"This is Mr. Chev... " I say freezing up. I can feel Mr. Miller shooting me a look.

"Sorry but Nattlie has taken my breath away." I say to the French man jokingly. He gave a laugh.

"Nattlie this is Mr. Chevaliers the head of the French fashion industry" I say trying to recover myself.

He gave a smile then took Nattlies hand to kiss it gently.

"Looks like my Nattlie here didn't get the memo of the Black and White ball with the hint of Red."

"Sorry daddy. I did get the memo but when I went into the company closet I fell in love with this little number. I know my dad designed this for Anne Hathaway and some function she's going to but personally I feel this dress should be seen by the world in person. Don't you think?" asked Nattlie.

"Je fais" he said with a little chuckle.

"I do too" I said.

Mr. Miller looked at us all three. "Three against one... Alright fine I'll design another dress for Anne." said Mr. Miller surrendering to us.

The rest of the evening went smoothly. Nattlie and I danced after I stepping on her toes a few times but it ended well. We stood for photos and spoke to a few other people. Overall the night was a success. Mr. Miller even got Mr. Chevaliers to agree to invest his money into the company.

It was early the next morning when we arrived back at Nattlies place. Nattlie offered for me to use one of the guest rooms as sunrise will be in a few hours time. A rest will do me some good.

When I woke up I gathered my things and let myself out as Nattlie was still sleeping. By the time I got home I greeted my mom and had some toast.

"Well brother tell me, how was the friends house. Did you get the homework done?" asked Luke standing in my doorway.

I gave a nod but didn't make eye contact. My brother knows me too well and he will be able to tell that I'm hiding something.

"So tell me now. I haven't really seen Nattlie around and I was wondering if you have?"

"Nope not really. Why do you ask?" I ask curiously.

"Just between you and me I still got my eyes on her. Yeah Beth is fun but she's not the real thing. She's the type of girl who sleeps with more than one guy at a time and I need someone who makes him excited and I know wont get an STD from." joked my brother.

"Look Luke you not gonna get that from her. Yes she's different but its exactly that... she is different" I said looking at him and starting to get a little annoyed.

"By the sounds off things you like her as well brother. How's this... a little game. The first one to jump her bones gets to keep her. Sounds like a deal?" asked Luke putting his hand out for me to shack.

I looked at him with discuss. I know I had that side to me ones but it was never anything about sleeping with women. We use to see how many numbers we could get at a bar or see if we can steal a kiss but nothing like the way he is now.

"Look you stay away from Nattlie" I say harshly. Luke gave me a look.

"Or what? You gonna hurt me? Maybe a year or two ago but not now." he said returning the angry tone.

"I don't have time for this" I said ending the conversation. I grabbed my bags stuffed clothes in it, got in my car and just started driving.

(Nattlies pov)

I woke up and Leon had already left. I rubbed my eyes and got ready for the day. I need to talk to my dads PA on the line and ask for groceries to be delivered. I might take a drive and see if we have any post and then after keep myself busy some how.

All that I have planned ended before 11am so I took a drive to the cliff Leon took me to ones. It might not be evening with the city lights but it sure is a beautiful view.

As I pulled up, turned my cars engine off and got out my car. The smell of the fresh air really wakes you up. I sat on my cars hood for about a hour before a car pulled up next to mine. I turned my head to see who it is.

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