Chapter 52

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(Nattlies pov)

Beth and I rushed into the Collins front door. The whole car ride I couldn't help but think the worse but as soon as my eyes caught sight of Leon my heart dropped. Beth ran straight into Luke's arms but I didn't more. I couldn't. I was staring at a ghost, a figment of my imagination. This is a dream... it has to be.

Leon smiled at me and tired to fix his hair before walking over to greet me. I looked up into his beautiful eyes and a single tear fell from mine. He lifted his hand and whipped the tear away. His skin against mine... he's real! I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist, picking me up in the process. He's home... my Bash is finally home. Having him in my arms feels so surreal. I feel whole again.

He slowly put me down and places a kiss on my forehead. I took his hand and intertwined our fingers. All the anger and hurt disappeared and I kissed his hand slowly. He looked down at me and I could see he was unhappy about something.

"What's wrong Bash?"

He took me by my shirt and lifted me up, placed a gentle kiss on my lips then looked down without saying a word. He's still holding me by my shirt and the look he has on his face makes me a little worried.

"Nattlie..." he said weakly.

I didn't move or rush him. I let him take his time as everyone has moved into the kitchen and it's just myself and Leon.

"I'm so sorry"

I still left him to talk, feeling as if there is still more he wants to say.

"I know it was wrong of me to leave without saying a word... I know me doing so hurt you a lot... I don't expect you to forgive me right away for what I did but I do hope it wont hurt our relationship... living that long without you was killing me slowly and I never want to experience that again or have you go through that again... look what I'm trying to say is it will never happen again and I love you to the moon and back... Which is possible due to humans making enough blood in one life time to go to the moon and-"

I let him speak and say what he wanted to say but when he got all science on me I had to shut him up with a kiss. He looked down at me after I pulled away. His eyes showed surprise which made me giggle.

"I am sorry though"

I started nodding. "I know and you have the rest of your life to make it up to me" I stated with a smile. He started laughing and bent down to kiss me once again.

"Come on you two love birds... we all waiting for you two" said Mrs. Collins popping her head around the corner.

We made our way into the kitchen and joined the rest. They were all eating koeksisters. I have never heard of them before but Mrs. Collins learnt how to make them on one of her trips she's made to South Africa. She told us about the trips her and her husband made before they had Luke and Leon. Biting into a koeksister gave me joy. It's sweet and the syrup makes the dough have a different texture. It's genius if you ask me.

"I remember our trip to Cape Town and your father proposing on top of Table Mountain. It was our first time in Cape Town and sadly our last. We preferred going to Durban as he has family there. The wind gets bad in Cape Town but otherwise that's the place I would be if I ever go to South Africa again. I've also heard that Johannesburg is a nice place to see but I'm not as interested as its more a concrete jungle."

Mrs. Collins spoke and I could see the joy in her eyes as she flashed back to the days she spent in South Africa. I should talk to mom about arranging a trip for them maybe like a second honeymoon.

"Are there really wild animals running free though? I heard they also don't wear clothes as we do. Are the stories true?" asks a curious Beth.

Mrs. Collins started laughing.

"No sweets they may not be a first world country but they do tend to keep up with the trends. The don't have wild animals running around as I don't think the population would be as large as it is today. They also don't wear animal skins... well they do but when its made into something... like your fur coats and so on. They are more or less just like us. Well more like us, you and Nattlie here are more on the fancier side compared to Africa." says Mrs. Collins. I picked up on her choice of words, trying not to make Beth and I look like rich snobby girls who always get what they want... well we do but yeah lets not get into that.

"Wow I always thought they were like super poor"

"Well in Africa yes but in South Africa not as much" she says with a smile.

Beth starts nodding and processing the information she was given.

"The African fashion is also pretty unique. If your parents brought in an Africa taste into the fashion I know the world will go crazy about it but that's just my opinion." She starts with a laugh.

She's right though now that I think about it. Today's fashion is all about colours and being bold, making a statement and that is what Africa is, by the sounds of things.

That night Leon stayed at my place. It was amazing having him around again. I couldn't help but permanently smile.

"What you in the mood to watch? Your choice" says Leon taking a seat on the couch in the movie room.

"What? My choice" I asked shocked. Pretending as if his words took my breath away.

"Yeah yeah don't get use to it though"

I laugh before answering him. "A walk to remember"

"Nicholas Sparks?" he says with a little moan, regretting letting me choose. I quickly put the movie into the player before he could change his mind.

"This is why I have a say in what we watch. If it was only up to you we would be watching romance day and night. I would go crazy! It's so cheesy"

"Well I like cheesy okay" I confess.

Leon laughs and shakes his head. I take a seat next to him and he puts his arm around me pulling me closer.

The movie ended with me in tears, as usual but I didn't mind at all. Seeing me cry, Leon couldn't help but comfort me which made it all worth it in the end. We spent the rest of the evening making out, catching up and spending some quality time together. We needed this time together and I really appreciate that Mrs. Collins allowed her sons, who came back this morning, to spend the night with their girlfriends.

I also contacted my parents to tell them to look into the Africa vibe for future designs. I know they have gone Africa before but fur wise. Pattern wise not so much. They called back after thirty minutes to tell me they took a look at it and loved it. I told them it was all Mrs Collins idea and she should get the credit. They agreed and said they want to name the collection after her. I cant wait to tell her tomorrow when I see her.

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