Chapter 30

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(Anna-beth's pov)

Finally here. Driftwood spa has been calling my name for a week now. I've been super busy with Luke lately but I realized that I haven't really spoken to Natts in a while. That's why we here... to bond, catch up, start rumours and gossip. 

"I heard that Caitlin Donalds and Jessica Waythrough are both pregoes by the same guy. Wow imagine sharing a baby daddy with a girl in the same school as you I mean how disgusting."

Natts didn't move or even say a word. Maybe keep the gossip for later? 

"So tell me now... who is he?" I asked straight out.

She turned to me, trying to look confused but I could see right through her. "Oh come on Natts don't act dumb. You way to pretty for that. So tell me then what's his name?" 

I know she didn't have a thing for him in the beginning but since we became a thing Luke has being acting different. Don't get me wrong I know he's a player and all, but even before I thought of going for him I knew. I've always wanted to change a player into a keeper and I hoped he would be the one. Unfortunately two nights back when we were having sex, back at my place, he called me by Nattlies name. I tried to ignore it as if I didn't hear but I don't know anymore. The next day, yesterday after school, I caught them talking and when I came closer I could see something wasn't right. 

Nattlie is my closest friend. I see her as the sister I never had, so I trust she would. She has tired to tell me in the past that he flirts with her but I was blinded by the words he told me. Sisters before misters I always say so I need to know the truth from her.

I really hope it isn't Luke as I really like him. He's what you call a real man. Not like the boys I've been with or slept with in the past. I would do just about anything to have him. The best way to describe it is... I'm soul tied to him.

"Look don't judge ok? In the beginning I didn't even look his way now I can't get him out my mind. I'm sorry I kept it from you but I knew you would freak out and you might never wanna be friends again." she said. I had a feeling where this was going and I didn't like it one bit.

"Just tell me straight and stop trying to 'spare'my feelings... it is Luke you like isn't it?" I asked her straight trying to hide my anger.

"What?! Hell no, never! Beth you with him which means I wouldn't even look in his direction. Beth I could never hurt you like that... the guy I like... is Leon, Lukes brother" she said saying the last words slowly. 

I instantly felt guilty. 

"Look I didn't wanna tell you anything because I didn't know my feelings I had towards him. I didn't want to like him coz he was a nerdy loser, but I've spent a lot of time with him the past few months and my love for him is still growing."

I looked at her wide eyed. 

"Yes Beth I love him. I have for a long time. I've tried to deny it, I tried to ignore it... I even tried to convince myself I don't. The truth is I do love him and I'm not afraid anymore to tell you. I was scared to tell you before, as I was scared you wouldn't wanna be friends with a nerds girlfriend. We have always made fun of them and now that I'm almost one, I got scared." she confessed.

I wasn't expecting this. Leon of all people? She can't be for real? Well I guess if I got to know him then maybe he could be a cool guy I guess. I'm just glade it isn't Luke to be honest. That's one less girl I need to worry about. 

"Why would you think it is Luke? Right from the started I wasn't interested I thought I made that clear. I was also the one to tell you about him flirting with me while he is dating you. If I wanted him I wouldn't have told you." she said shocked and hurt.

"I know I know I'm sorry. Its just that everyone knows he's a player and will still try things in front of me." I said trying to excuse myself for my behavior.

"Why do you do this to yourself though? You deserve so much better than... Luke. You need someone who is loyal and only has eyes for you. Someone who loves you too." she said, trying to sound sincere. I know she means well and that she's right but the thought of letting go of Luke is unthinkable. 

(Leons pov)

Its been a day since I saw Nattlie and I miss her company already. 

She just called me to ask me to come over for a game of chess. She said something a long the lines of Antonio teaching her to play chess. She said he has been teaching her how to play since they met... preparing her to beat me. Well in that case I'll take it easy on her in the beginning then play harder. I cant let her beat me. Antonio will hold it against me forever.

"Hello Mr Bash. Have you come to meet your dooooooom?" asked Nattlie trying to sound like Darth Vader.

I couldn't help but laugh as I walked up the stairs. When I reached her I hugged her tight, took her face with my hands and kissed her like no one was watching. "Check mate, You finally mine." I said to her, hoping she got the hint of me asking her to be my girlfriend but she didn't...

"We will have to see about that Mr Bash."


"This is turning out to be a good game. Antonio taught you well. I'm sorry but in the next three moves it will be game over for you." I said confidently. 

"Not really. Careful not to be too arrogant Bash I could just show you a thing or two." she said with a naughty smile.

"Oh really?" I said confidently moving my castle, taking out her knight.

She moved her queen, trapping my king and said...

"Check Mate!"

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