Chapter 44

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(Nattlies pov)

The door opened and I could hear familiar voices walk through the door. I quickly made my way to the front door to give my parents a loving greet hello. After the 'hello how you' and so on I told my parents that food will soon be ready and that Leon will be joining us for dinner.

"Fabulous" said mom as she heard the news. They left their bags at the door and started to settle in.

"Evening Mr. Miller, Mrs. Miller" said Leon as he entered the room.

"Leon silly, I've told you to call me Victoria... Mrs. Miller is my mother in law" said my mom light heartily. Leon gave a smile, I could see he is uncomfortable with calling mom by her name.

Dinner went well. Great conversation and loads of embarrassing stories. After dessert dad asked to speak to Leon alone. I find it a little odd as I know he was given the father boyfriend talk so I'm not actually sure what it could be about. I guess it leaves time for mom and I to catch up and so on.

"Looks serious" stated mom when they were far enough not to hear her speak.

I looked up at her. "Serious?"

"Oh come Nattlie I've met a few guys you dated in the past. By the time we get back its always someone else. Leon on the other hand is sticking around" says my mom with a grin.

"I guess I just really like him" I confess.

"Me too" says mom with a warm smile.

(Leons pov)

"Whisky?" asked Mr. Miller.

"No thank you sir" I answer.

"Ahh yes you say you don't drink anymore" said Mr. Miller.

I'm starting to feel nervous.

"So tell me Mr. Hunter... Sebastian... Leon Collins... how are you? Staying out of trouble?" asked Mr. Miller calling me by my real name and then my name given to me when we moved here.

"Pretty good sir and yes I am keeping my head low on the streets" I confess.

"Good! Wonderful news!" replied Mr. Miller.

"Ummm sir, there is something I have been meaning to say and seeing you now makes it a good time" I start.

He took a sip of his drink. "Go on."

"Sir I just wanna start by saying Nattlie doesn't know I am speaking to you but I feel I have to say thank you Mr. Miller."

He looked at me curiously, unsure where I was going at.

"Mr. Miller... Nattlie told me what you did that night... Sir, she told me what happened to her real father and what you did to protect her" I say struggling to find my words.

He choked on his drink when I said 'real father'.

"She told you the whole truth?" he said a little shocked.

"Ummm yes sir and I wont tell her mom she knows, if that's what you worried about, and I wont tell anyone what you did. I might not agree with what you did but I know Nattlie is safer now and I thank you for it" I say.

"Your the one hey? Who would have guessed?" he says sitting back with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry I don't follow." now I'm the one who is confused.

"Nattlie was pretty young so I don't think she remembers the talk we had after. I know what I did was wrong but I cant change it now... After what happened I spoke to her and told her not to tell anyone... she was so young," said Mr. Miller looking far into the distance "I told her to keep it a secret and you know what she said to me... Okay daddy but I am gonna tell my husband one day... she was only a child and that came out her mouth. She's a lot like her mother... She must have forgotten by now but I knew she would tell the person she really wants to be with forever. Turns out its you."

I gave a little laugh, "She seemed to be a cute and intelligent child."

He looked at me for a few minutes not saying a word.

He looked down at his shoes before looking up to me once again and saying, "You have my blessing Leon"

"Pardon sir?" I say not catching what he's trying to say.

"When the day comes and you want to marry my daughter, do it, you have my blessing and I'm sure my wife would be over moon as well"

"Wow wasn't expecting this but thank you so much sir. It really means the world to hear this from you." I say. I knew this day would come... you know asking for her hand but I didn't think it would be this soon.

"I can see that you make her happy and that's all I could ever ask for."

Mr. Miller stood up and put his hand out for me to shack. I stand up and take his hand but instead of a hand shack he pulled me in for a hug.

"Keep her safe Sebastian" he says. Him using my real name, I knew he meant keep her out of the trouble that Sebastian Hunter comes with... and that's what I intend to do I don't want her getting involved in my past, I love her too much to put her through that danger.

(Nattlie's pov)

"Ah you two are back" said mom as my dad and Leon walked through the doors of the family room. Leon came and sat next to me on the couch and places a kiss on my cheek. I don't know if its just me but they both seem happier. I tried to gestured for him to tell me what happened but he shook his head as in to say I shouldn't worry. I gave a sigh and spent about twenty minutes trying to figure it out but came up with nothing so I just left it... for now.

Leon didn't stay too long after that. He said he needed to get home and that I should spend time with my parents before they left.

"Hun, as you know we leave for Australia tomorrow but there has been a slight change in plans... I know we said we all going to the Philippines together but the fashion show in London is much sooner so straight after Australia we fly to the Philippines then its straight off to London."

"Oh" I say a little disappointed. My mom gives me a hug to try and comfort me.

"Next time we will all go promise. Be sides I'm sure you would rather wanna spend time with Leon. He is really good looking hey?" says my mom trying to cheer me up. I gave a small smile.

"He is. He's genuinely a good guy... Ummm I'm gonna go to bed and you two should too... you leave at 5am" I stand up slowly and give them each a goodnight hug before I run off to bed.

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