Chapter 55

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(Nattlies pov)

We watched the lights turn from red to green to yellow. We didn't talk much. We didn't need to. We laid there in silence just enjoying each others presence. I guess that's when you know when you really love someone. When you able to just be. No need for making out or talking or anything else, just having the person with you without feeling the need to break the silence. I always thought that life couldn't get any better but the more I spend time with Leon and the more memories we make with together, the move I realize that everyday with him is perfect yet it will still somehow keeps getting better.

That thought makes me excited though. Imagine a perfect day. One day that you get to do and be whatever you want to, a day you get to be your happiest. Can you picture that day yet? Good... now imagine that day is today and you know whatever happens today, tomorrow will be better. Isn't that sometimes a scary thought? You may ask what could ever be better than the best day of your life trust me I ask myself everyday. But like I said, being with Leon, its always better than the last. We don't need to be doing something fancy. We don't need to be doing anything at all but the next day still is better than the days before. Now you might think 'Nattlie what are you going on about' and honestly I have no idea. I know I'm babbling on. Its just a feeling I have that can't be put into the right words.

Its just true love I guess.

"We should go now. Sunrise should be in a few hours and I would like to get at least some sleep" I say with a laugh. I sit up and start fixing my hair. Leon gets up and then helps me up. He places a kiss on my forehead and I cant help but smile.

"Why you smiling?" he asks catching my smile and finding it funny.

"Its nothing" I reply and start walking to the car.

"No no come back" he said grabbing my arm and tugging me back. I stood in front of him feeling a little embarrassed.

"I'm waiting" he says crossing his arms with a smirk on his face. I stood there looking away with a smile on my face, trying to figure out the right words.

"Alright I'm not saying that the making out and so on isn't nice but... when you kiss me like that... you know a kiss on the cheek, or a kiss on my shoulder, or forehead or even my hand... it just makes me really happy. I feel special. Now I'm not saying everything else that you do doesn't make me feel special because it does but the kisses you give me, other than on my lips, they some how just mean the world to me. I've never had an ex give them to me before so I wouldn't know if its just you or the kiss in general... personally I think its just because I'm getting them from you but each time you do kiss me like that it gives me goosebumps, shivers down my spine and even butterflies in my stomach. It also doesn't matter how many times you do it I will never get use to it but I don't mind because it feels amazing! I just really appreciate them I guess" I say babbling on. I turn to look at Leon in the eyes to let him know that I mean what I'm saying. He was a few steps away from me and I realized the whole time I was talking I was so focused on how to say what I'm feeling that I didn't even know I was pacing back and forth.

Leon had a smile on his face. He walked over to me and looked down into my eyes, shadowing my small frame. I could feel the love in his eyes which made me smile again.

That's when he bent down and kissed my forehead again. I smiled. He kissed my cheek. I smiled. He kissed my other cheek. I didn't stop smiling. He kissed my neck and I started to giggle a little. He slowly moved the hair from my shoulder then gently moved the sleeve of my shirt, letting it brush the skin of my shoulder while he was looking into my eyes. That's when I wrapped my arms around his waist and he started kissing my shoulder. I couldn't help but moan a little.

Leon looked at me when he heard my moan, covered my shoulder as it once was then said the three simple words every girl wants to hear.

"I love you"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he let his hands glide around my waist. We just stood there hugging for a while. This is what I meant when I said every moment with him just gets better than the last.

We made our way back to the the car and went back to my place. He dressed into pajamas while I did the same in my room. "I love it when you wear baggy clothes like that" says Leon suddenly walking over and embracing me with a bear hug. He picked me up and started walking down to the TV room. He plonked me down on the couch and got a huge blanket for us to share.

"What movie you want to watch?" he asks.

Wow I'm shocked! Usually I just tell him what we gonna watch. I have let him pick ones without my influence which I was going to do again but seeing that he offered first I will take it and not look back.

"The Avenging" I say confidently.

He looked at me confused. "What's that one about?"

I instantly felt like an idiot. "The Avenging? You know... the one with the superheroes"

Leon starts laughing uncontrollably. He got up and wiped a tear from his cheek. "Your really cute but they called the Avengers"

My heart dropped and I could feel my cheeks turning bright red as the got warmer. I crossed my arms over my chest and sat their sulking a bit. That's the last time I try being all smart and trying to impress him.

"Awww are we feeling sorry for ourselves?" says Leon as if he's talking to a child. I looked at him with puffed cheeks. "No" I say harshly. Leon starts laughing and runs over to me and hugs me tight. "Your so cute when you get mad"

I start laughing and pushing him off me when he tries to tickle me. "Stop it," I laugh, "I'm being serious I'm mad at you"

"Sure you are" says Leon and kisses my nose before he goes back to put the movie on.

I smile knowing he's right but I am mad though. Not because of me saying it wrong but because I can't stay mad at him. So as you guessed me being mad at not being able to stay mad, soon went away.

We watched the first movie as Leon said I wouldn't understand the newer ones. After the first one... well it's safe to say I'm a fan now. This isn't going to end well though. Leon explained that each hero has their own movie and some of them have sequels and so on and so on. This means I have my work cut out for me. If only Beth could see me now, she would have a stoke and a heart attack at the same time. I think this will be another thing that's safer to keep hash hash. I think if she finds out I watch movies besides stuff that has something to do with romance and fashion and beauty care she might want to keep me away from Leon as she will say he's "Corrupting the pure". But at this moment I couldn't care less. I'm just really happy now.

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