Chapter 13

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(Nattlie's pov)

We got to the end of the path.

"Its just across this field. If you don't mind I would like to put the backpack down at the log over there" he said pointing to the left.

"Alright. Then where after?" I asked.

"Well you see that rocky hill. At the top of that we will be done. Don't judge just yet though. That hill may look harmless but it's steep and has loose rocks. One wrong step and you will go sliding down the very same hill."

"Oh...well you right about one thing then. Heels wouldn't have worked." I said smiling at him.

We walked to the log which laid on its side, with wild flowers blooming around it.

The smell of the bright purple wild flowers was breath taking. They had a sweet smell but not over powering. And they were everywhere.

Leon placed the bag beside the log and we walked on.

When we got to the end of the field and the beginning of the hill, I knew he wasn't joking about it being steep and rocky.

"You ready?"

"Ummm I think so" I replied then started walking up.

We came about half way and I was tired. Of course I didn't say anything but trust me I felt it alright. My legs hurt and I felt a blister forming on each of my heels.

"Are you managing?" He asked walking behind me.

"Yip" I said, not looking where I was walking, I stood on a loose stone and slipped.

Seconds later and Leon grabbed me just before I hit the floor.

Oh gosh. I felt so embarrassed. He told me to watch out and yet the one thing he asked I didn't do.

He started laughing then said, "I told you. Luckily I was here otherwise your climb would have been for nothing."

I covered my eyes and laughed at myself. After that we climbed further and was at the top in no time.

Whatever I thought or said about the city lights I take back. This was my favourite place. At the top of the hill was also an edge. Down below were the tree tops of the forest.

Yes tree tops aren't so amazing but there was mist floating with them. It looks as if a cloud fell from the heavens and was now living among the trees.

When I reached the top there was a sudden breeze hitting my body. It was fresh, cool and made me feel free.

Italy, Paris and places like that I did find beautiful, but this view... it had a type of innocence about it, so natural.

I couldn't help myself but jump up and down, screaming.

This is the exact spot I want to have my house one day. I could wake up in the mornings to this beautiful sight anyday.

"I see someone is happy" said Leon looking at me in a way I haven't seen in a long while.

I gave him a huge smile and ran to hug him.

"Thank you" came out my mouth.

Leon hugged me back even tighter.

That's when I knew. I like Leon. There was nothing Beth could say to change my mind. Besides she could change my mind, but liking Leon came from the heart and no one could change that.

I remembered how stupid I was by kissing him, so I let go and turned towards the tree tops again. That would show him I can control myself.

"Can we have lunch here rather?" I asked.

"Sure. Just wait here I'll go get the bag...and be careful not to fall over. If you do and die I will run and deny it all."

I started laughing and took a seat on the floor looking out in the distance.

This gave me time to think. To think of everything, honestly. Leon, Beth, my life and even what people would say.

All this thinking was starting to make my head hurt. It was easy. Be with Leon and be happy or be friends with Leon and always have a 'what if' haunting me.

My mind started drifting from Leon to clothes and then to my parents. Who knows how it got to that but it did.

I haven't seen my parents in about four days and they still haven't called to ask if I'm alright.

The school dance was coming up and I wanted to go to the dress maker with my mom. I also needed to talk to her about getting me a model as my date.

Now there was Leon but he doesn't seem like the type so I'm not getting my hopes up.

If he does ask me, which I really hope he does, I could just ask my mom not to worry about the model. The model can be my back up plan.

I sat there for about ten minutes, allowing myself to be captivated by the sight. Then Leon came and joined me with the backpack.

He took a sat near me on the floor and started unpacking the bag.

I just sat and watched him, forgetting all about the tree tops and the white sheets living in harmony with them.

There was just something about him. He made me feel as if I can truly be me. Without judgement, and I like that.

That's when he looked up at me and caught me looking at him in awe. I quickly looked at the paper plate he was handing me with a sandwich on top. I smiled and took it. I could feel my cheeks turning a darker red from embarrassment.

"Its a peanutbutter and jelly. Hope you don't mind" he said breaking the awkward silence.

I looked at him, a bit confused. Peanutbutter and jelly? Together? That's a bit odd.

"What don't tell me you haven't tried it together?! What else your you eat for school?" he asked shocked.

"Salad, carrot sticks and sometimes a fruit" was all I could say. All I could come up with.

He didn't reply after that and just sat there waiting for me to take a bite.

At first I was a bit hesitate but gave in.
It taste good. Not my favourite food of the year... but it did put a smile on my face.

After we ate we just sat and talked. We spoke about the stuff we liked to do, what we gonna do after school and school.

When I brought the topic of school up Leon jumped up a bit as if he remembered something. He picked up the backpack which was laying beside him and took out a textbook. A maths textbook.

Great now he's just gonna ditch me to study.

"Ummm I told my mom I was going out today and I promised that I would make time to study. So if you don't mind...could I? If you want we could study together but like I told you, becoming a doctor isn't easy" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

That melted my heart and I gave a nod. Studying with him might just help me. I'm sure I can pick up a few pointers from him.

I scooted closer to him.

I was now sitting cross-legged next to him, with his arm behind my back leaning on the hill floor and pulled half the text book onto my lap. I felt so comfortable, sitting there, tucked in under his arm.

I loved being this close to him. I could hear him breathing and felt his warm breath on my shoulders as he spoke. Trying to explain the meaning and working outs of a equations.

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