Chapter 2

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( Leon's pov)

Its our first day at Winston High.

 I'm dying inside while my twin brother Luke's all chilled and calm. 

The only differences between us is that I have blue eyes, Luke has green and I'm into books and studying and he's into girls and parties.

 Luke knocks on the door of our new home room. A thin tired looking lady opened the door.

 "You must be the two new ones. The Collin twins yea well come in I don't have all day." she said, waving her hand to show us to hurry up. 

We both walked in and stood in front of the class. I was slightly standing behind Luke, not wanting to draw attention to myself.

 Everyone looked up at us or should I rather say looked up at Luke. Everyone looked the nerdy girls, jocks, even the attractive popular girls. My brother had all eyes... except one.

"Class these are the Collin twins" said the teacher looking at us wided eyed to give our names. 

"Luke" said my brother out loud.

 "Uhhh...ummm... Im Leon" I said next in a shy, little soft voice. 

"What did you say son?Come on spit it out. Whats your name?"

 I looked at her and as I was about to say my name but I froze with my mouth open. 

"His names Leon" said my brother, stepping in and saving my life. "

"Hey kid cat got your tongue?"said a guy sitting at the back of the class wearing a over sized football shirt. 

After that question my life ended. The whole class burst out with laughter. 

The girl who was writing finally lifted her head looking at the class then at me. Our eyes locked and I couldnt look away. 

Why wasn't she laughing like the rest? Why was she just sitting there staring at me with a blank expression on her face?

"Shut it!"shouted the teacher which made the whole class fell silent.

 The class slowly turned back to their books as the teacher walked back to the board. 

The girl kept her eyes fixed on me before the girl next to her nudged her arm and she broke eye contact.

My brother and I made our way to the only two seats available.

 Luckily they were next to each other and not so lucky they were at the back of the class next to the girl. My brother quickly took the seat right next to her and I took the other.

 I could see why my brother wanted that seat, the girl was beautiful and seemed different from other girls. 

She most probably didn't hear what the other guy said but I give her until lunch to find out and have her against me too. 

"Hey there cutie. Whats your name?"asked my brother.

 The girl turned her head with a smile on her face "Not available" she replied then dropped her smile and showed my brother a face he has never seen.

"Im not interested". Then she turned round and did her work. 

Luke was shocked but soon joined me in taking out our books, textbook and started working.

I was laughing in the inside with the look my brother got. That was the first time he got that look and I feel its not the last time he will get it from her.

She said she's not available meaning she had a boyfriend, which meant more of a challenge and my brother never says no to a challenge.

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