Chapter 43

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(Leons pov)

"I've been meaning to ask..." started Nattlie.


"My parents are coming home tonight but will be leaving in the morning for Australia. Do you wanna stay for dinner?" she asked with a smile.

"I would love to" I say returning a smile.

"Now I seriously need food before I die. They will only arrive at 8 ish so we have a few hours. I could do with some samosas and you?" she asks.

I give her a confused look.

"When I went to India with my parents we had them... They were amazing! Sweet corn and cheese my personal favorite. We also went to South Africa two years back... Samosas are also pretty popular there which was great as it brought back so many great memories from India. So are you keen? A lady in India showed dad and I how to make them" she said making me a little hungry.

"If you like spicy food then its exactly what you need. We might need a few things from the store and I will have to go get the recipe as I don't know it off by heart. It's in the family room somewhere I'll get it quick." she says running off. She seems pretty enthusiastic, its quite cute... I didn't think she was the cooking type to be honest.

Not too long after Nattlie was back beside me showing me pictures of their trip to India and South Africa. I will say these samosas look pretty good. I wonder how they get the stuffing in a triangle like that.

"One thing about India... colours and curry spices. South Africa... Beautiful beaches but mom and dad wanna go to the Philippines this up coming holiday. I'm pretty excited I have googles pictures and the beaches looks jaw dropping. I think we going to the Boracay islands. We also gonna go to Iloilo city, Bacolod and I think Zamboanga... Dad says if there are any other places we wanna travel then we should just let him know. We going to learn their culture and so on as there's gonna be a Philippines themed fashion show taking place in London."

"That's actually pretty cool. take loads of pictures to me."

She gave a little nod.

"Now these samnosea" I say having my mind wonder back to food.

Nattlie starts laughing. "Close but they pronounced sa-moose- sa... samosa. "she says correcting me. I felt stupid but it did make her laugh which is always a score.

(Nattlies pov)

We went to the kitchen after getting the needed pastry at the store. We started the process. It brought lots of memories which made me miss my friend I made, Prishka, her grandmother was the one to show dad how to cook them... he has a real passion for food you know... when he gets the time.

"Oh so that's how you fold it. I knew it had to be folded into a triangle but I wasn't exactly sure how." says Leon quite interested.

"It's pretty neat. Now all you do is put them in the oil till they golden brown" I say dropping four in at ones. Big mistake! The oil went flying and landed on my hand.

I screamed in pain and started crying as the burn was getting worse.

"Here quickly get your hand under the cold water" says Leon opening the tap.

Great Nattlie, what a way to impress someone with cooking. Now he's most probably gonna be thinking 'great I'm stuck with someone who can't cook to save her life'. The stinging started lessening a bit but my hand was blood red on the areas the oil touched. I really hope it doesn't scar.

"Are you okay?" asks Leon a little worried.

I just answered him with a nod, I'm a little too angry at myself to speak. I took a seat on the counter while Leon was finishing up the Samosas.

"Just let the cool down a bit before we dig in" says Leon as he placed them on a plate with a paper towel under it to soak up the unwanted oil.

He walked over to me and took another look at my hand.

"I don't think it will scar or leave any marks" says Leon, inspecting it closely.

"I hope not" I say finally speaking.

Leon kissed me on the forehead then got the plate. We both picked one and took a bite.

"Mmmh sweet corn" says Leon looking inside at the filling.

I took his Samosa and gave him mine. "I got mince."

He took a bite, "Its ground beef... I like this one a lot."

There was three sweet corn, three mince and three potato. I ate the sweet corn ones and if he got one I would hijack it from him and give him mine if they weren't sweet corn.

"I would say the mince then sweet corn and cheese then potato, but I see you like sweet corn then sweet corn and then sweet corn again" says Leon with a laugh. I started laughing with him while finishing my last bite.

I took a look at the time. My parents should be home in about an hour which gives me time to get ready while our cleaner cleans our mess and starts with dinner. I really can't wait to see them. The last time I saw them was at that ball and that felt like forever ago.

Leon and I took a shower before they got here. I was in my room and I could hear Leon singing in the shower across the hallway from me. Don't ask me what I think of his singing... trust me love may be blind but I see now that it is deaf too.

While Leon was in the shower his clothes were washed and currently being dried. I got dressed, not really too bothered about make up and hair, I looked in my dads room for something Leon could wear. We all have an unworn cupboard in our rooms... you know clothes given, bought and so on that we either haven't had the chance to wear yet, clothes we don't really like or even doubles of a clothing piece, mom is guilty of this.

I picked out a shirt and pants. I hope it fits him. He is more or less my dads height but he is a little more built. I held it up to size it out and started walking towards the door. "Bash! I got something for you to wear do you-" I say before walking straight into him with a force. I fell back and landed on the floor.

"Don't you look were you going?" I say sitting on the ground picking up the shirt and pants.

I see a hand out to help me back to my feet and took it, not looking up at him yet, still trying to find my balance. He lifts me up and by the time I was standing I was against him. Against him, against his wet... naked... upper body. He had a towel around his lower half but just seeing how ripped he is made me lose my words.

"You know this was exactly how we met. You bumping into me, but last time you weren't this quiet and wide eyed... Try not to stare too much." says Leon with a little grin. I could hear in his voice he was teasing me.

I turned red with embarrassment and looked away from his well formed abs. "Here" I say, stuffing the clothes between my face and his chest to bring in distance between us. He took it slowly and I spun round not trying to embarrass myself again. I could hear him turn and walking away. I looked back at him walking. His back is also well formed, I could see he works hard to have the body he does. A few seconds later he looked back at me with a smirk and caught me staring again. Wow Nattlie! Really? I turned to look in front of me quickly. I'm going on like some fan girl at her favourite singers concert. Out of sight out of mind they say. Well they are wrong! He was far from out of mind and that hot body... someone please come mop up my drool on the floor. Thanks.

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