Chapter 45

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(Nattlies pov)

I woke up the next morning with a note beside my phone. It's in moms hand writing saying that they sorry they didn't say goodbye personally but they have left for the airport already. Mom says she will call then they land in a few days and that they both love me to the moon and back. Mom always leaves cute messages when they can't say bye.

I got out of bed and wrote the number 293 on the top left hand corner of the letter then placed in the box, on top, with the rest of them. It might be stupid of me to keep them but I do and yes it is a lot but I know them leaving to travel is for my own best anyway. I know there work is important to the fashion industry so it doesn't bother me as much anymore to have them leave this often.

Trust me it may sound like a sad thing for me too keep them but honestly I'm not sad... I keep the stuff that means a lot to me in boxes. I even have a walk in closet just for my memory boxes. I have a box in there for Leon as well. He has written me a few letters here and there for me to find over time and they just too sweet to throw away, so I keep them. But all my boxes are in there own planned out place. I have kept many letters and goodies over the years and to not have them organized would drive me crazy.

I should actually show Leon my collections one day. I can go through a few of the boxes and show him photo's from when I was a toddler and so on. I wont show him the box I have for him though, he might find is weird as it's got his letters and the tickets to our first movie together, a flower he gave me which I dried out to keep and so on.

Agh... I need to get up and get ready for the day. Maybe I should go for a walk today as well, I'm in need of some fresh air and time to myself before I see Leon later today. I dragged my body to the shower and started my morning routine. I'm going to be getting a little dolled up for when I see Leon later so I wont over do it now besides its too early for people to be up and about and chances of someone I know seeing me is small.

When it was time to get dressed I wasn't feeling very inspired for a change, something felt off. I grabbed one of Leon's red tops he has in his room in my house and a pair of denim shorts. Yes even Nattlie Miller, daughter of fashion designers and modeling agencies and what not wears her boyfriends clothes he keeps at her house... which girl doesn't. I took a pair of converse all star sneakers and left for my walk. I didn't bother talking my phone with me, no distractions for a change would do me some good. I walked for about a half an hour before I put my hair in a pony tail. I must be more unfit than I thought as I was staring to get hot and my breathing deepened.

I felt my pockets for loose change. There's a little corner shop at the end of this road I think. I hope they have ice cold water this early in the mornings. Left pocket my house keys and right pocket... I feel something. I pulled out the notes and a few coins and saw a fifty and a hundred. I stuffed it back in my pocket and jogged yo the little store.

I walked around, looking at what else there was to maybe nibble on. Nothing really that I'm in the mood for so I grabbed a water and placed it on the counter. An old lady gave a warm greeting and asked if I wanted a bag. I shook my head and took the hundred out my pocket and placed it on the counter. I took the water and started walking towards the exit.

"Missy your change?!" said the old lady holding her hand out with my change.

I walked back with a smile.

"Keep it... but if you don't mind I will take a straw."

"Take all the straws you need Missy and thank you so much. You have a great day now and God bless." she says waving as I leave the store. I got outside and called Beth on a payphone which was standing outside the store, to tell her to keep an eye out as I'm going to stop by before I head home.

I finished the rest of my water and threw the bottle in the next bin I saw. While throwing the bottle away I had another funny feeling come over me again. It felt as if someone was following me or something. I looked around and only saw a white van in the road. I don't know if it has been following me but I rather not take the chance. I started walking in the opposite direction and I could hear the engine turning on. I increased my walking speed and I could hear the van slowly following me. I started running towards Beth's house which was right around the corner.

If only my legs could carry me faster...

They caught up. Two guys jumped out the van and one stayed behind the wheel watching. One of them grabbed me and the other held a gun out to my stomach.

"Scream and you die a slow painful death" he says in a deep husky voice.

I didn't dare open my mouth.

"Oh come on sweet cheeks, I so want to kill someone today... But I do need you alive a little longer so I guess it can wait... but if you do try something funny," says the guy stroking my cheek gently before grabbing my cheeks roughly, "I will not hesitate to shoot you and leave you for dead."

Just behind the guy standing with a gun, threatening me, I saw Beth standing by the window watching everything happen. She looked scared but I shook my head a little for her not to come outside. She picked up her house phone and I could see she was talking to someone, tears running down her face.

I got in the van with them and they drove around a corner and stopped in front of an ally way. They opened the door and threw me out, landing on my hands and knees. I stood up and tried to run to the end hoping that there was maybe a door or some sort of exit.

But there wasn't...

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