Chapter 14

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(Nattlie's pov)

After studying, making our way down the hill and a few laughs along the way, Leon and I were now standing by his car packing everything away.

"Ah if I may? May I walk you to your car?"

I turned back looking at my car which was parked a few steps away from us.

I couldn't help but laugh in the inside.

"For safety reasons that is" he added quickly.

"Sure" I said smiling.

He looked down at the dirt road and started walking next to me. Not even half a minute later and we reached my car.

He opened the car door for me.

"Thank you," I started. Not wanting to say bye just yet, "I had fun. Even learnt a few things" I ended with a wink getting in my car.

He smile, took my hand from the wheel and placed a gentle kiss on it. My heart skipped a beat right there and the skin where his lips once were, was now tingling.

"Night" he said ending the silence and closed the door.

I snapped out of my state and turned on my cars engine. Who knew a little gesture like that would leave me feeling so giddy.

(Leon's pov)

I was now on my way home and thinking of what just happened.

I haven't done that, being brave like that, in a while. I know I really like her but it could never work. We are just too opposite.

If she brings it up I'll just say it was for the good time. Nothing more.

By the time I got home I had thought of me kissing her hand, her sitting so close to me while we were studying and the great time we had. Every scene was playing over and over again in my mind.

I got home and greeted my mom with a kiss on the head as she was watching one of her favourite series called Reign.

"Hi my boy" said my mom not taking her eyes off the screen.

I took a seat next to her on the couch and watched a bit.

I was crazy to think that it would take my mind off Nattlie. Tomorrow was school and Luke is gonna go apologise. I wasn't ready for him to apologise, I'm not over her yet. I need more time.

Besides, Nattlie and Luke do make a better couple. She doesn't know it yet but she would be happier with him in the end. He's good looking, not the smartest but they do have more things in common than what I have with Nattlie.

They both popular.

"...don't you think?" Asked my mother breaking my thoughts.

"Hmmm? Think what?" I asked blankly.

"Ahhh Bash and Mary. Ever since first series I still think they the best couple. But on the other hand I really like Bash so nah I think they don't... it's his eyes that gets me. So blue, like your father's and yours." She went on.

I wasn't really paying much attention.

"Yeah ah mom, I'm really tired after studying and so on I'm gonna hit the sack." I said not even focusing on my words.

My mom looked at her watch she had on. She looked unsure but still gave a nod with a smile and turned back to the screen.

I stood up, gave her another kiss on the head and made my way upstairs.

By the time I reached the top and saw Luke, I was really glad that we had separate rooms.

He started bombarding me with questions about where I was and if I was with Nattlie due to him sending her a text and her not replying.

"But on the other hand she wouldn't be with you so..." started Luke before I cut him off with a really quick and a bit rude "Night" and closed the door in his face. Locking it after.

I did feel bad as I laid on my bed but honestly he gets too much at times and this was one of those times.

I rolled over onto my stomach took my phone from my side table then rolled back onto my back.

I turned my phone on and saw I had a text from Nattlie.

* Thank you so much again. I did have a really great time. <3 See you tomorrow. ;)   :p *

I read this message and the word tomorrow kept repeating itself in my head. Tomorrow is coming and I'm still not over her and I don't even know how to.

I turned my phone off, gave a sigh then replaced my phone in my hand with my ipod and ear phones. Maybe music could help.

But it didn't.

I kept skipping from song to song till I came to the song 'Close' by Nick Jonas. It wasn't the right song, in fact it was the exact opposite of what I was looking for but it is the perfect song to eplain how I felt. I want her close, so I left the song to play as I couldn't bring myself to changing it.

Nattlie was taking over my mind. I have feelings rushing through me that I haven't felt since her. I hated these feelings. They brought back my pain from the past. I couldn't relive them. I just couldn't! I wouldn't! I refused to!

Like the song says 'space is just a word made up but someone who is afraid to get too close' and it's true. I need space.

(Nattlie's pov)

I'm now pacing back and forth in my room. Replaying everything. Every laugh, every look and the simple kiss. Yes it wasn't a proper one but it still did something to me.

I need some distance between Leon and I. Some space.

I picked up my ipod, as I usually do when I'm upset, and decided to detract myself and maybe even brainwash myself if it was possible.

The first song to play was this song called 'Close' by Nick Jonas. I skipped the song as I knew it wouldn't be a good idea to listen to it.

What if I made myself angry at Leon. I could then force myself to get over him as I would be too 'hurt' by him.

First I listened to the song 'I know what you did last summer' then to the song 'Somebody I use to know'.

After that I put down my music and focused on the words.

Even though Leon didn't cheat on me and didn't screw me over I still felt upset with him and highly angry at him. It worked!

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