Chapter 24

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(Nattlie's  pov)

It's Friday. Leon is about ten min away and I'm really not feeling well. I might have to cancel on him but I can't find my phone anywhere. I'm in track pants, an over sized shirt, socks and my hair is in a messy bun. If my mom or Beth had to see me now they would have a heart attack then a stroke.

I'm up stairs on the floor looking for my phone, under my bed when, I hear the door bell ringing. I struggle down stairs and hold the door close.

"Who is there?" I scream, sounding as if I lost my nose.

"Its Leon... I know I'm early so I hope it's not a problem but I rather be early than late" he screams back, waiting for me to open.

"Oh listen Leon I hate doing this but can we please make it another day. I tried to call you but I seem to have lost my phone" I scream.

"Open the door and we don't need to scream. Let me in and I'll help.."

"No!" I cut him off, "... I don't want you seeing me like this" not a good excuse for him not to come in but I hope it does the trick.

"What?! Nattlie just let me in" screams Leon and he starts opening the door.

I try close it but he opens it as if I wasn't even trying. With such ease and before I knew it he was inside. I turn around to try and hide my face.

"Are you ok?" He asks me unsure if he should come closer or stay put.

"Yes I'm alright just a little cold or something" I say walking into my house but not looking at him.

He starts walking after me and I catch a look at my appearance in one of the mirrors. My nose is red, which is running, along with my red puffy eyes. Super sexy. Can't get any better if you ask me.

"Like I said before, can we maybe make it another day?" I asked again still not looking at him.

"Fine" he asked quick, with no emotion, making me question what he's thinking.

I walked over to the couch and climbed under the blanket. I'm too nervous to look at him but it has to be done. So I did, but he was gone. The door was left wide open but no Leon in site.

I gave a sigh and dragged my butt over to the door to prevent the cool breeze from the outside world coming into the house and try taking over the warmth.

I made my way back to the couch, under the blanket, and closed my eyes slowly. I feel drained and I feel bad for Leon. When my eyes open I'll give him a call and apologise again. But first I have to....

(Leon's pov)

I'm standing infront of a sleeping Nattlie with a 'sick Nattlie first aid kit' which consists of chicken soup, tissues and some hot chocolate.

"Natts" I whispered whiling kneeling down to wake her up.

She smiles with her eyes still close.

"I like the way it sounds coming out of your mouth" she says with her sick voice then opened her eyes.

Even though her hair was falling out her bun, eyes blood red which went well with her red nose and cheeks, I must say she has never looked this cute before. I just wanted to place a kiss on her forehead and make her feel all better instantly.

But I can't...

She sat up, making room for me to sit next to her. I give her the Starbucks cup of hot chocolate and placed the tissues next to her.

"Mmmmh thank you. You didn't have to" she says taking a sip.

"Yes I know but I wanted to. Where is the kitchen? I wanna put the chicken soup in a proper bowl and get a spoon"

"No let me get it," she started but I gave her a look and she gave up soon after "... it's down the hallway, the last left then the second right and then the fourth left down one flight if stairs then to your left." she finishes.

"You joking right?" I asked her a little shocked, but she wasn't joking so I got up and tried to remember what turn when.

Finally I found it thanks to my subconscious mind that took in all she said. Now to find a bowl and spoon, and may I just say a kitchens like this is putting the kitchens in movies to shame.

"Third column first draw" I hear her voice.

I must have been in here longer than I thought. Nattlie walked in with a blanket wrapped around her. 

I looked at her and rubbed the back of my neck then followed her instructions while she got a bowl.

She placed it on the counter of the kitchen island and I started dishing some of the soup in it.

If Luke had to see me now he would kill me. On my way here the second time round Luke called me with some news.

He told me he's "vibing" with Anna-beth but that he actually still wants Nattlie. I will admit I did get pretty mad as he's messing people around but I knew I had to focus on my driving so the soup didn't tip over.

"Are you alright?" asked a sick Nattlie.

I gave a nod but didn't look at her. I feel as if she can look right into me with her beautiful soul catching eyes. So I rather play it safe.

"I may be half dying but I'm still here for you if you wanna talk and get something off your chest" said Nattlie while walking closer and placing her hand on my forearm.

I looked down at her tiny hand. I should tell her but how can I snitch on my own brother?

"So Beth tells me she and Luke are a thing now..." she says straight forward.

"Oh well Luke told me they vibing so I'm happy for them" I said honestly.

"Vibing? What you mean vibing? Beth says they 'together' so to say and there's a big difference between that and vibing" she says sounding more alert.

This isn't going to end well...

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