Chapter 20

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(Nattlie's pov)

I'm now sitting on Leon's lap holding onto him for dear life. My body still shaking but not one tear rolling down my face or one word rolling off my lips. I felt numb. I'm tired of life not going my way.

"Here..." said Leon but I didn't bother to move. Moments later he gently put the ice pack on my ankle.

The ice was cold and started to numb the pain in my foot. Everything now feels numb.

I sat there for a few minutes then looked up at Leon. He looked worried but my smile washed away that feeling from him.

"So I hear the castle can jump over the queen and the king can move three blocks but only to the left" I said acting innocent but still maintaining my smile.

He pulled a face which told me exactly what he was thinking. 'Girl what is wrong with you?!'

He started standing up, helping me up along with him.

"Come... you have A LOT to learn" he said acting all serious.

A few hours passed and he had taught me how to play. I was sort of getting the hang of it but could see he was definitely taking it easy on me. We were six games in and do you think he would let me win... no, no he did not. Yes he was taking it easy on me but he didn't let me get away with it. I'm sure he could have won by my second move.

"I'm sorry" said Leon sounding genuine, "I should have asked you to the dance."

"Oh Ummm..." I remembered and became a bit angry, "I would have said yes and we could have been dancing now... but you didn't ask. Why didn't you?"

Leon had the look of guilt all over his face. "Its too late to ask you now to be my date... but may I have this dance?" asked Leon with his hand out to me, waiting for me to place my hand in his.

I really wanted to dance with him but part of me felt hurt that he didn't ask me to be his date before. So I did what all girls do in a situation like this.

I took his hand, followed my heart and ignored the whole 'him not asking me' thing. Putting it in my past.

I stood up from the chair as he led me to the middle of the empty space, between the first row of desks and the teachers table.

He lifted me up a bit, trying to support me so that I don't injure my ankle any further. He's so sweet.

I was close to him and he was close to me. I placed my hand over his chest and could feel his heart race. Our heart beats are in sync. I felt as if I was one with me.

We danced for hours and the pain in my foot slowly started to go away... or I think it did. Maybe the pain didn't go and I was just to focused on him to notice it anymore.

(Leon's pov)

I opened my eyes and stretched. The memory of last night's dance put a smile on my face and got my heart beating like a bongo drum. It didn't start off great but everything worked out for the best. I can still hear her laugh from when we were sitting in the foam.

"Leon dude how great was last night?!" screamed Luke as he burst into my room, killing my mood.

"You should have been there! Well maybe not coz I would have killed you but that Anna-beth can get down and dirty for you. Yoh yoh yoh!" said Luke covering his mouth with large eyes, trying to get the message across.

"Shhhh, mom and dad will hear you" I whisper while standing up to look for a shirt and a tracksuit pants to go over my boxers.

"Nah they not here. Mom wanted to go buy a few things for the house and due to dad loving her... he's dragged along, shame." said Luke looking all excited and took a seat on my bed.

"Ok so please explain now what's the deal with Anna-beth and where does Nattlie fit into all this?" I was curious I will admit.

"Oh ye... well ummm. I still want Nattlie but in the mean time while I'm working on it nothing stops me from having" Luke gave a smurk.

"So you gonna go around trying to get Nattlie, while sleeping with her best friend to keep you busy and what, I must entertain Nattlie when you do?" I'm starting to get mad now.

"Well you are doing a great job at it so far aren't you! Your my bro and we made a deal if you don't remember?!" Luke screamed, waiting for an answer.

He was right I remembered the deal but I didn't want to. Thanks to last night I now know what I want.

"I know you were with her last night so did you sleep with her?" Luke asked and actually sounding as if he cares. Part of me wanted to say yes but I knew that wouldn't end well but I know he wants to be the one to break her virginity, if you ask me, and he doesn't want me getting in his way.

"No I didn't okay! We just hanged out so chill" I said trying to sound honest.

"So what did you do then?" Asked Luke. I could hear he was getting a bit mad so I did the right thing and said the truth leaving out a few details.

"We seriously just chilled. Played some chess" I said simply.

"Alright... see this is why I love you bro. You so boring that it's impossible for you to steal my girls. Well get ready we leaving soon" said Luke laughing leaving my room.

I laid down on my bed thinking of everything. If Luke had to find out what really happened he would flip, but just the thought of it made me smile. Not him being mad but me having the guts to...

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