Chapter 59

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(Nattlie's pov)

Beth and I have been hanging but something has been up. She has been getting phone calls all day and when I asked her what its wrong or who it is then she is quick to say its Luke or her parents. I know she's lying though. Her parents are home this week so they usually don't call her and Leon... its different. He's been ignoring my texts and wont answer my call. With Beth though its all cute calls from Luke and all but today she's all serious on the calls.

"Beth speak to me" I ask desperate for answers.

"Its nothing Natts" she says with a smile which anyone can see was fake from a mile off.

"Fine... Look when you ready to talk I'm here to listen"

Beth looks at me with a more genuine smile.

"I was thinking... There is this new movie coming out in a few months time. I have been eyeing it for the past month. I asked Leon if I could drag him through it but he said he was busy that day. He spun some story but I was too tired to argue. Please come... we can catch the morning show and maybe go shopping or to a spar after? Please say yes"

"Natt's that sounds amazing! What day?" asks Beth all excited.

"Second August"

"Oh ummm Natt's look I love you but I'm going to be out of town then. What about the Third?"

"No its alright. I'm really keen to watch it. I'll go alone. It will give me something to do while the two most important people in my life are out having a life" I say jokingly.

The rest of the day went by slowly. We had our hair done and grabbed a coffee. The next few days were also quiet. Those quiet days turned into a quiet month. Then quiet months. Leon has been more off than usual. He's more stressed now than ever before which explains why it seems like he's ignoring me. The past few days Leon has also been jumpy. With all this I'm not sure what to think. He's stressed and seems to be occupied but on the other hand when we together he cant get enough of me. I guess I should be happy and just ignore my thoughts. I'm female so overthinking is what I do but I have a lot to be happy about. The real problem comes if he was distant when he is with me. Which he is not so I'm grateful.

I got up at about nine. My movie starts in a half an hour so I need to hurry. I sent Leon a good morning message but he didn't reply... no surprise. He told me last night that he's going for an interview today. He told me he didn't want to say anything before as he was scared I could get my hopes and then didn't get it. I told him he shouldn't be silly. I also told him I wont be getting my hopes up as today is the first time they showing the movie. I cant wait. I guess he knows me better thank I think as I'm sure I will be stressing after the movie.

I walked out the door and locked the door behind me. I walked to the garage and got in my car. As I put my seat belt on something caught my eye on the passenger seat. I picked up the note and read it.

Look up.

I looked up and saw nothing. This is odd. I got out the car with a confused expression on my face and stood there for a few seconds before a voice in my head said to look up again. So I did. I saw a balloon floating against the ceiling with a note tied to the end of it. I could just reach the note and pulled the string which brought down the balloon as well. I untied the note and read it.

Pop me.

I took a safety pin our of my handbag and popped it. Confetti fell to the floor and so did another note. I looked down a little confused. I bent down slowly and picked it up then read it.

I'm sorry for not being able to watch the movie with you. Unfortunately you wont be watching it today either. I have a list of activities for you to do today. So forget about the movie for now and have fun.... First on the list: You have been looking a little stressed lately. Head over to Coffee & Cakes for coffee and you will receive your next clue if you complete the mission. I'll see you soon <3

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