Chapter 17

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(Nattlie's pov)

Days past and I still haven't spoken to Leon or asked him why. I've sent him a text saying I wanna talk to him about something and that he should give me a call. He has read it but no reply and I didn't push it further. I think he might be mad at me or if not, he might be finding me annoying and didn't want to irratate by sending thousands of messages.

This worry of him maybe being mad or irratated has changed my anger towards him into worry and desperation in finding out why he might.I know I'm being a typical girl but I can't help but think the worst of every situation.

It's now about nine on a Thursday with the school dance being tomorrow night. We all have tomorrow off so the girls can have hair, nails and make up done.

This meant I didn't have a last chance to talk to him and I really hoped I could but it's now too late.

I can't just change my mind and tell Luke I can't go with him. It's so rude and it would be hard for him to find someone who is dateless at this point. If he does ask someone with a partner, the girl would leave her date for him in a heart beat. No doubt about that and that guy would be dateless. That's the part I didn't want to happen.

I'll rather just go with him and not have other people hurt. Besides it can't be that bad.

Geez if Beth had to hear me now she would be sent to hospital for having a heart attack. I think it's best if Beth didn't know this side to me just yet.

The day of the dance went by so very slow and it is minutes away from Luke's arrival.

I have spent the day in a trans. I had my hair and the rest done with Beth and my mother who is only staying till Luke picks me up. Then mom and dad are on their way to China for some fashion show.

It was fantastic having my mom and Beth with me. I hardly get to see my mom as she's always away.

But today like I said, dragged. Beths dress takes 3 hours to put on so I got to see her dress and my did she look beautiful.

Her dress is a light pink with roses running down the back and around the circumference of the dress. And the material looks soft and sweet. Like candyfloss.

I did ask her, once it was on, if she had another dress to change into, to dance in but she didn't. She said she is planning to dance in that dress because her date wasn't her first, second or third choice. She wanted only the one dress to ensure her date doesn't get... too close.

I'm now standing on the stair case having one of my mother's photographers flashing away.

My mom stood in tears holding onto my dad's side.

"Ahh my baby girl. You look so stunning. Any guy would fall at your feet" is all my mom could get out before grabbing another tissue.

I gave a wide smile and walked to her to give her a hug.

That's when the door bell rang.

My dad moved from my mom's side to open the door were Luke stood. He started walking but my dad stood in his way.

"You can wait out here son" my father said harshly.

"Ummm daddy it's ok. Luke you can wait at the car, I'll be right out" I said quickly trying to calm my tense father.

Luke gave a nod and started walking to the car. I feel so embarrassed. I can't believe my dad just did that.

I said my goodbyes and as I walked out the large double doors my dad stopped me and said a few words for me to hear.

"Be careful. I don't like that boy."

Those seven words played on and on in my mind. My dad's wrong, Luke is nice, he likes me. He was the only guy who had the guts to ask me. I'll be fine. Yes I'm still worried about what happened that night at the party but like he said, the alcohol got to him.

As I got out I could hear the booming music coming from the school gym. Tonight is going to be magical and it's my time to shine.

"Luke do me a favour. In the back of my dress is a little box with a button on... press it." I told Luke before he started walking off.

"Wow you hot" said Luke as he turned the the lights of my dress.

I couldn't help but feel hurt. Was that all he saw me as?

"Come on you are already fashionably late, don't over do it now" he said walking on not even looking at me as he spoke.

I walked a distance behind Luke the whole way to the gym but before he opened the doors he waited for me and gestured for me to hurry up.He quickly hooked his arm with mine as we walked through the doors.

The whole school went crazy when their eyes saw us. As we walked to the middle of the floor I could hear everyone talking about how stunning my dress was.

"Natts girl you look amazing in that dress!" Screamed Beth holding her cheeks as she walked closer to me. We gave each other one of those cheek to cheek kisses which the French do.

"Hi Anna-beth" said Luke giving her one of his charming, leg melting smiles.

Beths cheeks went from a soft rose red to a bright cherry red.

They started the normal small talk they usually do until Beth asked me if she could steal him for a dance.

"We not dating but he is my date" I said laughing while giving her a little hint.

"Great! Seeing you not dating. What you say sexy? Wanna dance?" replied Beth quickly ignoring my hint.

Luke didn't think twice and grabbed her hand for her to lead him, leaving me alone.

I walked around greeting people and apologised for the way I treated them throughout the years. They thought it was all for show and thought I was just saying sorry to make them vote for me as prom queen, but I ensured them it was genuine and said they shouldn't vote for me if they feel my sorry is a fake.

Many gave in and gave me a hug to show their forgiveness, but there was the one or two who gave me a piece of their mind first before saying it's alright.

Everyone I spoke to, to my surprise, showed forgiveness. I'm a different person now and the first way to show it was to do right by the people I did wrong. It left me feeling happy and let me just say it felt good to not be hated.

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