Chapter 15

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December 19th

Elizabeth's POV

How many days has it been since then, since I've read that dreadful letter? I wasn't sure...I didn't care. I couldn't cope, my thoughts were all over the place. It took me a couple days but I finally came into terms with his death... and it hurts like hell. Maybe this was hell, I don't know. I sat up and groaned when I heard knocks coming from the door. I winced and held my head as it pounded in pain. Another migraine.

"Elizabeth open up dear, we have to get your measurements for your wedding dress." I heard father call from outside the door, another set of knocks following. I sighed.

It couldn't be helped, they wouldn't stop pestering me until they got what they wanted. I threw my feet off the bed and stood up. I started walking towards the door when I suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over me. I quickly grabbed unto the edge of my desk, balancing myself. When it subsided I continued to the door and opened it.

Outside stood both my parents...and Abel. I gave her a quick glance only to see her staring back at me. I quickly looked away, not wanting to meet her gaze. I had been ignoring her for the past what two? three weeks? I wasn't even sure how long I've been cooped up in my room. Why was I ignoring her? I don't know, I guess I just don't want to lay my problems onto her, she has been nothing but sweet and kind to me, I didn't want to be a burden and that's exactly how I felt. Not only that but the fact that she reminded me so much of Marcus, they are so similar it's a bit frightening. They are both so thoughtful, always putting others first and not caring about their own self.

I could get through this myself, I think I'm doing...fine so far, just a couple more tears and I'd be okay.

"My god...look at you." I was brought out of my thoughts when my mother started speaking. "Elizabeth look at your hair, oh heavens what happened to your eye?" She asked moving my head to the side to get a closer look. I stood mute. I couldn't tell her that I got a black eye from passing out drunk. She would definitely throw a fit. "Elizabeth I asked you a question." My head whipped up to face her when she forcibly grabbed my jaw. I could feel my eyes watering slightly at how she dug her nails into my skin.

No, don't cry, not in front of them. I chanted in my head.

"Marg go easy on her. How are you pumpkin?" Father asked, a small smiled on his face. Mother scoffed and let go of my face. I shrugged in response to father's question. "Come on let's talk inside." He said, gently pushing me back into the room. When the door closed  all hell broke loose. Mother rambled on about the catastrophe of my room and about how women should keep themselves. I immediately tuned her out.

If Marcus was here he'd make some sly remark that would shut her up in an instant. I sighed at the thought. I held my chest and took a deep breath as I felt it tightening. Don't cry, I kept telling myself.

"Margaret cut her some slack will you, Elizabeth honey come, let's have a talk." Father said, walking to the balcony. I followed suit. When I got out there I saw him eyeing the empty bottle of Jack Daniel's. I sighed heavily preparing for the lecture to come. "Did you drink all of this Elizabeth?" He asked, shaking the bottle.

"Yes." I forced out, my throat dry and scratchy. I wasn't going to lie to him, there was no point in doing so. I watched as he placed the bottle back onto the glass table before nodding.

"So, you don't seem to be handling this too well." He started. "You're even drinking...that's not good, especially for a you woman like yourself." I sighed and made a mental note to hide the bottles next time. "Your mother and I...are very concerned about you Elizabeth. We have not seen our daughter's face in weeks. Did you know that we had a meeting with your fiance last week Thursday, he was saddened by your lack of presence, it would've been an opportunity to get more familiar with each other." He said taking a seat in one of the chairs.

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