Love Potion

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"What do you mean he drank the love potion?" Scotts voice full of worry.

"I'm saying Derek drank the mother fucking love potion," Stiles was just as freaked out as Scott, if not more.

"How did this happen?" Scott asked.

The plan had seemed so simple. Stiles would make a love potion and trick the town's vampire to drink it. Once the vampire had he would be hopelessly in love with Stiles. Stiles would ask him to sign an agreement saying he could never step foot in Beacon Hills again and since he was in love with Stiles he would. Just like that there would be no more vampire problems.

"I put the flask on the counter so I could spike count dorkcula's drink at the bar later tonight and when I came back from the store Derek had poured himself a drink and half the flask was empty."

"Derek is going to be furious when the spell wears off," Scott told him.

"Don't you think I know this Scott. He didn't even want us making a love potion in the first place," Stiles hissed. "I am so screwed."

The two boys looked over to the living room where Derek was sitting on the couch reading a book.

"He doesn't look any different, maybe it didn't work?" Scott suggested.

"Are you saying I'm bad at magic?" Stiles raised his brow.

"Of course not stiles, but Deaton did say manipulating emotions is the hardest type of magic. You could have just messed up, once you practice a bit you'll get it."

"Maybe he didn't drink enough? Maybe you have to drink all of it?" Stiles wondered out loud.

"There is one easy way to solve this." Scott grabbed stile's hand and lead him to the living room, despite Stiles' protest. "Derek?"

Derek looked up from his book, "what?"

"Do you love Stiles?" Scott asked.

Derek just scoffed and returned back to reading his book.

"See Stiles, you just need some practice." Scott and Stiles had returned back to the kitchen.

"I know I made it right Scott, I was 1000% positive it would work," Stiles sighed.

"Its not big deal Stiles," Scott reassured him.

"Here you try it," Stiles pour some into a cup and mixed it with whiskey, to cover the taste.

"What?" Scott's eyes grew wide. "I don't want to be in love with you. No offence and all."

"You're so certain it doesn't work try it. You'll be my guinea pig."

Scott sighed and took a swig of the mixture.

"I feel nothing Stiles, sorry."

Stiles sighed. "I just don't get what I did wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong sweetie, it isn't your fault," Scott said sweetly.

"Oh, uhh, thanks?" Stiles was slightly weirded out.

"Say Stiles have you been working out? You are just so handsome." Scott batted his eyes.

"What the actual fuck?" Stiles jawed dropped.

"We should go out sometime, like a date. Or even better we should just start dating."

"Sure Scotty, whatever you say." Stiles slowly backed away from Scott.

"I love you Stiles, I think we should get married."

"Derek help," Stiles screamed as he raced into the living room.

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