Band Life

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I was really craving tacos when I wrote this so that should explain why they only eat Mexican lol.

Stiles was screwed, mainly he was being screwed by Derek, in more sense of the matter than one. Stiles rolled away from Derek and grabbed his clothes. Derek and Stiles were in a sort of a friends with benefits sort of relationship, without the friends.

"Don't leave," Derek grumbled.

"I got a fucking job to do Derek." Stiles snapped.

"I'm your boss idiot," Derek growled.

"I'm aware asshole, but if I don't do this you won't have a gig to play at next week." Stiles pulled on his shirt.

"Why are you so mean," Derek pouted.

"Because I don't like you asshole and if you weren't such an amazing fuck this would have been over long ago." Stiles grabbed his phone and was out the door. It was amazing how different stiles look, all professional with his button up and his slacks. Damn, did that ass look great in slacks.

Derek threw on a wolves t shirt, his bands t shirt, and his ripped black skinny jeans. Derek had the typical leader singer appearance. His arms were covered in tattoos, half of them didn't even make sense like a fire breathing lion with two guns in his hands plastered on his back, and at least 8 piercings. He had his eyebrow, his tongue, his lips, his nose, his ears and one on his dick, that one hurt like a bitch to get. He also had the reputation, sleeping with every girl or guy around. Not that Derek had been that sexually active lately, other than Stiles of course. He got photographed with girls and guys every once in awhile for publicity, to keep up his image. The problem was he fell in love with Stiles Stilinski, the only problem was that Stiles hated him.


"No, this is the Wolves we are talking about, hottest band out there, you fit their schedule or they don't show and you have thousands of disappointed girls on your hands. Do you understand me?" Stiles was talking to some guy and there next venue. Derek loved watching his work, he was no doubt the best band manager around and Wolves would be no where without him.

Derek was roommates with Stiles. The band owned the top floor of the Tipton hotel. There was one large penthouse that they transformed into three. They all got there own apartments with a gathering area in the middle. Issac and Derek lived alone while Erica and Boyd shared, that was until Stiles moved into Derek's place (only because Isaac dibs out before Derek could). Derek's apartment already had two rooms so it wasn't hard for Stiles to move in.

Derek was leaning across the island in the kitchen watching Stiles pace around the living room. Derek never thought he could ever feel this way about a person, he had never had a real relationship with anyone, and it blows him away that he could want someone for something more than sex. The only other person Derek had somewhat of a relationship with was Kate, she was a crazy fan who Derek slept with a few times and then she threatened him and his family multiple times, eventually she was arrested.

Stiles became their manager shortly after the Kate incident. The band was starting to get really big and Kate wasn't the type of publicity they needed. Stiles made sure that the story was killed immediately and replaced with a better headline that really help the band. The Kate incident happened right when the band was starting to get popular, without Stiles there to squash the media the band may have never become what they are today.

"Yes, yes, no I said room temperature water for Erica, ice cold for Isaac and Boyd, but Derek needs hot water with honey for his throat before he sings." Derek couldn't believe how undeniably perfect Stiles was. He knew everything about the band and took care of them, plus he was incredibly sexy, good in bed and caring. "Great, see you next Friday night."

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