Truths are like weddings, messy

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"Look Lydia don't freak out," Stiles tried to calm her.

"Freak out? Freak out? I am beyond freaking out you drugged Derek," Lydia screamed, she had a solid set of lungs.

"I didn't mean too okay. The truth serum was for the bachelor party, it's not my fault Derek drank it," Stiles told her. "Scott and I thought it would be funny for everyone to drink so truth serum at the party. I didn't mean for Derek to drink it."

"Well he did Stiles, do you know how angry Derek will get once it wears off. He's a very secretive person."

"I'm sorry Lyds, I didn't mean to drug your cousin two days before your wedding."

"Whatever, just keep him away from people for the night. You're in charge of him." Stiles saluted her.

"Come on Der." Stiles grabbed Derek's arm and dragged him up to his bedroom.

"I can't believe you drugged me," Derek groaned.

"Don't you mean 'I can believe you drugged me stiles because you are irresponsible with magic'." Stiles mocked Derek.

"No I think you're really good at magic. I'm shocked this happened." Stiles eyes grew wide, Derek never complemented his magic.

"Who knew it would take a truth serum for you to complement my magic," Stiles joked.

"I just worry about you. You have a lot of power, it can consume you," Derek said seriously.

"I know I know, a whole dark willow sort of thing. Go from a spark to a Jennifer," Stiles rolled his eyes. Everyone worried about him and his powers. Stiles had anchored them well, he wasn't going to get out of control.

"I hear Derek took the truth serum." Scott was out of breath from running to the room.

"Scott don't," Stiles warned.

"Come on Stiles, just a little fun," Scott begged.

"He'll rip your throat out with his teeth and stuff," Stiles told him.

"No I won't," Derek said. "This truth serum makes me want to punch a wall."

Stiles chuckled softly.

"So Derek," Scott started. "Whose your favourite singer?"

"Taylor Swift," Derek answered.

"Scott," Stiles began.

"I'm just making sure it works." Scott dismissed him. "Now for the real question. Who do you have a crush on?"

"Scott," Stiles snapped. Stiles had told Scott that he had developed a small crush on Derek. Derek worked in the same building as Stiles. He had met Derek one day when he had run into Derek and Lydia going for a lunch. After that the two hung out almost every lunch.

"I can't say, he's in the room," Derek told them.

"Come on Derek, you have to tell us," Scott coaxed.

"Lydia will hate me," Derek groaned.

"Why?" Stiles asked. His heart had began racing once Derek said he had a crush on someone in the room, it was a 50% chance it was him.

"Cause she's engaged to him." Scott and Stiles both gasped and looked at each other in shock.

"Games over," Stiles finally regained his composure. "Scott go downstairs for dinner. I have to babysit Derek."

"I'm sorry," Derek apologized.

"Whatever, lets just put on a movie."

Stiles still couldn't process that Derek has a crush on Scott. It was ridiculous. After almost three months of having lunches and texting stiles had fallen for Derek, hard. Now he finds out he has a crush on his best friend. It stung.

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