Son of Poseidon and Son of Lycaon

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(Derek and the pack run the camp half blood for safe keeping and help against the newest big bad. Allison (daughter of Apollo) told them about the place. Derek meets a very unique and attractive son of Poseidon)

Derek was walking around the foreign camp. He felt out of place and uncomfortable surrounded by people he doesn't know. The pack was lead here by Allison only a few hours ago and were promised safe keeping from Catoblepas.

Derek's eyes caught a man in the lake, sharks surrounded him. In a split second, Derek dove into the lake and grabbed the man. The man, who was quite gorgeous if you ask Derek, pulled back. "What the hades?" He yelled, underwater. UNDERWATER!

Derek began to swim up for air and the man pulled him back down. Derek's eyes flashed red to warn the man. He laughed and rolled his eyes, then Derek could breath.

"What?" Derek was confused, to say the least.

"Son of Lycaon, what are you doing here?" The man asked, Derek for a good look at him for the first time. He was shirtless, major plus, with moles that scattered his body. He also had messy brown hair and big sea green eyes.

"Son of Lycaon? How am I breathing? How are you breathing? What are you doing surrounded by sharks?" Derek let questions flow out of his mouth, considering he is normally pretty quiet.

"Son of Lycaon, the first werewolf. You're breathing because I allow it. We are surrounded by sharks because I fucking like them" the boy or man, Derek couldn't decipher his age, replied. An Australian accent clear in his voice.

"I'm Derek, Derek hale" Derek introduced himself.

"Stiles Stilinski, Son of Poseidon, god of the sea" stiles said.

"Stiles?" Derek's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"It's a nickname. My real name is much to polish to pronounce" stiles laughed as a shark brushed up against him.

"And the sharks they won't harm us?" Derek looked nervous.

"No" stiles laughed.

"So what drove you to jump into a lake swarmed with sharks" stiles accent was music to Derek's ears.

"I thought you were in trouble. I guess I thought I stand a better chance against a shark" Derek shrugged.

"I appreciate the thought new comer" stiles laughed.

"How do you know I'm new? You seemed to know about wolves enough" Derek asked.

"I stay here all year round, everyone around here knows me. Campers also normal don't jump into the lake" stiles explained.

"Why wouldn't they jump in, it's beautiful down here" Derek stared deep into stiles eyes, they seemed to reflect the colour of the lake. Derek began to wonder if they reflected the colour of whatever body of water he was in or near.

"There was a man eating sea creature awhile back. Edwin was mostly harmless, just had anger issues. I haven't seen him in awhile" stiles said.

"You named him Edwin?" Derek laughed.

"I didn't name him anything, he asked me to call him that" stiles huffed.

"So what's your story, how did you end up here?" Derek asked. The smell of sadness came off of stiles and Derek almost said something before stiles began to talk.

"I was born out in Australia, if you can't tell by my accent. My mom was a marine biologist. She let me spend everyday in the ocean. People started to question her parenting skills, letting me play alone in the ocean. She knew I would be safe" stiles laughed.
"Started coming for the summers, when I was four. My mom passed away when I was ten and I moved here. Haven't left since" stiles told him.

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