Romeo and Juliet II

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So I wrote smut for the first time. Sorry if it's bad

The one with foxes and wolves.

(The wolves and foxes have been at war for generations. In attempts to solve it the government made it mandatory for ever wolf and fox under eighteen to attend camp. Derek is a wolf, not just any Wolf. He's apart of the hale pack, the son of the alpha next to the throne. Stiles is a shifter, only one in the world. He's part wolf and part fox. He had the powers and abilities of both species)

Derek tried to keep an open mind, he really did. In a world full of supernatural creatures and humans, you had to. It was hard though, his grandparents and great grandparents weren't so open minded. They all had their opinion on foxes and none of them were good, they also had their opinions about this camp.

Derek wanted to go though. The location looked gorgeous and the foxes and wolves would be separated in different sides of camp. Some of his closest friends were going to be there, Isaac, boyd and Erica. Also his cousin and sisters would be there, Laura, Cora and Malia.

"Derek it's time to go hun" Talia called him. Derek chucked a few more hoodies and socks in his bag. Derek was a wolf and ran hot, he really didn't need hoodie. He loved them though, he loved the security they gave him. No one would look at him differently, girls stopped looking at him like a prize. Derek put up with the slight heat stroke he got every time he wore one.

"Coming mom" Derek zipped up his suitcase and walked down the stairs. He'd be away for a month and a half. The longest he's ever been away from his pack is a weekend, during a school camping trip. The pack were allowed to visit every Sunday.

Derek, Laura, Cora, Malia, boyd, Isaac and Erica all backed into the small bus they owned. Derek rolled his eyes every time he saw it, it was slightly over the top. It was useful though, he couldn't lie about that, being in one of the largest packs meant needing the biggest things.


"Stiles" the sheriff called.

"Coming dad" stiles wasn't ready though. He was nervous, his heart was racing. His dad had signed him up to the fox side of the camp. His mother was a fox and once she died his dad wasn't sure what to do. His father came from a long line of wolves.

Not a lot of people knew about stiles. Everyone knew there was a half wolf half fox out there, but no one know who and some people thought he was a myth.

"I'm not getting younger stiles" the sheriff joke. Stiles rolled his eyes as he grabbed his suitcase. It was now or never. Plus if he forgot anything his dad could bring it on Sundays.

"I'm ready" stiles grabbed his red hoodie.

"Finally" the sheriff joked. He grabbed his keys and they headed to the cruiser.


"Bye mom" Derek said for what must have been the one hundredth time.

"Bye sweet heart. I love you" Talia kisses his cheek one more time before she drove off.

Derek sighed in relief. It was going to be nice to get some freedom.

"Come on Der, they are giving room assignments" Laura called at him. He zoned out though, he saw a beautiful creature from across the field. He was a fox, he must have been standing with the rest of them. His short brown hair and moles that drove Derek crazy.

"Derek" Cora yanked him by the hand. "Let's go loser."

Derek nodded and stood with the rest of the wolves, waiting for the assignments.

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