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This is over 10 000 words long. My longest by far! I hope you like it, its very very loosely based on Van Helsing. Not really any spoilers though if you haven't seen it. Hope you enjoys!

"Let us in, please let us in. They're going to kill us." Derek could here the begging outside. He couldn't trust them though, some of the vampires they sound and look human. "I swear we aren't one of them and we can prove it."

Derek felt compelled to open the door. He felt like they weren't lying to him, but then again the vampires were masters at manipulation.

"Were under the UV lights, were not burning. We'll touch anything, garlic, a cross, anything, we'll do anything. Were not safe out here. Please."

"Come in," Derek grunted and opened the door fully. Once they were inside and Derek could finally smell them properly, they didn't smell too much like death but the again everyone sort of did now a day. "Go shower."

The three nodded and followed Derek to the washrooms. "I'm Erica, by the way, and this is Boyd and Isaac."

"Shower, you reek," Derek ordered again. "Then we will talk, go over the rules."

"Rules?" Isaac asked.

Derek just ignored them and walked out of the washrooms. He headed off to the supply closet to find whatever clothes he could scavenge. Most of them were old scrubs, nothing fancy but then again there wasn't many options at the hospital.

The three came out from the bathroom, showered and changed. Derek could no longer smell the death on them, they were just regular humans. Derek felt relief, he hadn't messed up.

"So there are some rules?" Erica asked. She was drying her blonde hair on an old towel.

"Stay inside, ration the food and the bullets."

"Thats all?" Boyd seemed surprised.

"No one touches him." Derek pointed at the body in the room.

"Who is that?" Isaac asked.

"Too many questions," Derek grunted in reply.

"We're just supposed to blindly trust this dude?" Isaac looked over to the others.

"He saved our life. We both know that Kali is hunting us and we wouldn't have lasted any longer," Erica whispered, making sure Derek wouldn't hear.

"I feel bad, we doomed him," Boyd mumbled.

"Look what we did to Enis was to save people, were all on the same side here okay. We all want the same thing, it not our fault if people die along the way," Erica assured the boys. "It's not like were going to murder him."

The boys nodded. "Kali can't get us in here anyways, not with the UV lights."

They settled down for bed, it had been a long day. Derek stayed in the room with the body. There was a large window so they could see in, like an operation room. Whatever or whoever the pale boy was on the bed Derek was protecting him.

"Do you think he loves him?" Isaac asked. "I just don't know why he cares so much about someone who is dead."


"He's not dead," Derek said the next morning at breakfast.

"What?" Isaac looked up.

"He's not dead, but he's not alive either."

"What does that even mean?" Erica asked.

"Dr. McCall told me he will end this war. That I should protect him with my life until she could find out how to wake him." Derek stabbed at his food. "She called him Stiles."

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