The one where Stiles knows

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Haven't written in awhile so just trying to get back into it:) please enjoy this short little fluffy piece. Based off a post about twilight I saw once about how Bella should've acted once she knew vampires existed:)

Stiles transferred to BHHS halfway through the first semester. His parents were divorced It was now the start of the second semester and lots has changed for stiles. Mainly he got a great group of friends. He loved them all more than anything. Most of all he loved to mess with them.

It was easy with the pack. That's right stiles called them a pack... a werewolf pack. Stiles figured out about a week ago. Stiles got suspicious about a month into knowing them. He saw it in the way they growled to show anger. A few weeks later he could have sworn he saw Cora's eyes turn yellow. The full moon tipped Stiles over the edge. They all acted so different on full moons. The third full moon is when stiles confirmed his suspicions.

Stiles was closest with Derek and Scott. Scott was his best friend and Derek was his boyfriend. He hung out with the pack most days, but he never went a day without seeing Derek or Scott. Especially Derek, Scott was off sometimes with Isaac but Derek always made time for him.

During full moons they always acted distant, but the third full moon was the weirdest. Unlike the other two full moons, they had school the third one. The whole pack was at school, except Derek. Stiles wanted to check on stiles and the whole pack immediately snapped and told him not too.

Stiles went anyways, he snuck out during his spare when the rest of the pack had classes. Stiles immediately regretted going. The hale house wasn't far if you cut through the woods behind the school, but being at the hale house felt eerie in every sense. Even in broad daylight Stiles could swear the house was dark and creepy, like he had never seen it before.

Knocking the door felt like something out of a horror story, the three light taps stiles did seem to echo for ages.

"What are you doing here?" Derek growled as he answered the door.

"The pack said your were sick." Stile suddenly felt nervous under Derek's glare. "I wanted to drop by and see if you were okay."

"I'm fine." Derek's response was less human than before and the door slamming in his face confirmed to Stiles that Derek didn't want him over.

Something about Derek animalistic voices and growls confirmed everything stiles had thought before and his claws extended from his hands were the cherry over the top. Stiles knew they were all wolves.

The next day Derek came to his house with curly fries and milkshakes as an apology. He mumbled something about feeling nauseous yesterday and that he was sorry about being a dick. Stiles smiled softly and accepted the offering.


"So," stiles began as he sat down at the lunch table with them. "Would you ever fuck a werewolf?"

Isaac spat milk out his milk as Laura tried to play it off her chocking as a cough. The rest seemed too stun to act.

"I wouldn't," stiles answered his own question.

"You wouldn't?" Eric's raised her eyebrow.

Stiles shook his head. "Nope."

"I would," Lydia cleared her throat. "Think it could be fun you know."

"I agree," Scott nodded. "Very fun."

Stiles shook his head. He turned his gaze right to Derek as he spoke. "I wouldn't."

"I bet Derek would right," Cora nudged her brother.

"Ya," Derek replied. His eyes still locked with stiles.

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