Hear no evil

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My longest one shot so far with over 7000 words. Hope you enjoy:)

TW: very brief mention of an eating disorder

Stiles head was pounded, he hated having to go out in public especially when it's busy. Everyone was thinking too loudly. Some would thinking being able to read minds is cool, a superpower, but what they fail to realize is that you can't just turn it off. It's constantly hearing peoples inner thoughts, it feels like you're violating them almost.

Stiles really needed to grab what he came for an get out. He turned down the cereal aisle and ran in a wall. "Fuck," Stiles looked up to realize it wasn't a wall at all, but a man."Sorry."

The man grunted in return. Stiles paused for a minute and examined the man. He was extremly attractive, not a flaw on his body, but something was off. Stiles couldn't hear his thoughts. It was almost peaceful, minus the thoughts of everyone else in the store, but it was also infuriating not knowing what the man thought. 

"I'm Stiles." This was new for Stiles, actually introducing himself to someone new, normally Stiles liked to stay clear of new people. Normally he knew their intentions, normally he didn't bother. This man was different though, Stiles was intrigued.

"Derek," the man, Derek, grunted once more. Did this guy know how to talk? If Stiles could read his mind it'd probably only be grunts.

"Sorry again," Stiles apologized once more. He couldn't seem to find the strength to leave.

"Der bear," a female voice sung as she came over to Derek. "Oh hi I'm Laura."

"I'm stiles." Stiles couldn't read her mind either.

"It's nice to meet you. I have to steal Der here though. I need his thoughts on what to bring to the barbecue tonight," Laura explained.

"Fruit platter," stiles mumbled.

"What?" Laura raised an eyebrow intrigued.

"No one ever brings a fruit platter and people always want one. Trust me I know," stiles told her.

"Fruit platter it is then. Der can I have your credit card please." Derek grumbled as he pulled out his wallet and handed it to Laura.

"I'm just a bank to her," he joked lightly. Stiles cracked a smile.

"I should get going and leave you two," stiles hurried off. It was so strange not knowing what they were thinking. Derek obviously hated him though so it didn't really make a difference if stiles could read his mind or not. Laura seemed very friendly, but then again it's not like stiles would ever see them again. Beacon hills was decently small, but he normally went out of his way to avoid people.


It was the full moon. No one ever went out during full moons, especially not at 11:30. The town was almost scared. There's an animal attack every few years and it always seems to fall on the full moon. Stiles didn't care though, people weren't around and it was so peaceful.

Voice started to fill his head and stiles almost sat down on the road as had a tantrum.

"Stiles," Laura called from the group. It was suddenly clear to stiles that all those voice were people talking and not just their thoughts.

"Hey Laura," stiles replied.

"The fruit platter was a hit. It was like you could read their minds," Laura told him. Stiles laughed lightly.

"I'm glad."

"Why are you out at 11:30 on a Tuesday night?" Laura asked.

"I could ask you the same thing."

Sterek one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें