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(Stiles is a Slytherin, the child of the most hated wizard and witch in all of history and the only American student in all of Hogwarts, so he gets a lot of unwanted attention. Derek is a hale. Hales are a long line of Gryffindors and they all become some sort of professor)

"Bye sweetheart" Talia, Derek's mother, kissed his forehead as they stood on the platform.

"Bye mom" Derek blushed slightly, he was in his sixth year he really didn't need his mother kissing him goodbye.

"Listen Derek, I got a tip that the child of Voldemort and Bellatrix is coming to Hogwarts. No one else knows and you cannot discuss this with anyone. I want you to stay away from them" Talia warned.

Derek scoffed, like he would talk to some first year Slytherin anyways. Most Gryffindors seemed to steer away from Slytherins, especially after the war.


Derek paid more attention to this sorting ceremony than he has since first year. He watched every single Slytherin get sorted, wondering with one was the child.

The rumours about Voldemort and Bellatrix's child have been around since Voldemort died, 16 years ago. They were never proven and the child had apparently been sent to live with a muggle family.

"We also have a sixth year transfer. Stilinski" McGonagall announced. All the first years had already gone up.

Derek perked up, having a transfer was basically unheard of. It happened around every ten to fifteen years.

Stilinski walked onto the stage and sat down. Derek was in awe of his beauty. He couldn't see to well, but he could still see his beauty.

He chewed nervously on his plump pink lips, that Derek wanted to kiss so badly. He had moles scattered a cross his skin and messy brown hair. As far as Derek could tell the boy had whiskey and honey coloured eyes.

Derek needed to know who this boy was. Derek crossed his fingers that he was a Gryffindor, it was so much easier to become friends with people in your house.

Against Derek's prayers the hat called for the gorgeous new boy to join Slytherin. Derek mentally cursed, it would be much harder to get to know a Slytherin. Any other house except Slytherin would be fine.

The boy scoffed and rolled his eyes. That was the normal expression that Slytherins had. They ether excepted to join that house or hated the house. Mostly they come from a long line of Slytherins.

Derek watched as the boy, who wasn't in robes, walk and sit down at the Slytherin table.

"What are you staring at?" Erica asked, she was his annoying best friend.

"Nothing, I zoned out" Derek lied.

"Come on, we have new recruits to pick on" Erica smirked and jumped to walked back to the dorm.


Rumours spread quickly about the new student. Derek normally didn't care about school gossip, but he wanted to hear about the gorgeous stranger who caught his attention.

It wasn't even first day of classes and the new kid was basically famous.

Mostly all that he heard was that the boy was American, he swore a lot and lived with his muggle father.

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