Super Hale and his super ass

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(Super girl/ Superman AU. Stiles has been working at the daily planet with Derek Hale aka Superman and Kara Danvers aka super girl. Stiles has the biggest crush on Derek, but too bad he's dating Kara. At least that's what stiles thinks)

"It's so unfair Scott" stiles whined on the phone.

"Please complain about it again" Scott replied sarcastically.

"He's just too god damn attractive. How did god decide it was fair to give one man all that beauty. All this would be fine, but he's straight and dating. He's dating Kara, a gorgeous blonde girl who's so much more in his league than I am" stiles ranted.

"Stop putting yourself down stiles. You can't change the fact that he's with someone else. That doesn't mean you're lesser Sti, it just means he fell in love with her before he got to meet the real you" Scott said sincerely.

"Thanks Scotty" stiles sighed.

"Now go back to the office, your lunch break is over in five" Scott told him. Stiles got into the elevator, to got from the cafeteria on the main floor to level 23.

"I love you Scotty" stiles said.

"I love you too Sti" Scott hung up the phone.


"Stop eavesdropping on stilinski's coversation" Kara snapped.

"I can't help it. He's telling him that he loves him" Derek pouted.

"Here we go again" Kara mumbled.

"How is it fair for someone to be so attractive? How is it fair that I have to sit in my office everyday, that's right across from him, and not be able to kiss him. His laugh sounds like angels and his voice, oh I could listen to him ramble on all day" Derek told her.

"I'm sorry he's dating someone else Der, I really am. There's nothing you can do about it though. It's time for you to move on. Trust your older cousin" Kara patted his arm.

"We are the same age" Derek reminded her.

"That's because I was stuck in a dumb time warp" Kara huffed. When krypton exploded Kal El or Derek Hale was sent down to earth along with his older cousin Kara El. Sadly she got stuck and didn't age for thirteen years. Derek grew up with the hales on a farm. When he was thirteen he met Kara. Kara went to live with the danvers, only a few houses away from Derek.

"I bet Scott can't fly, or deflect bullets, or save buildings on fire" Derek crossed his arms to pout.

"Hey Stilinski" Kara called as stiles walked passed her desk.

"Yes Danvers?" Derek was super jealous of Kara. She got a few cases with stiles a while back, before the daily planet and cat co became one. She could have actually conversations with stiles, not just the 'excuse me' and 'sorry' that Derek experienced.

"The guy you were on the phone with" Kara began.

"Scott?" Stiles raised an eyebrow.

"Yes him, what does he do?" Kara asked.

"Firefighter. Why?" Stiles replied.

"Just wondering" Kara said. Stiles shrugged and walked away.

"Guess he does save people and buildings" Kara smirked.

"He still can't fly."


"He has the nicest ass ever" stiles told Lydia. Lydia was someone else Derek was jealous of. Stiles talked to her about everything and anything. It was unfair.

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